Planthopper Bibliography Database
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176 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
4374 | Truman, J.W., and L.M. Riddiford. 1999 The origins of insect metamorphosis. Nature 401: 447-452. |
4375 | Trümbach, H. 1959 Die Zikaden und Psylliden der Umgebung Erlangens, eine systematisch-ökologische Untersuchung. Sitzungsberichte der Physikalisch-Medicinischen Societit zu Erlangen 79: 102-151. |
4376 | Truol, G.A., T. Usugi, J. Hirao, J.D. Arneodo, M.P. Gimenez-Pecci and I.G. Laguna. 2000 Transmision experimental del virus del mal de Rio Cuarto por Delphacodes kuscheli. [Experimental transmission of Mal del Rio Cuarto virus by Delphacodes kuscheti.] Fitopatologia Brasileira 26(1): 39-44. [Portuguese] pdf |
4377 | Tsai, J.H. 1975 Occurrence of a corn disease in Florida transmitted by Peregrinus maidis. Plant Disease Reporter 59: 830-833. |
4378 | Tsai, J.H. 1975 Transmission studies of three suspected insect vectors of lethal yellowing of coconut palm. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) Plant Protection Bulletin 23: 140-145. |
4379 | Tsai, J.H. 1977 Attempts to transmit lethal yellowing of coconut palmsby the planthopper Haplaxius crudus. Plant Disease Reporter 61: 304-307. |
4380 | Tsai, J.H. 1980 Lethal yellowing of coconut palm: search for a vector. In: K.F. Harris and K. Maramorosch, (eds.). Vectors of Plant Pathodens. Academic Press, New York. Pp. 176-200. |
4381 | Tsai, J.H. 1988 Lethal yellowing of coconut palms. In: C. Hiruki Tree mycoplasma and mycoplasma diseases. University of Alberta Press, Edmonton. Pp. 99-107. |
4382 | Tsai, J.H. 1992 Lethal yellowing of palms. In: K. Maramorosch, (ed.). Plant diseases of viral, viroid, mycoplasma, and uncertain etiology. Westview Press, Boulder Colorado. Pp. 83-94. |
4383 | Tsai, J.H. 1996 Development and oviposition of Peregrinus maidis (Homoptera: Delphacidae) on various host plants. Florida Entomologist 79(1): 19-26. pdf |
4385 | Tsai, J.H. and B.W. Falk. 1988 Tropical maize pathogens and their associated insect vectors. In: K.F. Harris, ed. Advances in disease vector reserch 5. Springer-verlag, New York. Pp. 177-201. |
4386 | Tsai, J.H. and J.B. Fisher. 1993 Feeding sites of some leaf- and planthopper insects (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha) associated with coconut palms. Principes 37(1): 35-41. pdf |
4387 | Tsai, J.H. and O.H. Kirsch. 1978 Bionomics of Haplaxius crudus (Homoptera: Cixiidae). Environmental Entomology 7(2): 305-308. pdf |
4388 | Tsai, J.H. and J.L. Perrier. 1993 Morphology of the digestive and reproductive systems of Peregrinus maidis (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Florida Entomologist 76 (3): 428-436. pdf |
4389 | Tsai, J.H. and F.W. Mead, 1982 Rotary net survey of homopterans in palm plantings in south Florida. Journal of Economic Entomology 75(5): 809-812. |
4390 | Tsai, J.H. and S.W. Wilson. 1986 Biology of Peregrinus maidis with descriptions of immature stages. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 79(3): 395-401. pdf |
4391 | Tsai, J.H. and T.A. Zitter. 1982 Characteristics of maize stripe virus transmission by the corn delphacid. Journal of Economic Entomology 75(3): 397-400. |
4392 | Tsai, J.H., N.L. Woodiel, and O.H. Kirsch. 1976 Rearing techniques for Haplaxius crudus (Homoptera: Cixiidae). Florida Entomologist 59: 41-43. pdf |
4393 | Tsai, J.H., S.W. Wilson, and H.C. Faan. 1986 Peregrinus maidis (Homoptera: Delphacidae) from southern China. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 94(3): 442-443. pdf |
4394 | Tsai, J.H., B. Steinberg, and B.W. Falk. 1990 Effectiveness and residual effects of seven insecticides on Dalbulus maidis (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) and Peregrinus maidis (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Journal of Entomological Science 25(1): 106-111. |
4395 | Tsai, P., F. Hwang, W. Feng, Y. Fu, and Q. Dong. 1964 Study on Delphacodes striatella Fallen (Homoptera, Delphacidae) in north China. Acta Entomologica Sinica 13: 552-571. pdf |
4396 | Raatikainen, M. 1961 Dicondylus belleni n. sp. (Hym., Dryinidae), a parasite of Calligypona sordidula (Stal) and C. excisa (Mel.) Annales Entomologici Fennici 27: 126-137. |
4397 | Tsaur, S.C. 1988 Cixiidae of Taiwan. Part (3) Bennini. Journal of Taiwan Museum 41(2): 75-78. |
4398 | Tsaur, S.C. 1989 A new species of Oliarus from Taiwan (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea: Cixiidae). Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology Academia Sinica (Taipei) 28(3): 171-174. pdf |
4399 | Tsaur, S.C. 1989 Cixiidae of Taiwan, part 4. Stenophlepsini with description of a new species. Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology Academia Sinica (Taipei) 28(2): 81-85. |