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Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
9682 Morooka, S. 1992 Genetic regulation and physiological characteristics of wing form, wing size and body color expression in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Kagoshima University, Kagoshima, Japan. Ph. D dissertation.
9899 Woods, W. 1992 Phytophagous insects collected from Parkinsonia aculeata [Leguminosae: Caesalpiniaceae] in the Sonoran desert region of the southwestern United States and Mexico. BioControl 37(3): 465-474.
9930 Zhou, J.H., S.X. Zhao, C.B. Wu, and W.F. Li. 1992 Qiandongnan forest area pest census directory. Guizhou Forestry Science and Technology 20(3): 72-80. pdf
11060 Fos, A., J.L Danet, L. Zreik, M. Garnier, and J.M. Bove. 1992 Use of monoclonal antibody to detect the stolbur mycoplasma like organism in plants and insects and to identify a vector in France. Plant Disease 76: 1092-1096.
11381 Randles, J.W., D. C. Miller, J.P. Morin, W. Rohde, and D. Hanold. 1992. 1992 Localisation of coconut foliar decay virus in coconut palm. Annals of Applied Biology 121(3): 601-617.
11417 Etienne, J., G. Delvare, and Н.Р. Aberlenc. 1992 Contribution а lа connaissance de I'arthropodofaune associee апх cultures de Casamance (Senegal). Bollettino di Zoologia Agraria e di Bachicoltura, series ii 24(2): 159-193. pdf
12435 Ramirez, B.-C., G. Macaya, L.A. Calvert and A.-L. Haenni. 1992 Rice hoja blanca virus genome characterization and expression in vitro. Journal of General Virology 73: 1457-1464. pdf
1763 Remane, R. and W. della Giustina. 1992(1993) La faune de France des Delphacidae (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). IV. Récoltes et 1992 Cahiers des Naturalistes 48: 11-23. pdf
104 Arias, M., M. Vivas, and A. Pantoja. 1993 Parasitization of Tagosodes orizicolus and T. cubanus in northeastern Colombian ricefields. I International Rice Research Newsletter 18(2): 32. pdf
218 Baker, G.T. and A. Chandrapatya. 1993 Antennal sensilla of the Chinese lantern fly, Pyrops candelaria L.)Homoptera: Fulgoridae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 95(2): 245-252. pdf
237 Baqui, M.A. and W.J.S. Kershaw. 1993 Effect of plant age on host preference, honeydew production and fecundity of Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) (Hom., Delphacidae) on rice cultivars. Journal of Applied Entomology 116(2): 133-138.
238 Baqui, M.A. and W.J.S. Kershaw. 1993 Effect of plant water stress on honeydew production, weight gain and oviposition of brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens on rice cultivars. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 67(1): 25-30.
367 Bonfils, J. 1993 Deux especes nouvelles de Delphacidae de la Reunion (Hemiptera, Delphacidae). Bulletin de la Societé Entomologique de France 98(3): 223-226.
383 Bornholdt, G. and R. Remane. 1993 Veränderungen im Zikadenartenbestand eines Halbtrockenrasens in der Eifel (Rheinland-Pfalz) entlang eines Nährstoffgradienten. Zeitschrift für Ökologie und Naturschutz 2: 19-29.
410 Bourgoin, T. 1993 Female genitalia in Fulgoromorpha Hemiptera Fulgoromorpha morphological and phylogenetical data. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (Nouvelle Serie) 29(3): 225-244.
437 Brauckmann, C. and T. Schluter. 1993 Neue Insekten aus der Trias von Unter-Franken. Geologica Et Palaeontologica 2: 181-199.
480 Butlin, R.K. 1993 The variability of mating signals and preferences in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Journal of Insect Behavior 6(2): 125-140.
524 Carl, M. and K. Schönitzer. 1993 Morphologische Besonderheiten einiger einheimischer Zikadenarten (Auchenorrhyncha: Delphacidae, Cicadellidae). Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen 42(2): 56-62. pdf
569 Chelliah, S. and M. Bharathi. 1993 Biotypes of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Homoptera: Delphacidae) - host-influenced biology and behaviour. Ananthakrishnan. In: T.N. Ananthakrishnan and A. Raman, (Eds.). Chemical ecology of phytophagous insects. Oxford and IBH Science Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, Bombay and Calcutta. 133-148.
574 Chen, B.H. 1993 Occurrence and preference of Anagrus incarnatus Haliday (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) on eggs of two rice planthoppers in Taiwan. Plant Protection Bulletin (Taiwan) 35(4: 267-275.
666 Choo, H.Y. and H.K. Kaya. 1993 Parasitism of the brown planthopper by the mermithid nematode Agamermis in rice. In: R.A. Bedding, R.J. Akhurst, and H.K. Kaya. (eds.). Nematodes and the biological control of insect pests. CSIRO, East Melbourne. Pp. 21-26
668 Chou, I. and A.P. Liang. 1993 Homoptera: Fulgoroidea. In: C.M. Huang, (ed.). Animals of Longqi Mountain. China Forestry Publishing House, Place of publication not given. Pp. 193-198.
706 Claridge, M.F. 1993 Speciation in insect herbivores - the role of acoustic signals in leafhoppers and planthoppers. Linnean Society Symposium Series 14: 285-297.
716 Claridge, M.F. and J.C. Morgan. 1993 Geographical variation in acoustic signals of the planthopper, Nilaparvata bakeri (Muir), in Asia: species recognition and sexual selection. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 48(3): 267-281. pdf
825 Cronin, J.T. and D.R. Strong. 1993 Substantially submaximal oviposition rates by a mymarid egg parasitoid in the laboratory and field. Ecology 74(6): 1813-1825.
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