College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
6421 Guagliumi. P. 1953 El saltahoja de la caña de azucar Saccharosydne saccharivora Westw. y la fumagina en Venezuela. Ministerio de Agricultura y Cría. Instituto Nacional de Agricultura. Venezuela. Boletín Técnico number 7: 1-82. number 7: 1–82.
11500 Castellani O. 1953 Contributo alla conocenza della fauna emitterologica d’Italia. Hemiptera Homoptera. Bollettino della Associazione Romana di Entomologia 7: 15–16.
11776 Bode, A. 1953 Die Insektenfauna des Ostniedersächsischen oberen Lias. Palaeontographica (Abt. A) 103: 1–375.
12471 Linnavuori, R.E. 1953 Contributions to the Hemipterous fauna of Palestine II. Annales Entomologici Fennici 19: 119-124.
12760 Haupt, H. 1953 Insekten mit rätselhaften Verzierungen. In: Dr. Kleinschmidt, (ed.). Die Neue Brehm-Bucherei. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, St & Portig K.-G., Leipzig, Germany. 55 pp. pdf
310 Beamer, R.H. 1954 A revision of the genus Achorotile in America North of Mexico. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 27(4): 143–147. pdf
461 Brown, R.W. 1954 Composition of Scientific Words. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. –
466 Brues, C. T., A. L. Melander and F. M. Carpenter. 1954 Classification of insects. Keys to the living and extinct families of insects, and to the living families of other terrestrial arthropods. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 108: 1–917.
656 China, W.E. 1954 Delphacodes Fieber, 1866, versus Calligypona J. Sahlberg, 1871 (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 90: 165. pdf
841 Cumber, R.A. 1954 Studies on Oliarus atkinsoni Myers (Hem. : Cixiidae), vector of the "Yellow- Leaf" disease of Phormium tenax Forst. IV. - Disease-vector relationships. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology, Section B 35: 530–549. pdf
1051 Dlabola, J. 1954 Fauna CSR, Svazek l. Krisi -Homoptera. [Fauna CSR, Volume l. Krisi - Homoptera.]. Nakladatelstvi Ceskoslovenske Akademie Ved, Sekce Biologicka, Praha, Czech Republic. 339 pp. [Slovakian with Russian and German summaries] pdf
1516 Fennah, R.G. 1954 The Higher classification of the family Issidae (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea) with descriptions of new species. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 105(19): 455–474. pdf
2343 Ishihara, T. 1954 Two new species of Delphacidae from the south of Japan (Hemiptera). Insecta Matsumurana 18(3–4): 111–114 pdf
2344 Ishihara, T. 1954 Homopterous notes. Scientific Reports of the Matsuyama Agricultural College 14: 1–28.
2824 Lindberg, H. 1954 Entomologische Ergebnisse der finländischen Kanaren-Expedition 1947-1951. N:o 1. Hemiptera Insularum Canariensium. Systematik, Okologie und Verbreitung der Kanarischen Heteropteren und Cicadinen. Commentationes Biologicae 14(1): 1–304. pdf
3160 Metcalf, Z.P. 1954 General Catalogue of the Hemiptera. Fascicle IV, Fulgoroidea. Part 11 Tropiduchidae. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina. 167 pp. pdf
3161 Metcalf, Z.P. 1954 General Catalogue of the Hemiptera. Fascicle IV, Fulgoroidea. Part 14 Acanaloniidae. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina. 55 pp. pdf
3162 Metcalf, Z.P. 1954 Homoptera from the Bahama Islands. American Museum Novitates 1698: 1–46. pdf
3163 Metcalf, Z.P. 1954 Some new species of Homoptera. Beiträge zur Entomologie 5(5/6): 604–613. pdf
4111 Smreczynski, S. 1954 Materialy do fauny pluskwiakow (Hemiptera) Polski. [Data to the Hemiptera fauna of Poland.] Fragmenta Faunistica 7: 1–146.
4222 Metcalf, Z.P. 1954 General Catalogue of the Hemiptera. Fascicle IV, Fulgoroidea. Part 12 Nogodinidae. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina. 75 pp. pdf
4582 Wagner, W. 1954 Die Fulgoroidea der Omer-Cooper-Expedition in die Lybische Wueste (Hemiptera-Homoptera). Bulletin de la Societe Fouad Ier d’Entomologie 38: 211–224. pdf
4686 Wene, G.P. and P.T. Riherd. 1954 Control of Puss caterpiller and fulgorids attacking ornimentals during 1953. Rio Grande Valley Horticultural Society and Journal of the Texas Avacado Society Yearbook 1953: 45–46.
6131 Turbott, E.G. and T.E. Woodward. 1954 The occurrence of Achilus flammeus Kirby in New Zealand (Homoptera; Fulgoroidea; Achilidae). New Zealand Entomologist 1(4): 25–27. pdf
7806 Lallemand, V. and H. Synave. 1954 Homoptères nouveaux de Madagascar. Le Naturaliste Malgache 6: 79–82. pdf
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