Planthopper Bibliography Database
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Authors Year Title Journal | |
3483 | Nuorteva, P. 1965 Zur Erforschung der Phytopathogenität der Zikade Calligypona pellucida (F.) (Hom., Delphacidae). Zoologische Beitrage (Neue Folge) 11: 191-207. |
9707 | Nuorteva, P. 1958 On the nature of the injury to plants caused by Calligypona pellucida (F.) (Hom., Araeopidae). Annales Entomologici Fennici 24: 49-59. |
9708 | Nuorteva, P. 1959 Om bollnässjukans natur (Timothy seed cultivation as a cause of the phytotoxicity of the leafhopper Calligypona pellucida (F.) to oats). Nordisk Jordbruksforskning 41: 25-31. |
3480 | Nuhardiyati, M. and R. Balfas. 1991 Forest as a possible origin of Hindola striata Maa. Industrial Crops Research Journal 4(1): 5-11. |
7899 | Nugaliyadde, L., N. Dissanayake, and J. Mitrasena. 2000 Advances in pest and disease management of rice in Sri Lanka: a review. In: H.B. Kotagama, G.A.W. Wijesekara, and D.S.A. Wijesundara (eds.). Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the Department of Agriculture. Department of Agriculture, Sri Lanka. Pp. ?? pdf |
7674 | Nugaliyadde, L., Z. Abeysiriwardena, L.G.A. Samanmalee, R. Pathirana, and R.M. Wilkins. 2001 Inheritance of resistance in rice to brown planthopper: Its implications on rice varietal improvement in Sri Lanka. Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture 3: 167-175. pdf |
7673 | Nugaliyadde, L. and R.M. Wilkins. 2000 Influence of some rice varieties on the feeding behaviour of Nilaparvata lugens. Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture 2: 239-251 pdf |
7669 | Nugaliyadde, L. and C. Kudagamage. 1988 Evaluation of varieties for resistance to insect pests. Thrips, Gall midge, Brown Planthopper and Green leafhopper. In: Screening Manual for Rice in Sri Lanka. Department of Agriculture, Peradeniya. Pp. 3-20. |
7668 | Nugaliyadde, L. and B.M. Tennakoon. 1987 Rice brown planthopper and green leafhopper, as vectors of rice virus diseases and their management through host-plant resistance. In: Rice Research Workshop, 1987. Department of Agriculture, Peradeniya. Pp.154-168. |
7675 | Nugaliyadde, L. A.A.L. Amarasinghe, and T. Hidaka. 2001 The rice brown planthopper outbreak in 1997/98 maha season: a lesson to improve rice pest management strategies. Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture 3: 185-94. |
7670 | Nugaliyadde, L. 1993 Factors associated with the resistance in rice to Nilaparvata lugens. PhD thesis. University of Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. thesis |
7671 | Nugaliyadde, L. 1986 Present status of rice brown planthopper, green leafhopper and hispa in Sri Lanka. In: Expert Consultation on Rice Brown planthopper, Green Leafhopper and Rice Hispa. RAPA publication No. 16. P. 16. |
7672 | Nugaliyadde, L. 1996 Present status of rice brown planthopper in Sri Lanka. In: Proceedings of the International workshop on sustainable insect pest management in tropical rice. CRIFC, Bogor Indonesis. P. 12. |
6501 | NPPS and ZAU (National Plant Protection Station and Zhejiang Agricultural University. 1991 List of Natural Enemies of Rice Insect Pests in China. Science Press, Beijing, China. 244 Pp. |
3478 | Nozawa, A. and T. Ohgushi. 2002 How does spittlebug oviposition affect shoot growth and bud production in two willow species? . Ecological Research 17(5): 535-543. |
3479 | Nozawa, A. and T. Ohgushi. 2002 Life-history and oviposition preference of the willow spittlebug Aphrophora pectoralis (Homoptera: Aphrophoridae). Entomological Science 5(2): 203-207. |
3477 | Noyes, J.S. and M. Hayat. 1984 A review of the genera of Indo-Pacific Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology 48(3): 131-395. |
3476 | Nowacka, W. and S. Burdajewicz. 1994 Entomofauna of the glades in the forest district of Gwda Wielka. Part 1 Auchenorrhyncha. Wiadomosci Entomologiczne 13(2): 81-86. |
9706 | Nowacka, W. 1982 leafhoppers (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) occuring on cereals and seed grass crops in Poland. Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu. Poznan, Poland. Thesis. |
13210 | Nowack, K. 2020 Ultrastrukturalna i molekularna analiza symbiontów piewika Chloriona glaucescens Fieber, 1866 (Fulgoromorpha: Delphacidae). [Ultrastructural and molecular analysis of symbionts of the planthopper, Chloriona glaucescens Fieber, 1866 (Fulgoromorpha: Delphacidae)]. Masters Thesis. Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland. [in Polish] |
5381 | Novotny, V. and Y. Basset. 1998 Seasonality of sap-sucking insects (Auchenorrhyncha, Hemiptera) feeding on Ficus (Moraceae) in a lowland rain forest in New Guinea. Oecologia 115: 514-522. pdf |
6028 | Novotny, V. and O. Missa. 2000 Local versus regional species richness in tropical insects: one lowland site compared with the island of New Guinea. Ecological Entomology 25: 445-451. pdf |
3474 | Novotny, V. and M.R. Wilson. 1997 Why are there no small species among xylem-sucking insects? Evolutionary Ecology 11: 419-437. |
3475 | Novotny, V. and J. Leps,. 1997 Distribution of leafhoppers (Auchenorrhyncha, Hemiptera) on their host plant Oxyspora paniculata (Melastomataceae) in the understory of a diverse rainforest. Ecotropica 3(2): 83-90. pdf |
2256 | Novotny, V. 1992 Community structure of Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) in Montane Rain Forest in Vietnam. Journal of Tropical Ecology 8: 169-179. |