Planthopper Bibliography Database
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245 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
6118 | Logvinenko, V.N. 1969 New and not popular representatives of the Cixiidae family (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) of the Caucasus and Transcaucasian. Vestnik Zoologii 1: 53-59. pdf |
6119 | Logvinenko, V.N. 1971 Genus Tachycixius W. Wgn. (Homoptera, Cixiidae) and description of two new species from the USSR. Vestnik Zoologii 1971(3): 58-62. pdf |
6120 | Logvinenko, V.N. 1974 New species of leaf-hoppers (Cixiidae Homoptera) from the genus Cixius Latr. Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoi RSR. (Ser. B) 36(4): 375-379. pdf |
6121 | Logvinenko, V.N. 1974 Two new species of Cixiidae (Homoptera) from the Ukraine. Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoi RSR. (Ser. B) 36(1): 84-86. pdf |
6122 | Barringer, L.E. 2011 Canopy assemblages and species richness of planthoppers (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Master Thesis, University of Delaware, Newark. - pdf |
6123 | Logvinenko, V.N. 1977 New genus and species of leafhoppers (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Issidae) from the Ukraine. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 9: 851-854. pdf |
6124 | Lindberg, H. 1959 A new species of the genus Cyphopterum Amyet (Hom., Flatidae) from the Selvage Islands. Notulae Entomologicae 39: 18-21. pdf |
6125 | Matsumura, S. 1940 Homopterous insects collected at Kotosho (Botel Tobago) Formosa, by Mr. Tadao Kano. Insecta Matsumurana 15: 34–51. pdf |
6126 | Naskrecki, P. and K. Nishida. 2007 Novel trophobiotic interactions in the lantern bugs (Insecta: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoridae). Journal of Natural History 41(37-40): 2397-2402. pdf |
6127 | Ossiannilsson, F. 1940 Some new Fulgorina (Homoptera) from Java and South America. Opuscula Entomologica 5: 41–46. pdf |
6128 | Szwedo, J. 2000 Oliarus kulickae sp. n. from Dominican amber (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Cixiidae). Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 69(2): 161-166. |
6129 | Thompson, W.R. 1944 A catalogue of the parasites and predators of insect pests. Section 20, Part 9. Imperial Agricultural Bureau. Belloite, Ontario, Canada. - |
6130 | Tsaur, S.C. 1989 Addition to the Fanua [sic] of Taiwanese Meenoplidae. Journal of the National Taiwan Museum 42(1): 25-29. |
6131 | Turbott, E.G. and T.E. Woodward. 1954 The occurrence of Achilus flammeus Kirby in New Zealand (Homoptera; Fulgoroidea; Achilidae). New Zealand Entomologist 1(4): 25–27. pdf |
6132 | Van Stalle, J. 1984 New and interesting African Derbidae (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea). Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 55(1): 1-61. pdf |
6133 | Soos, A. 1976 Sphenidius horvathi gen. n., sp. n. aus Spanien (Homoptera: Issidae). Folia Entomologica Hungarica 29(1): 87-91. pdf |
6134 | Ishihara, T. 1957 The genus Andes of Japan (Hemiptera : Cixiidae). Transactions of the Shikoku Entomological Society 5: 65–68. |
6135 | Demir, E. 2009 Ricania Germar, 1818 Species of western palaearctic region (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Ricaniidae). Munis Entomology and Zoology 4(1): 271-275. pdf |
6136 | Bonfils, J. and M. Attié. 1998 Description et éléments d’écologie d’un nouvel Hémiptères de La Réunion : Insulisia borbonica n. gen, n. sp. (Fulgoromorpha, Meenoplidae). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 103: 479-482. |
6137 | Bonfils, J., S. Quilici, and B. Reynaud. 1994 Les Hémiptères Auchénorrhynques de l’Ile de la Réunion. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 99: 227-240. |
6138 | Bonfils, J., M. Attié, and B. Reynaud. 2001 Un nouveau genre d’Issidae de l’île de la Réunion: Borbonissus n. gen. (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 106: 217-224. |
6139 | Mifsud, D., C. Cocquempot, R. Mühlethaler, M. Wilson, and J.-C. Streito. 2010 Other Hemiptera Sternorrhyncha (Aleyrodidae, Phylloxeroidea, and Psylloidea) and Hemiptera Auchenorrhyncha Chapter 9.4. (Special Issue: Alien terrestrial arthropods of Europe). BioRisk - Biodiversity and Ecosystem Risk Assessment 4(1): 511–552. pdf |
6140 | Eubanks, M.D., M.J. Raupp, and D.L. Finke . 2011 Robert F. Denno (1945–2008): Insect Ecologist Extraordinaire. Annual Review of Entomology 56(1): 273-292. |
6141 | Grevstad, F.S., D.R. Strong, D.D. Garcia-Rossi, R.W. Switzer, and M.S. Wecker, 2003 Biological control of Spartina alterniflora in Willapa Bay, Washington using the planthopper Prokelisia marginata: agent specificity and early results. Biological Control 27(1), 32-42. Biological Control 27(1): 32-42. |
6142 | Grevstad, F.S. , R.W. Switzer, and M.S. Wecker. 2004 Habitat trade-offs in the summer and winter performance of the planthopper Prokelisia marginata introduced against the intertidal grass Spartina alterniflora in Willapa Bay, Washington. In: J.M. Cullen, D.T. Briese, D.J. Kriticos, W.M. Lonsdale, L. Morin and J.K. Scott, (eds.). Proceedings of the XI International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds, Canberra, Australia, 27 April - 2 May, 2003. Pp. 523-528. pdf |