Planthopper Bibliography Database
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Authors Year Title Journal | |
6720 | Rodič, K., G. Seljak, A. Peterlin, D. Bajec, and S. Tomše. 2009 Škržatki, Ulovljeni v Vinogradih iv Slovenije v Letih 2007 in 2008. In: Zbornik predavanj in referatov 9. slovenskega posvetovanja o varstvu rastlin z mednarodno udeležbo Nova Gorica, 4.–5. marec 2009. Pp. 293-298. pdf |
6721 | Tiefenbrunner, W.,G. Leitner, H. Gangl, and M. Riedle-Bauer. 2007 Epidemische Ausbreitung der Schwarzholzkrankheit (Stolbur-Phytoplasma) in südostösterreichischen Weingärten. Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg 57: 200-212. pdf |
6722 | Weintraub, P.G. and P. Jones, (eds.) 2010 Phytoplasmas: Genomes, Plants Hosts and Vectors. CAB Internationsl, Cambridge, Massachusetts. - pdf |
6723 | Deng, H.S. 2010 Ratio comparison of flatids' genera and species between regions in Guizhou Province(Hompetra:Flatidae). Journal of Southwest Guizhou Teachers College for Nationalities 5(4): 119-121,124. |
6724 | Dlabola, J. 1966 Ergebnisse der Mongolisch-Deutschen Expeditionen 1962 und 1964. Nr. 16: Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha. Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca 63: 440-452. pdf |
6725 | Maixner, M. 2010 Determination of the parameters for a day-degree method to predict the flight of host populations of Hyalesthes obsoletus. In: A. Bertaccini, A. Laviña and E. Torres (eds.). Current status and perspectives of phytoplasma disease research and management. Abstracts of COST Action FA0807 Meeting 1-2 February 2010 in Sitges, Spain. P. 62. pdf |
6726 | Pasquini, G., L. Ferretti, B. Bagnoli, A. Gentili, and E. Gargani. 2010 Epidemiological investigation on bois noir disease in Central and Southern Italy. In: A. Bertaccini, A. Laviña and E. Torres (eds.). Current status and perspectives of phytoplasma disease research and management. Abstracts of COST Action FA0807 Meeting 1-2 February 2010 in Sitges, Spain. P. 64. pdf |
6727 | Montano, H.G., J.O. Cunha Júnior, J.P. Pimentel, T.A. Giustolin, and J.R.S. Lopes. 2010 Entomofauna of Hemiptera Auchenorrhyncha in chayote (Sechium edule) fields with chayote witches’ broom (ChWB) disease. In: A. Bertaccini, A. Laviña and E. Torres (eds.). Current status and perspectives of phytoplasma disease research and management. Abstracts of COST Action FA0807 Meeting 1-2 February 2010 in Sitges, Spain. P. 63. pdf |
6728 | Kehrli, P., S. Kessler, S. Schaerer, and N. Delabays. 2010 Hyalesthes obsoletus, vector of “bois noir”: distribution and host plant preferences in Switzerland. In: A. Bertaccini, A. Laviña and E. Torres (eds.). Current status and perspectives of phytoplasma disease research and management. Abstracts of COST Action FA0807 Meeting 1-2 February 2010 in Sitges, Spain. P. 58. pdf |
6729 | Imo, M., M. Maixner, and J. Johannesen. 2010 Microsatellite markers for the study of host races and dispersal biology of the “bois noir” vector Hyalesthes obsoletus. P. 56 In: A. Bertaccini, A. Laviña and E. Torres (eds.). Current status and perspectives of phytoplasma disease research and management. Abstracts of COST Action FA0807 Meeting 1-2 February Imo, M., M. Maixner, and J. Johannesen. 2010. Microsatellite markers for the study of host races and dispersal biology of the “bois noir” vector Hyalesthes obsoletus. In: A. Bertaccini, A. Laviña and E. Torres (eds.). Current status and perspectives of phytoplasma disease research and management. Abstracts of COST Action FA0807 Meeting 1-2 February 2010 in Sitges, Spain. P. 56. pdf |
6730 | Dollet, M., R. Llauger, S. Fabre, J. F. Julia,C. Gonzalez, and J. Cueto. 2010 Nymphocixia caribbea (Fennah) (Homoptera: Cixiidae) potential candidate as coconut lethal yellowing vector in the Carribean In: A. Bertaccini, A. Laviña and E. Torres (eds.). Current status and perspectives of phytoplasma disease research and management. Abstracts of COST Action FA0807 Meeting 1-2 February 2010 in Sitges, Spain. P. 47. pdf |
6731 | Ertunc, F., S. Bayram and G. Soylemezoglu. 2010 Detection and characterisation of grapevine phytoplasmas and vectors by molecular techniques in Turkey and the reactions of common cultivars to those infections. In: A. Bertaccini, A. Laviña and E. Torres (eds.). Current status and perspectives of phytoplasma disease research and management. Abstracts of COST Action FA0807 Meeting 1-2 February 2010 in Sitges, Spain. P. 52. pdf |
6732 | Cvrković, T., J. Jović, M. Mitrović, A. Petrović, O. Krstić, S. Krnjajić, and I. Toševski. 2010 Diversity of Auchenorrhyncha species and potential “bois noir“ vectors in Serbian vineyards. In: A. Bertaccini, A. Laviña and E. Torres (eds.). Current status and perspectives of phytoplasma disease research and management. Abstracts of COST Action FA0807 Meeting 1-2 February 2010 in Sitges, Spain. P. 46. pdf |
6733 | Bertin, S., L. Picciau, Z. Ács, A. Alma, and D. Bosco. 2010 Molecular identification of Hyalesthes and Reptalus species (Hemiptera: Cixiidae) allows monitoring of vector species throughout the year. In: A. Bertaccini, A. Laviña and E. Torres (eds.). Current status and perspectives of phytoplasma disease research and management. Abstracts of COST Action FA0807 Meeting 1-2 February 2010 in Sitges, Spain. P. 44. pdf |
6734 | Bagnoli, B. and E. Gargani. 2010 Bio-ethological observations on Reptalus quinquecostatus and its relationship with stolbur phytoplasma in Tuscany vineyards. In: A. Bertaccini, A. Laviña and E. Torres (eds.). Current status and perspectives of phytoplasma disease research and management. Abstracts of COST Action FA0807 Meeting 1-2 February 2010 in Sitges, Spain. P. 43. pdf |
6735 | Jović, J., T. Cvrkovic, M. Mitrovic, A. Petrović, O. Krstić, S. Krnjajić and I. Toševski. 2010 Genetic variability among ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma ulmi’ strains infecting elms in Serbia and survey of potential vectors. In: A. Bertaccini, A. Laviña and E. Torres (eds.). Current status and perspectives of phytoplasma disease research and management. Abstracts of COST Action FA0807 Meeting 1-2 February 2010 in Sitges, Spain. P. 18. pdf |
6736 | Danet, J.L., O. Sémétey, J. Gaudin, E. Verdin, E. Chaisse, and X. Foissac. 2010 Lavender decline is caused by several genetic variants of the stolbur phytoplasma in south eastern France. In: A. Bertaccini, A. Laviña and E. Torres (eds.). Current status and perspectives of phytoplasma disease research and management. Abstracts of COST Action FA0807 Meeting 1-2 February 2010 in Sitges, Spain. P. 9. pdf |
6737 | Bertaccini, A., A. Laviña and E. Torres (eds.). 2010 Current status and perspectives of phytoplasma disease research and management. Abstracts of COST Action FA0807 Meeting 1-2 February 2010 in Sitges, Spain. - pdf |
6738 | Riedle-Bauer, M. and A. Sára. 2010 Search for possible vectors of “bois noir” in Austrian vineyards. In: A. Bertaccini, A. Laviña and E. Torres (eds.). Current status and perspectives of phytoplasma disease research and management. Abstracts of COST Action FA0807 Meeting 1-2 February 2010 in Sitges, Spain. P. 66. pdf |
6739 | Dai, H.G., X.L. Song, X.Y. Wu, Z.Z. Dingh and P.Y. Li. 1997 The effects of high temperatures on development and reproduction of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal). Acta Entomologica Sinica 40(Supplement-1): 159-164. pdf |
6740 | Dai, H.G., X.Y. Wu, C.J. Feng and Y.H. Yang. 1997 The relationship between mating behavior and titer of juvenile hormone in brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal). Acta Entomologica Sinica 40(Supplement-1): 153-158. pdf |
6741 | Hua, H.X. and D.X. Deng. 1997 A comparative study on biological characteristics of different geographic populations of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal). Acta Entomologica Sinica 40(Supplement-1): 147-152. pdf |
6742 | Li, Q., S. Luo, A.X. Sbi, S. Wei, and F.K. Huang. 1997 The biotypes of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) with a view toits control. Acta Entomologica Sinica 40(Supplement-1): 139-146. pdf |
6743 | Du, J.G., Q. Wang and X. Cbeng. 1997 Histological study on the wing dimorphism of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal). Acta Entomologica Sinica 40(Supplement-1): 135-138. pdf |
6744 | Lu, Z.X., X.P. Yu, X.S. Zheng, J.M. Chen, Z.T. Zhang and Q. Fu. 1997 Variation in virulence of the brown planthopper. Acta Entomologica Sinica 40(Supplement-1): 122-127. pdf |