College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
3965 Heong, K.L. and K. Sogawa. 1994 Management strategies for key insect pests of rice: critical issues. In: P.S. Teng, K.L. Heong, and K. Moody, (eds.). Rice pest science and management. International Rice Research Institute, Los Baños, Philippines. Pp 3-14. pdf
14396 Asche, M., H. Hoch, C. O’Connell-Rodwell, and A. Wessel. 2022 The Hawaiian Planthoppers (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoromorpha) and Their Courtship Songs. In: P.S.M. Hill, V. Mazzoni, N. Stritih-Peljhan, M. Virant-Doberlet, and A. Wessel (eds.). Biotremology: Physiology, Ecology, and Evolution, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland. 0. Pp. 93-1020 .
14463 Stritih-Peljhan, N., J. Strauss, A. Wessel, and H. Hoch. 2022 Speleotremology: Ecology and Evolution of Vibrational Communication in Cavernicolous Insects. In: P.S.M. Hill, V. Mazzoni, N. Stritih-Peljhan, M. Virant-Doberlet, and A. Wessel. (eds.). Biotremology: Physiology, Ecology, and Evolution. Animal Signals and Communication, vol 8. Pp. 307-340. Springer, Cham, Switzerland. [Oliarus polyphemus]
1620 Fletcher, M. J. 1984 The identification of leafhoppers of economic importance in Australia. In: P.T. Bailey and D.E. Swincer, (eds.). Proceedings of the Fourth Australian Applied Entomological Research Conference, Adelaide 24-28 September 1984. Pest control: recent advances and future prospects. South Australian Department of Agriculture, Pp. 418-421
5812 Heong, K.L. and K.G. Schoenly. 1998 Impact of insecticides on herbivore-natural enemy communities in tropical rice ecosystems. Chapter 41. In: P.T. Haskell and P. McEwen, (eds.). Ecotoxicology: Pesticides and Beneficial Organisms. Chapman and Hall, London. Pp. 381-403. pdf
8032 Kilin, D., S. Orita, and A. Dachlan. 1979 Estimation of LD50 values of diazinon and carbaryl to Nilaparvata lugens Stål. In: Papers of seminar at CRIA, Bagor, Indonesia, 19 January 1979. P. 38 pdf
5380 Dheeraporn B.A., C. Nipha, and C.Tayatum. 1988 Allelic test of genetic of resistance to brown planthopper in RD rice varieties. [Kan suksa kan chapkhu khong yin thi khuapkhum khwam tanthan to phliakradotsinamtan nai phankhao KoKho]. In: Pathum Thani Rice Research Center (Thailand). Pathum Thani (Thailand), 1988. Pp. 53-57. [Thai]
7762 Baldo, A. and F. Tangan. 2003 Pests and diseases of some exotic and endemic bamboo species in the Cordillera Region. In: PCARRD Highlights 2002, Los Baños, Phillipines.[ Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development.] P. 107.
15309 PATEL, Shweta, and S. K. S. Rajput. 2024 Major Pest of Maize and Their Management. In: Pests of Field Crops & Stored Grains and Their Management Pp. 28-38. pdf
9419 Brcák, J. and O. Králík Ák, J. and O. Králík. 1967 Electron microscopy of the striated border of the midgut cells of Javesella pellucida (F.) (Homoptera, Delphacidae). In: Plant Virology: Proceedings of the 6th Conference of the Czechoslovak Plant Virologists, Olomouc, 1967. Pp. 138-141.
13602 Poland, T.M., J. Juzwik, A. Rowley, C.D. Huebner, J.C. Kilgo, V. M. Lopez, D.H. Olson, D.E. Pearson, R. Progar, R. Rabaglia, J.D. Rothlisberger, J.B. Runyon, and S.E. Sing. 2021 Management of landscapes for established invasive species. In: Poland, T.M., T. Patel-Weynand, D. M. Finch, C.F. Miniat, D.C. Hayes, and V.M. Lopez, (eds.). Invasive Species in Forests and Rangelands of the United States. Springer, Cham, Switzerland. pp. 133-184. Springer, Cham, Switzerland. [Lycorma delicatula]
10472 Dubovskii, G.K. 1967 New species Auchenorrhyncha of from Uzbekistan. [Novye vidy cikadovykh (Auchenorrhyncha) iz Uzbekistan]. in: Poleznye I vrednye bespozvonochnye zhivotnye Uzbekistana, Tashkent. Pp. 56-59.
4291 Szwedo, J. 2004 Cicadetta podolica (Eichwald, 1830), Aphrophora major Uhler, 1896, Aphrophora similis Lethierry, 1888 [species entries]. In: Polish Red Data Book of Animals. Invertebrates. Institytut Ochrony Przyrody PAN. Akademia Rolnicza im. A. Cieszkowskiego. Pp. 77-79.
6862 Rahman, K.A. and D. Singh. 1943 Technique and estimation of damage caused by the sucking types of insects to sugarcane. In: Proceeding of 30th Indian Science Congress III. P. 101.
5584 Dery, S.K., R. Philippe,and D. Mariau. 1995 Preliminary observations on Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera), suspected vectors of Cape St Paul Wilt disease in Ghana. In: Proceeding of an International Workshop on Lethal Yellowing-Like diseases of Coconut, Elmina, Ghana, November. Chatham, UK: Natural Resources Institute. Pp. 269-276.
14163 PRATIWI, Liska Diah and Imas CINTAMULYA. 2021 Diversity of insects in Tundung Musuh Conservation Area, Tasikmadu Village, Palang District, Tuban Regency. In: Proceeding of International Conference in Education, Science and Technology. Pp. 292-302. [Sanurus indecora] pdf
9577 Kim, H.Y., C.G. Park, M.W. Han and K.B. Uhm. 2001 New education program to improve the BPH identification ability. In: Proceeding of the 3rd International Workshop on Inter-Country Forecasting System and Management For Brown Planthopper in East Asia. November 13-15, National Institute of Plant Protection, Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 53-61.
9874 Wang, J.Q. 2001 Using ARCVIEW (GIS) to create and display distribution maps of rice planthoppers and to obtain population dynamics information from the maps. In: Proceeding of the 3rd International Workshop on Inter-Country Forecasting System and Management For Brown Planthopper in East Asia. November 13-15, National Institute of Plant Protection, Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 3-22.
8692 Yeh. W.B., C.T. Yang, and C.F. Hui. 1999 A molecular phylogeny of planthoppers (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea) inferred from mitochondrial 16S rDNA sequences. In: Proceeding of the Symposium of Insect Systematics and Evolution. Departartment Entomology National Taiwan University and Taiwan Museum. Taipei, Taiwan. [Chinese] Pp. 57-82.
5154 Varamisra, V. 2000 Rice improvement for resistance to brown planthopper. In: Proceedings of 2000 annual conference on rice and temperate cereals in northern part of Thailand, Department of Agriculture, Bangkok (Thailand). Rice Research Institute, Phitsanulok, Thailand, 2000. Pp. 51-76
9208 Calora, F.B. 1974 On the recent outbreaks of brown planthoppers Nilaparvara lugens and the grassy stunt virus disease of rice in Laguna. In: Proceedings of 5th National Pest Control Council Conference, May 1974. Davao City, Philippines. Pp. 27-34.
8682 Abdullah, F.F., T.S. Al-Zidjali and S.A. Al Khatri. 1998 Biology of Ommatissus lybicus under field and laboratory conditions Spring 1995. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Integrated Pest Management. February 23-25, 1998, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. Pp. 75-79.
6099 Thanh, D.V., L.T. Dung, P.B. Thu, and N.T. Duong. 2007 Management of rice planthopper in northern Vietnam. In: Proceedings of International Workshop on “Forecasting and Management of Rice Planthoppers in East Asia: Ecology and Genetics,” 4-5 December 2007, Kumamoto, Japan. Pp 1-9.
8449 Phisitkul, S. and T. Ritmontri. 2002 Integrated control of brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens Stal. using egg-predacious mirid bug Tytthus chinensis Stal. and plant extract on rice cultivar Kao Dok Mali 105. In: Proceedings of KKU Annual Agricultural Seminar for Year 2002, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 28-29 Jan 2002. Pp. 162-171.
6069 Lin, Y.Z. 1994 1992-93 rice planthopper occurrence in Shantou, Guangdong. In: Proceedings of Rice Planthopper Study - Reports for China-Japan Cooperative Research on Long-Distance Migratory Rice Insect Pests in East Asia, Beijing, National Plant Protection Station, Ministry of Agriculture, China.[Chinese] Pp 54-56.
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