College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
8902 Patnaik, N.C., J.N. Mohanty, B.K. Mishra, and M.K. Ghode. 1990 Control of sugarcane pyrilla by Epiricania melanoleuca (Fletcher) (Epipyropidae: Lepidoptera) in Puri District of Orissa. Journal of Biological Control 4(1): 15-17
6856 Asre, R., P.K. Gupta and A.D. Pawar. 1983 Control of sugarcane Pyrilla by its natural enemies. Indian Farming 33: 37-38.
9225 Dyck, V.A. and G. C. Orlido. 1977 Control of the brown planthopper ( Nilaparvata lugens ) by natural enemies and timely application of narrow-spectrum insecticides. In: The Rice Brown Planthopper. Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region, Taipei. Pp 58-72.
9355 Tyoyda, K. 1970 Control of the brown planthopper in autumn by application of granular insecticide on the soil surface. Proceedings of the Association for Plant Protection of Kyushu 16: 17-24. [Japanese]
9350 Takai A. 1971 Control of the brown planthopper with several insecticides. Kontjetsu-no-Noyku 15: 22-24.
5081 Badilla F., W. Jara and W. Gordillo. 2004 Control of the leaf-hopper Perkinsiella saccharicida with the fungi Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae. Manejo Integrado de Plagas y Agroecologica 73: 29-34. pdf
6820 Wajih, I. and S. Hamid. 1983 Control of the sugarcane Pyrilla in Sind. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research 4(4): 255-259. pdf
8410 Pathak, P.K. and G.S. Khush. 1975 Control of upland rice insects through varietal resistance In: International Rice Research Institute. Major Research in Upland Rice. Los Banos, Philippines. Pp. 117-135. pdf
11818 Yagual Tomala, K. S. 1979 Control quimico de Sogatodes orizicola Muir (Homoptera: Delphacidae) desde la etapa del semillero en arroz. Thesis Ingeniero Agronomo. Facultad de Agronomia y Veterinaria, Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador. 48 pp. pdf
8621 Zhang, X.L., J.M. Zhang, and G.F. Zhang. 1999 Control strategies of brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens in mid and late gen-rice areas. Entomological Knowledge 36(3): 129-132.
5386 Pablico, S. 2004 Control the important pests of mango. Agriculture (Philippines) 8(11): 54-56.
14647 OZOE, Yoshihisa, Yoshiki MATSUBARA, Yuji TANAKA, Yasuhide YOSHIOKA, Fumiyo OZOE, Takahiro SHIOTSUKI, Kazuki NOMURA, Toshifumi NAKAO, and Shinichi BANBA. 2023 Controlled expression of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-encoding genes in insects uncovers distinct mechanisms of action of the neonicotinoid insecticide dinotefuran. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 191: 105378. [Nilaparvata lugens]
8785 Kehrli, P. and N. Delabays. 2012 Controlling 'bois noir' disease on grapevine: does the timing of herbicide application affect vector emergence? Journal of Applied Entomology 136(3): 234-237.
14362 Syahrawati, M., Arneti, and S. Desiska. 2021 Controlling brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål) by joint predators Pardosa pseudoannulata Boesenberg and Strand and Verania lineata Thunberg) under competitive conditions Agrikultura CRI Journal 1(2): 1-13. pdf
7526 Lin, F.G., Y. Zhao, G.C. Chou, Q.Q. Wang, Y.G. Wang, and X.S. Cheng. 2006 Controlling effects of endosulfan and other insecticides on small brown planthopper in wheat. Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences 2006(3): 86-88.
7147 Hu, H.Z., Chen, B.N. Zhu, and Y.Q. Zhao. 2007 Controlling the 4th generation nymphae of Nilaparvata lugens by using pesticide 25% Actara (thiamethoxam) SC. Journal of Zhejiang Agricultural Sciences 33(4): 456-458. pdf
5652 Picciau, L., S. Lavezzaro, A. Morrando, A. Cesano, D. Cuttini, M.A. Saladini, and A. Alma. 2010 Controlling the vector limits the black wood incidence in grapevines. Informatore Agrario 66(25): 57-59.
9399 Angeli, G., V. Girolami, S. Finato,and L. Delaiti. 2001 Controllo biologico della cicalina Metcalfa pruinosa. Terra Trentina 47(1): 34-36.
6707 Girolami, V. and L. Mazzon. 1999 Controllo di Metcalfa pruinosa ad opera di Neodryinus typhlocybae. Informatore Agrario 19: 87-91.
10898 Sharma, P.N., N. Mori, S. Takumi, and C. Nakamura. 2014 Conventional and molecular studies of brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal) resistance genes in rice: a basis for future study of natural insect resistance genes using molecular markers in Nepal. Nepal Journal of Science and Technology 15(1): 145-156. pdf
7374 Liu, H.Y. and Q.M. Yang. 2004 Convulsion regulation and controls of white-backed planthopper in early-season rice. Journal of Shaoguan University 25(3): 81-82,116.
7698 Qiu, G., Z.J. Dai, Z.Y. Gu, F. Lu, and Y.W. Sun. 2003 Cooperate action of imidacloprid -triazophos 20%EC on controlling rice planthopper and paddy stem borer. Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences 2003(5): 50-52.
11187 Cayabyab, B.F., W.R. Cuaterno, P.G. Gonzales, and M.D. Ebuenga. 2009 Cooperative surveillance and management of invasive alien species in the Philippines. In: H.C. Sim, (ed.). Asia and the Pacific Forest Health Workshop Forest Health in a Changing World. Extended abstracts From the workshop held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1–3 December 2008. International Union of Forest Research Organizations Volume 2. Pp. 82-85 pdf
558 Chapman, R. F. 1983 COPR's brown planthopper research programme. Antenna 7(2): 71-74.
2863 Liquido, N.J. and R.S. Rejesus. 1984 Copulation behavior and mating selection among biotypes of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Entomological Research Bulletin 6(2): 183-189.
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