Planthopper Bibliography Database
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274 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
12832 | Manurung, B., P. Prastowo, and A.H. Daulae. 2017 Community structure of leaf-and planthoppers (Auchenorrhyncha: Hemiptera) on rice ecosystem in Samosir Island-Sumatera-Indonesia. International Journal of Science and Research 6(9): 1412-1417. pdf |
2999 | Manurung, B. , W. Witsack, E. Fuchs, and S. Mehner. 2001 Zur Embryonal- und Larvalentwicklung der Zikade Psammotettix alienus (Dahlbom, 1851) (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha). Beiträge zur Zikadenkunde 4: 49-58. |
13819 | Manueke, J., B.H. Assa, and E.A. Pelealu. 2018 Hama-Hama Pada Tanaman Padi Sawah (Oryza Sativa L.) Di Kelurahan Makalonsow Kecamatan Tondano Timur Kabupaten Minahasa. [Pests on rice field crops (Oryza sativa L.) in the Makalonsow village of East Tondano District in Minahasa Regency]. Eugenia 23(3): 120-127. [Indonesian with English Abstract] [Nilaparvata lugens] pdf |
8233 | Manti, I., S. Sosromarsono, R.T.M. Sutamihardja, and M. Iman. 1982 Biology of predator Cytorhinus lividipennis Reuter and predatism on brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens Stal. Penelitian Pertanian 2(2): 56-59.[Indonesian] |
2998 | Manti, I. and B.M. Shepard. 1990 Predation of brown planthopper (BPH) eggs by Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter. International Rice Research Newsletter 15(6): 25. pdf |
2997 | Manti, I. 1991 Mirid predation on brown planthopper (BPH) eggs. International Rice Research Newsletter 16(6): 24-25. |
8138 | Manti, I. 1989 The role of Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter (Hemiptera, Miridae) as a major predator of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens Stal. (Homoptera, Delphacidae). Ph.D. Thesis. University of the Philippines at Los Baños. Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. thesis pdf |
10114 | Mannakkara, A., N. Lin, W.H. Ma, and C.L. Lei. 2013 Zero effect of Bt rice on expression of genes coding for digestion, detoxification and immune responses and developmental performances of brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). Journal of Insect Physiology 59(10): 985-993. |
14347 | Mannakkara, A. 2022 Study of haemocytes of the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Journal of Agricultural Sciences - Sri Lanka 17(1): 111-121. pdf |
10849 | Mann, K.S. and R.G. Dietzgen. 2014 Plant rhabdoviruses: New insights and research needs in the interplay of negative-strand RNA viruses with plant and insect hosts. Archives of Virology 159(8): 1889-1900. |
5316 | Manjusha, M., M. Aniruddha, G. Chirasree, and B. Arunava. 2009 Effect of chemical pesticides on Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) and Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) and biopesticides on Rhizoctonia solani (Kuhn) vis-a-vis yield of rice. Green Farming 2: 699-701. |
2995 | Manjunath, T.M., P.S. Rai, and G.-Gowda. 1978 Natural enemies of brown planthopper and green leafhopper in India. International Rice Research Newsletter 3(2): 11. |
2996 | Manjunath, T.M., P.S. Rai, and G.-Gowda. 1978 Parasites and predators of Nilaparvata lugens in India. PANS (Pest Articles And News Summaries) 24(3): 265-269. |
2992 | Manjunath, T.M. 1978 Two nematode parasites of rice brown planthopper in India. International Rice Research Newsletter 3(2): 11-12. |
2993 | Manjunath, T.M. 1979 Recent records of natural enemies of the brown planthopper in India. International Rice Research Newsletter 4(4): 20. pdf |
2994 | Manjunath, T.M. 1987 Natural enemies of major rice hoppers and their distribution. In: S. Mukhopadhyay and M.R. Ghosh, (eds.). Proceedings of the National Seminar on Ricehoppers, Hopperborne Viruses and their Integrated Management. Plant Virus Research Centre, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, West Bengal. Pp. 52-70 |
2991 | Manjunath, K.F. 1977 A note on oviposition in the macropterous and brychypterous forms of the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata nugens Stal (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Proceeding of the Indian Academy of Sciences 86: 405-408. |
13494 | Manjula, K.N., S. Renuka, R.R. Rishi, and R. Sundararaj. 2020 Insects infesting Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn. in Karnataka, India. Entomon 45(3): 231-235. [Eurybrachidae] |
10113 | Maniyar, B., P. Kehrli, and J. Johannesen. 2013 Population structure and incidence of the stolbur phytoplasma vector Hyalesthes obsoletus (Cixiidae) among geographic regions in Switzerland. Journal of Applied Entomology 137(8): 589-600. |
10370 | Manikandan, N. and J.S. Kennedy. 2013 Influence of temperature on egg hatching and development time of brown plant hopper. International Journal of Plant Protection 6(2): 376-378. |
8231 | Manickavasagam, S., A. Prabhu, and R. Kanagarajan. 2006 Record of a hyperparasitoid on Pseudogonatopus nudus Perkins (Dryinidae: Chrysidoidea) parasitizing Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) from Asia. International Rice Research Notes 31(1): 24-25. pdf |
8230 | Mani, C. and M. Gopalan. 1991 Effect of flufenoxuron on the development of rice white backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera Horv. and rice green leafhopper, Nephotettix virescens (Dist.). Indian Journal of Entomology 53(1): 50-58. |
6514 | Mangione, S. and E. Virla. 2004 Morfología de los estados preimaginales de Gonatopus bonaerensis, y consideraciones sobre la morfología interna de sus larvas inmaduras (Hymenoptera Dryinidae). Acta Zoológica Lilloana 47(1-2): 91-102. |
2990 | Mandal, S.K. and A.K. Somchoudhury. 1994 Effect of different commercial formulations of insecticides in conserving the predatory complex of brown plant hopper Nilaparvata lugens Stal. Indian Journal of Entomology 56(4): 425-428. |
11230 | Manandhar, R. and M.G. Wright. 2016 Within-field spatial distribution patterns of corn planthopper, Peregrinus maidis, and severity of hopperburn and Maize mosaic virus symptoms as influenced by sunn hemp intercropping. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 161(2): 121-130. DOI: 110.1111/eea.12498. |