College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
7347 Li, F., P.Y. Li, Z.Z. Ding, D.F. Yang, and Y.J. Guo. 1999 Studies on the damage of the white-backed planthopper to yield components of rice. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University 22(3): 115-116.
7380 Xu, X.F., X.N. Cheng, L.J. Luo, H.W. Mei, and Z.K. Li. 1999 Studies on resistance of recombinant inbred lines of Lemont/Teqing to brown planthopper. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University 22(3): 25-28.
7537 Lu, X.B., B.Z. Peng, G.Y. Zhou, D.D. Jin, S.X. Chen, and Z.X. Gong. 1999 Localization of PS9 in rice ragged stunt Oryzavirus and its role in virus transmission by brown planthopper. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica 31(2): 180–184.
7567 Zhang, X.L., G.F. Zhang, and X.M. Sun. 1999 The disaster characteristic and forecast of white-backed planthopper in intermediate Keng rice region. Plant Protection Technology and Extension 19(3): 5.
7676 Feng, L.P., X.L. Zhang, J.M. Zhang, G.F. Zhang, D.H. Wang, and M.H. Zhu. 1999 Studies on main natural enemies of the rice brown planthopper and effect of pesticide on natural enemies. Natural Enemies of Insects 21(2): 55-60.
7693 Qin, X.Y., R.B. Li, S.M. Wei, F.K. Huang, S.y. Luo, and Q. Li. 1999 Resistant genetic model of wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) to the brown planthopper and the application in breeding. Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences 12(4): 74-77.
7734 Tang, J.L. 1999 Test of Xianpashenqiangshou WP (Monsultap imidacloprid 70% WP) to rice planthopper. Guangxi Plant Protection 12(2): 36-37.
7780 Chen, H.X., F.S. Zhu, and G.L. Zhang. 1999 The forecasting models and control technique of rice planthopper Sogatella furcifera and Nilaparvata lugens. Entomological Knowledge 36(3): 134-137.
7782 Chen, J.M., X.P. Yu, and Z.X. Lu. 1999 Effects of herbicides and fungicides on the brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens and its predatory enemies. Journal of Plant Protection 26(2): 162-166.
7783 Chen, J.M., X.P. Yu, and Z.X. Lu. 1999 Toxic effects of herbicides and fungicides on adults of whitebacked planthopper, Sogatella furcifera Horvath. Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis 11(6): 293–296.
7798 Lundsgaard, T. 1999 Javesella pellucida (F.) is a vector of Festuca leaf streak virus (FLSV, genus Cytorhabdovirus). Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 106: 545-549.
7811 Pham, T.M, and B.B. Bui. 1999 Evaluation of rice varieties for resistance to brown planthopper in the Mekong Delta. Omonrice 9: 5-11. pdf
7862 Estoy, A.B., Y. Suzuki, M. Matsumura, and K. Arimura. 1999 Ovicidal response of modern and traditional rice varieties against the whiteback planthopper, Sogatella furcifera Horvath (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Philippine Entomologist 13(1): 59-63.
7918 Hirabayashi, H. and T. Ogawa. 1999 Identification and utilization of DNA markers linked to genes for reistance to brown planthopper (BPH) in rice. Advances in Breeding 41: 71-74.
7947 Szwedo, J. and R. Kulicka. 1999 Auchenorrhyncha (Insecta, Homoptera) in Baltic amber from the collection of the Museum of the Earth, Warsaw. Estudios del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Alava Numero especial 2 14: 175-178.
7948 Szwedo, J. and R. Kulicka. 1999 Inclusions of Auchenorrhyncha in Baltic amber (Insecta: Homoptera). Estudios del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Alava Numero especial 2 14: 179-199.
7949 Szwedo, J. 1999 Piewiki Puszczy Białowieskiej (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). [Planthoppers and leafhoppers of Białowieża Primeval Forest]. Parki Narodowe i Rezerwaty przyrody 18.1: suppl. 109-124.
8002 Iitomi, A. 1999 Egg mortality factors of the whitebacked planthopper, Sogatella furcifera Horvath (Homoptera: Delphasidae) in Akita prefecture, North Japan. Annual Report of the Society of Plant Protection of North Japan 50: 125-128.
8013 Itoyama, K., S. Morooka, and S. Tojo. 1999 Triacylglycerol storage in the adults of two selected strains of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Applied Entomology and Zoology 34(1): 171-177. pdf
8018 Iwaya, K., M. Maruyama, H. Nakanishi, and T. Enomoto. 1999 Effect of imidacloprid on virus vector Laodelphax striatellus Fallen in prevention of rice stripe. Journal of Pesticide Science 24(2): 177-180. pdf
9698 Nakashima, N., J. Sasaki and S. Toriyama. 1999 Determining the nucleotide sequence and capsid-coding region of Himetobi P virus: a member of a novel group of RNA viruses that infect insects. Archives of Virology 144(10): 2051-2058. pdf
8037 Tanaka, K. 1999 Recent status in virulence to resistant rice varieties of brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens immigrating into Japan. Annual Report of the Kanto-Tosan Plant Protection Society 46: 85-88. pdf
8186 Li, R.B. and X.Y. Qin. 1999 Study on anther culture of a brown planthopper resistant source "94-42" of wild rice, Oryza rufipogon. Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences 12(2): 18-23.
8204 Liu, X.D. and X.X. Zhang. 1999 Effects of selective insecticide on the community structure of rice fields. Entomological Knowledge 36(2): 67-70.
8213 Lu, Z.X., X.P. Yu, and J.M. Chen. 1999 Virulence comparison of brown planthopper populations from paddy field and overwintered in greenhouse. Chinese Journal of Rice Science 13(1): 46-48. pdf
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