College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
4641 Wang, Y., I. Chou, and F. Yang. 1993 On a newly recorded genus and a new species of Derbidae (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea) from China. Entomotaxonomia 15(3): 178-180. [Chinese with English summary]
11408 Fennah R.G. and J.C.M. Carvalho. 1963 On a new genus and species of fulgorid from Brazil (Homoptera, Lystrini). Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 35(3): 459-461.
3340 Nakamura, T. 1996 On a method to detect immigration period and relative abundance of the whitebacked rice planthopper, Sogatella furcifella (Horvath), in a rice paddy by water pan trap. Proceedings of the Association for Plant Protection of Kyushu 42: 62-66. pdf
692 Chujo, M. 1990 On a gigantic and curious formed Fulgora-species from Formosa. Nature and Insects 25(1): 33.
391 Botosaneanu, L. 1981 On a false and a genuine caddis-fly from Burmese amber (Insecta: Trichoptera, Homoptera). Bulletin Zoologisch Museum Universiteit Van Amsterdam 8(10): 73-78.
11959 Bagheri, A., Y. Fathipour, M. Askari-Seyahooei and M. Zeinalabedini. 2018 Ommatissus lybicus (Hemiptera: Tropiduchidae), an economically important pest of date palm (Arecaceae) with highly divergent populations. Canadian Entomologist 150(3): 378–392.
1743 Gharib, A. 1966 Ommatissus binotatus Fieb. Var lybicus Berg. Ommatidiotus binotatus (Homoptera: Tropiduchidae). Entomologie et Phytopathologie Appliquees 24: 37-47.
8684 El-Haidari, H.S. 1981 Ommatissus binotatus De Bergevin (Homoptera: Tropiduchidae). Date Palm Journal 1(1): 133.
4633 Wang, S. 1985 Ommatidiotus Japonicus Hori, New Record From China. Entomotaxonomia 7(2): 122.
2211 Hori, Y., M. Sakaiand M. Sato. 1992 Ommatidiotus dissimilis (Fallen) (Homoptera: Issidae) found in Hokkaido, Japan. Rostria 42: 11-14.
11003 Zhang, W.L., L. Yang, M. Li, B.J. Ma, C.Q.Yan, and J.P. Chen. 2015 Omics-based comparative transcriptional profiling of two contrasting rice genotypes during early infestation by small brown planthopper. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 16(12): 28746-28764.
15397 WANG, Jingting, Tianye HU, Xu HE, Zhen ZHANG, Na YU, and Zewen LIU. 2024 Omeprazole and its analogs exhibit insecticidal potencies as inhibitors of insect choline acetyltransferase. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 206: 106207. [Nilaparvata lugens]
2150 Holgersen, H. 1946 Om en del norske fulgorider (Norske sikader Homoptera Cicadina, IV). Norsk entomologisk Tidsskrift 7: 149–155.
9708 Nuorteva, P. 1959 Om bollnässjukans natur (Timothy seed cultivation as a cause of the phytotoxicity of the leafhopper Calligypona pellucida (F.) to oats). Nordisk Jordbruksforskning 41: 25-31.
5553 Guglielmino, A., C. Bückle, and A.F. Emeljanov. 2010 Olmiana argentina, a new genus and species of Achilidae (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha) from Argentina. Zootaxa 2661: 47-58.
1728 Gebicki, C. and P. Wegierek. 1993 Oligocixia electrina gen. et sp. nov. (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Cixiidae) from Dominican amber. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Serie A Mineralogie Und Petrographie Geologie und Palaeontologie Anthropologie und Praehistorie 95: 121-125. pdf
2526 Kirby, P. 1992 Oliarus leporinus (Linnaeus) (Hemiptera: Cixiidae) in Pembrokeshire and Camarthenshire, with notes on its ecology. British Journal of Entomology and Natural History 5(4): 182-183.
6128 Szwedo, J. 2000 Oliarus kulickae sp. n. from Dominican amber (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Cixiidae). Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 69(2): 161-166.
4591 Wagner, W. 1970 Oliarus beieri, eine neue Zikade aus den Alpen. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 74: 281-284. pdf
14645 Aviles-Rosa, E.O., S.A. Kane, M. Nita, E. Feuerbacher, and N.J. Hall. 2023 Olfactory threshold of dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) to cold-killed spotted lantern fly eggs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 261: 105880.
7242 Shu, Y.H., Z.H. Liu, and G.R. Zhnag. 2005 Olfactory responses of Pardosa pseudoannulata Str. to Sogatella furcifera (Horváh). Acta Arachnologica Sinica 14(2): 122–125.
13840 Vijayaraghavendra, R., K.V. Lakshmi, K., C. Shanker, S. Malathi, R. Jagadeeshwar, and C.H. D. Raju. 2019 Olfactory response of insect predators of rice brown plant hopper (Nilaparvata lugens (Stal.)) to flower volatiles. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 7(1): 1095-1099. pdf
12142 Li, Shuo, Changwei Zhou and Yijun Zhou. 2019 Olfactory co-receptor Orco stimulated by Rice stripe virus is essential for host seeking behavior in small brown planthopper. Pesticide Management Science 75(1): 187-194. [ePub ahead of print 2018]
15256 ARCE, Sofía I., Carolin HAUG, Patrick MÜLLER, Joachim T. HAUG, and Yan-Zhe FU. 2024 Oldest record of a larva of long-legged velvet mite (Erythraeoidea) parasitising an immature planthopper. Palaeoentomology 7(4): 461-464. [Dorytocidae]
1257 Ellenberg, H., R. Mayer, and J. Schauermann. (eds.). 1986 Ökosystemforschung: Ergebnisse des Sollingprojektes. Ulmer, Stuttgart. -
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