Planthopper Bibliography Database
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203 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
6113 | Helden, A.J. and H. Sheridan 2006 An Irish population of the little-known planthopper Paraliburnia clypealis (Hom., Delphacidae) in a very unexpected habitat'. Irish Naturalists Journal 28(6): 232–239. pdf |
2033 | Helden, A.J. and S.R. Leather. 2004 Biodiversity on urban roundabouts-Hemiptera, management and the species-area relationship. Basic and Applied Ecology 5(4): 367-377. |
12409 | Helden, A.J., A. Dittrich and R. Mckenzie. 2012 Ribautodelphax imitans (Ribaut) at Coe Fen, Cambridge. LEDRA (Leafhopper Distribution Recording & Analysis) newsletter. Spring 2012, 2: 5. pdf |
10763 | Helden, A.J., R. Mckenzie, G. Cobbold, P.V. Grice, G.Q.A. Anderson, and M.A. MacDonald. 2015 Field‐based grassland management for cirl buntings (Emberiza cirlus L.) and its effect on plant‐and leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Insect Conservation and Diversity 8(3): 272-281. |
2034 | Heller, F.R. 1960 Die Zikade Haematoloma dorsatum nun auch in Württemberg festgestellt. Jahreshefte des Vereins für vaterländische Naturkunde in Württemberg 115: 356-357. |
2035 | Heller, F.R. 1987 Eine große Singzikade im Rosensteinpark in Stuttgart. Mitteilungen Entomologischer Verein Stuttgart 22: 93-94. |
2036 | Heller, F.R. 1991 Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) (Homoptera, Flatidae). Mitteilungen Entomologischer Verein Stuttgart 26: 60. |
2037 | Heller, F.R. 1994 Ribautiana debilis (Douglas), eine für Deutschland neue Kleinzikade (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Mitteilungen Entomologischer Verein Stuttgart 29: 119-120. |
2740 | Heller, F.R. 1966 Eine neue Fulgoridae aus Neu-Guinea, Hellerides butawengi n.sp. (Homoptera). Stuttgarter Beitrage zur Naturkunde 168: 1-4. pdf |
6168 | Heller, F.R. 1973 Erstfund einer asiatishchen Zikade fur Mitteleuropa: Ribautodelphax ochreata Vilbaste aus der Schweiz. Entomologische Zeitschrift 83(23): 257-259. |
11730 | Heller, F.R. 1996 Vier fur Deutschland neue Zikaden. Megadelphax haglundi (J. Sahlbg.), Arboridia erecta (Rib. 1931), Fruticidia sanguinosa (Rey 1891) und Recilia horvathi (Then 1896) (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Mitteilungen des entomologischen Vereins Stuttgart 31: 112-116. pdf |
12767 | Heller, F.R. 1984 Colour paintings of Fulgoroidea and Cicadellidae. p. 422 In: Fifth Auchenorrhyncha Meeting in Davos, Switzerland August 28-31, 1984. Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique Suisse 57(4): 393-452. pdf |
9524 | Hellrigl, K. and S. Minerbi. 2005 Monitoring-Erhebungen zur Zikadenfauna Südtirols 1992-2000 (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). Forest Observer 1: 41-54. pdf |
2038 | Hellrigl, K.and S. Minerbi. 2001 Amerikanische Obstbaum-Zikade Metcalfa pruinosa (Say, 1830). Gredleriana 1: 468-470. |
10764 | Hemalatha, S., K. Ramaraju, and S. Jeyarani. 2015 First record of Metarhizium flavoviride Gams & Rozsypal var. minus on brown plant hopper from Tamil Nadu, India with infectivity on chilli and tomato thrips. Journal of Entomological Research 39(1): 15-20. |
12161 | Hemerik, L., F. Bianchi, I. van de Wiel., Daomeng Fu, Yi Zou, Haijun Xiao and E. van der Werf. 2018 Survival analysis of brown plant hoppers (Nilaparvata lugens) in rice using video recordings of predation events. Biological Control 127: 155-161. |
5727 | Hemingway, J., S. Karunaratne and S.F. Claridge. 1999 Insecticide resistance spectrum and underlying resistance mechanisms in tropical populations of the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) collected from rice and the wild grass Leersia hexandra. International Journal of Pest Management 45: 215–223. |
13014 | Hemmati, C., M. Nikooei, and A.M. Al-Sadi. 2020 Four decades of research on phytoplasma diseases of palms: A review. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology (PrePRINT) [Haplaxius crudus] |
2039 | Hempel, W., H. Hiebsch,and H. Schiemenz. 1971 Zum Einfluß der Weidewirtschaft auf die Arthropoden-Fauna im Mittelgebirge. Faunistische Abhandlungen Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde Dresden 3: 235-281. |
9525 | Henderson, R. 2011 Robertson's Flightless Planthopper (Fitchiella robertsoni). Wisconsin DNR Species Status Assessment Worksheet. Madison, Wisconsin. 10 Pp. pdf |
9021 | Hendrix, S.D. 1980 An evolutionary and ecological perspective of the insect fauna of ferns. The American Naturalist 115(2): 171-196. |
14654 | Hendrix, S.V. and C.R. Bartlett. 2023 On the status of Otiocerus coquebertii rubidus Osborn 1938 (Derbidae: Otiocerinae: Otiocerini). Entomological News 130(4): 391-396. |
14807 | Hendrix, S.V. and C.R. Bartlett. 2024 Redescription and revised genus placement of Oliarus pinicolus Osborn, 1926, with notes on Antillean Pentastirini (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Cixiidae). Zootaxa Zootaxa 5405(2): 209-226. |
14878 | Hendrix, S.V., C.R. Bartlett, T. Bourgoin, and J.M. Leavengood Jr. 2024 A new species of planthopper in the genus Mnemosyne Stål (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoromorpha: Cixiidae) from Paraguay Una nueva especie de fulgoromorfo del género Mnemosyne Stål (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoromorpha: Cixiidae) del Paraguay. Boletín del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay 28: e2024001; 3-13. pdf |
2040 | Hennig, W. 1969 Die Stammesgeschichte der Insekten. Waldemar Kramer, Frankfurt/Main. - |