Planthopper Bibliography Database
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259 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
11451 | Froza, J.A., F.V. Correr, and J.R.S. Lopes. 2017 Faunistic analysis of Auchenorrhyncha species in olive orchards of Maria da Fe (Minas Gerais), Brazil. In: G. Mejdalani and M. Felix (eds). Abstracts Book, 15th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress and 10th International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance. July 9th -15th 2017. Mendes, Brazil. Pp. 95-96. pdf |
11453 | Johnson, K.P., C. H. Dietrich, and H. M. Robertson. 2017 Phylogenomics of the Hemipteroid Insect Orders. In: G. Mejdalani and M. Felix (eds). Abstracts Book, 15th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress and 10th International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance. July 9th -15th 2017. Mendes, Brazil. P. 49. pdf |
11454 | Kits, J.H. 2017 Next-generation DNA barcoding in the Auchenorrhyncha. In: G. Mejdalani and M. Felix (eds). Abstracts Book, 15th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress and 10th International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance. July 9th -15th 2017. Mendes, Brazil. P. 50. pdf |
11455 | Malenovský, I. 2017 The biodiversity of Auchenorrhyncha in the Czech Republic - between past and future. In: G. Mejdalani and M. Felix (eds). Abstracts Book, 15th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress and 10th International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance. July 9th -15th 2017. Mendes, Brazil. Pp. 17-18. pdf |
11457 | Michalik, A., T. Szklarzewicz, J. Szwedo, A. Stroiński, and D. Swierczewski. 2017 Bacterial associates of the planthopper Ommatidiotus dissimilis (Fallen, 1806) (Hemiptera: Caliscelidae). In: G. Mejdalani and M. Felix (eds). Abstracts Book, 15th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress and 10th International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance. July 9th -15th 2017. Mendes, Brazil. Pp. 157-158. pdf |
11458 | Skinner, R.K., C.H. Dietrich, J.M. Allen, K.P. Johnson, K.K.O. Walden, H.M. Robertson, M. Petersen, L. Podsiadlowski, C. Simon, and D.M. Takiya. 2017 Transcriptome-based phylogenomics of Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera). In: G. Mejdalani and M. Felix (eds). Abstracts Book, 15th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress and 10th International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance. July 9th -15th 2017. Mendes, Brazil. Pp. 118-119. pdf |
11459 | Smyers, E.C., J.M. Urban, K. Kim, and M.C. Saunders. 2017 Spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula (White): potential impact and chemical control in Vineyards. In: G. Mejdalani and M. Felix (eds). Abstracts Book, 15th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress and 10th International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance. July 9th -15th 2017. Mendes, Brazil. Pp. 29-30. pdf |
11461 | Szwedo, J. and A. Pielowska. 2017 HeFo - Hemiptera Fossils Database - beginnings and state of the art. In: G. Mejdalani and M. Felix (eds). Abstracts Book, 15th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress and 10th International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance. July 9th -15th 2017. Mendes, Brazil. Pp. 19-20. pdf |
11462 | Szwedo, J. and A. Stroiński. 2017. Tropiduchidorum tribũs in electro includitur. In: G. Mejdalani and M. Felix (eds). Abstracts Book, 15th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress and 10th International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance. July 9th -15th 2017. Mendes, Brazil. Pp. 68-69. pdf |
11463 | Szwedo, J. and B. Wang. 2017 Hopperity of inclusions in the Cretaceous Burmese amber. In: G. Mejdalani and M. Felix (eds). Abstracts Book, 15th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress and 10th International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance. July 9th -15th 2017. Mendes, Brazil. Pp. 70-71. pdf |
11464 | Trivellone, V., E. Angelini, D.A. Dmitriev, and C.H. Dietrich. 2017 Preliminary results on phylogenetic relatedness of potential and known Auchenorrhyncha vectors of phytoplasmas. In: G. Mejdalani and M. Felix (eds). Abstracts Book, 15th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress and 10th International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance. July 9th -15th 2017. Mendes, Brazil. P. 81 pdf |
11465 | Urban J.M. 2017 Bacterial and fungal associates of Delphacidae (Fulgoroidea: Delphacidae): using next generation amplicon sequencing to find evidence of symbiont turnover and replacement in an economically important insect lineage. In: G. Mejdalani and M. Felix (eds). Abstracts Book, 15th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress and 10th International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance. July 9th -15th 2017. Mendes, Brazil. Pp. 74-75. pdf |
12886 | Trivellone, V., E. Angelini, D.A. Dmitriev, and C.H. Dietrich. 2017 Preliminary results on phylogenetic relatedness of potential and known Auchenorrhyncha vectors of phytoplasmas. Abstract Book. In: G. Mejdalani, and M. Felix (eds.). 2017. 15th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress and 10th International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance, July 9th-15th 2017 Mendes, Brazil, p. 81. pdf |
1410 | Emeljanov, A.F. and V.I. Kirillova. 1993 [General characteristic and main modes of the karyotype evolution in the Cicadina (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha)]. In: G. S. Medvedev and B. A. Korotyaev, (eds.). Uspekhi entomologii v SSSR: zhestkokrylye nasekomye. Materialy X s’ezda Vsesojuznogo Entomologicheskogo Obshchestva, 11-15 sentyabrya 1989. Leningrad [Mat. X Congress of Allunion Ent. Soc. Theses of rep.] 1993: 120-121. [in Russian.] |
5059 | Nishida, E.M. and N.L. Evenhuis. 2002 Arthropod pests of conservation significance in the Pacific: a preliminary assessment of selected groups. In: G. Sherley, (ed.). Invasive species in the Pacific: a technical review and draft regional strategy. South Pacific Regional Environmental Programme, Samoa. Pp. 115–142. |
1965 | Hamilton, K.G.A. 1999 Short-horned bugs. In: G.G.E. Scudder and I.M. Smith, (eds.). Assessment of Species Diversity in the Montane Cordillera Ecozone. Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network. Pp. ? |
9195 | Clarke, A. 2010 An overview of invertebrate fauna collectiion from the Undara Lava Tube System. In: G.J. Middleton, (ed.). Proceedings of the 14TH International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology. Undara Volcanic National Park, Queensland, Australia. August 2010. pp. ?? |
10494 | Gurr, G.M., K.L. Heong, J.A. Cheng, and J.L.A. Catindig. 2012 Ecological engineering against insect pests in Asian irrigated rice. In: G.M. Gurr, S.D. Wratten, W.E. Snyder, and D.M.Y. Read (eds.). Biodiversity and Insect Pests: Key issues for sustainable management. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey. Pp 214-229. |
3811 | Renvoize, S.A. and W.D. Clayton, W.D. 1992 Classification and evolution of the grasses. In: G.P. Chapman, (ed.). Grass evolution and domestication. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Pp. 3-37. |
1455 | Evans, J.W. 1962 Evolution in the Homoptera. In: G.W. Leeper, (ed.). Evolution of Living Organisms. Melbourne University Press, Australia. Pp. 250-259 pdf |
13870 | Glime, J.M. 2017 Terrestrial Insects: Hemimetabola – Hemiptera (Non-Heteroptera) and Thysanoptera. In: Glime, J.M. Bryophyte Ecology. Volume 2. Interactions. Ebook sponsored by Michigan Technological University and the International Association of Bryologists. Chapter 12-7; 40 pp. [Euconomelus lepidus,Javesella opaca, Javesella pellucida, Javesella discolor, Muellerianella extrusa, Cedusa hedusa, Issus muscaeformis, Issus coleoptratus] |
3303 | Müller, H.J., 1956 Homoptera. Auchenorrhyncha. Zikaden. In: H. Blunck, (ed.). Sorauers Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten.Tierische Schädlinge an Nutzpflanzen. 5th Edition, Part 2. Paul Parey, Berlin and Hamburg. Pp. 150-306. |
6521 | Remes-Lenicov, A.M.M. de, S. Paradell, and E. Virla. 2005 Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha. (Hom.: Delphacidae). In: H. Cordo , G. Logarzo, K. Braun and O. Di Dorio (Eds.). Catálogo de Insectos Fitófagos de la. Argentina y sus Plantas Asociadas. 1st edition. Sociedad Entomológica Argentina Ediciones, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Pp. 352-355. |
6818 | Chaudhary, J.P. and S.K. Sharma. 1988 Biological control of Pyrilla using parasites and predators. In: H. David and S. Easwaramoorthy, (eds.). Biological technology for sugarcane pest management, Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbator, India. Pp. 186-206. |
10131 | Nickel, H. 2011 Zikaden (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). In: H. Jehl, J. Müller, C. Bässler and R. Pöhlmann (Editors). Biologische Vielfalt im Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald. Sonderband der Wissenschaftlichen Schriftenreihe des Nationalparks Bayerischer Wald Pp. 141-144. |