College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
5278 Kuznetsova, V.G., A. Maryanska-Nadachowska, and S. Nokkala. 2009 Karyotype characterization of planthopper species Hysteropterum albaceticum Dlabola, 1983 and Agalmatium bilobum (Fieber, 1877) (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Issidae) using AgNOR-, C- and DAPI/CMA(3) -banding techniques. Comparative Cytogenetics 3(2): 111-123. pdf
11231 Maryanska-Nadachowska, A., B.A. Anokhin, V.M. Gnezdilov, and V.G. Kuznetsova. 2016 Karyotype stability in the family Issidae (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha) revealed by chromosome techniques and FISH with telomeric (TTAGG)n and 18S rDNA probes. Comparative Cytogenetics 10(3): 347-369. DOI: 310.3897/CompCytogen.v3810i3893.9672. pdf
2677 Kuznetsova, V.G. and V.I. Kirillova. 1990 Karyotypes and anatomic characteristics of the sex system in the Fulgoroidea (Homoptera, Cicadinea). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 69(3): 24-31 [Russian]
2678 Kuznetsova, V.G. and V.I. Kirillova. 1991 Karyotypes and anatomical features of the reproductive systems of Fulgoroidea (Homoptera, Cicadinea). Entomological Review 69(8): 101-109. pdf
1411 Emeljanov, A.F. and V.I. Kirillova. 1993 Karyotypes and evolutionary changes of the karyotypes in the suborder Cicadina (Homoptera). Kariosistematica besposvonochnykh zhivotnych [Karyosystematic of invertebrate animals] [Self published]. 1993, 2: [In Russian]
5148 Tian, R.G., Y.L. Zhang, and F. Yuan. 2004 Karyotypes of nineteen species of Fulgoroidea from China (Insecta, Hemiptera). Acta Entomologica Sinica 47(6): 803–808. pdf
2681 Kuznetsova, V.G., A. Maryanska-Nadachowska, C.T. Yang, and L.B. O'Brien. 1998 Karyotypes, sex-chromosome systems, and testis structure in fulgoroidea (Auchenorrhyncha, Homoptera, Insecta). Folia Biologica (Kraków) 46(1-2): 23-40. pdf
918 den Bieman, C.F.M. 1988 Karyotypic variation in bisexual species and pseudogamous forms of the planthopper genus Ribautodelphax (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Genetica 76(2): 101-110.
10974 Woodruff, L.C. 1971 Kathleen Clare Doering, 1900-1970. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 44(1): 2-4.
13640 Stroinski, A. 2021 Kazukuru gen. nov. – a new Ricaniidae planthopper from Solomon Islands (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 68(1): 165-177.
14230 ABDILAH, Nurullah Asep 2015 Keanekaragaman dan Biologi Reproduksi Parasitoid Telur Wereng Cokelat, Nilaparvata lugens Stal (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor, Indonesia. Thesis.
215 Abdilah, N.A. 2015 Keanekaragaman Dan Biologi Reproduksi Parasitoid Telur Wereng Coklat, Nilaparvata lugens Stal (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). M.S. Thesis, Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia. vii+75 pp. pdf
13276 Ervianna, A.R., M. Hadi, and R. Rahadian. 2019 Kelimpahan Dan Keragaman Serangga OPT (Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman) dan Musuh Alaminya pada Tanaman Jagung dan Padi dengan Sistem Rotasi Tanaman. [Abundance and diversity of insect pests (plant disturbing organisms) and natural enemies in corn and rice plants with plant rotation systems]. Bioma: Berkala Ilmiah Biologi 21(1): 35-46. [Indonesian] Bioma: Berkala Ilmiah Biologi 21(1): 35-46. [Indonesian] pdf
10753 Gunawan, C.S.E., G. Mudjiono, and L.P. Astuti. 2015 Kelimpahan Populasi Wereng Batang Coklat Nilaparvata lugens Stal .(Homoptera: Delphacidae) Dan Laba-Laba Pada Budidaya Tanaman Padi Dengan Penerapan Pengendalian Hama Terpadu Dan Konvensional. Jurnal Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan 3(1): 117-122. pdf
263 Bartlett, C.R. and A.G. Wheeler, Jr. 2007 Kelisia and Stenocranus species (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Delphacidae): new host-plant associations and distributional records of eight sedge-feeding planthoppers. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 109(2): 400-415. pdf
124 Asche, M. 1982 Kelisia creticola nov. spec. und Erganzungen zu den ubrigen Taxa des Kelisia brucki Fieber, 1878 - Kreises (Homoptera Cicadina Delphacidae). Marburger Entomologische Publikationen 1(6): 89-166. pdf
3793 Remane, R. and M. Asche. 1982 Kelisia gargano noc. spec. eine neue Delphacide aus dem Mittelmeergebiet (Homoptera Cicadina Fulgoromorpha). Marburger Entomologische Publikationen 1(7): 1-12. pdf
4525 Vilbaste, J. 1972 Kelisia nervosa n.sp. [A new Delphacid species from Lithuania] (Homoptera: Cicadinea). Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences-Biology/Ecology [Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised 23. Koide Bioloogia] 21: 75-77. [Russian with English summary] pdf
143 Asche, M. 1986 Kelisia riboceros nov. spec. from Greece - an important finding for the phylogeny of Kelisiinae (Homoptera Fulgoromorpha Delphacidae). Marburger Entomologische Publikationen 2(3): 179-192.
4372 Trolle, L. 1980 Kelisia sabulicola W. Wagn. and Eurysa lineata (Perr.) (Homoptera: Delphacidae) new for Denmark. Entomologiske Meddelelser 48(1): 28.
12649 Świerczewski, D. and A. Stroiński. 2019 Kelyflata gen. nov. adds to Selizini flatids in Madagascar (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Flatidae). Zootaxa 4712(3): 434–444.
15351 ANDIKA, Nur Syfa Husni, Alam ANSHARY, Shahabuddin SALEH, Flora PASARU, Moh Hibban TOANA, and Abd HADID. 2024 Kepadatan Populasi dan Gejala Serangan Wereng Perut Putih (Stenocranus pacificus Kirkaldy) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) pada Tanaman Jagung Varietas Pertiwi 5 dan Arumba. Agroland: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian 31(2): 141-152.
11284 Boby, T.E. and C. Mohankumar. 2007 Kerala wilt disease phytoplasma: Phylogenetic analysis and identification of a vector, Proutista moesta. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 71 (1–3): 41–47.
14124 SURAHMAT, Erwin Cuk, DADANG, and Djoko PRIJONO. 2016 Kerentanan Wereng Batang Cokelat (Nilaparvata lugens) Dari Enam Lokasi Di Pulau Jawa Terhadap Tiga Jenis Insektisida. [Susceptibility of the rice brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) from six locations in Java to three insecticides]. Jurnal Hama Dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Tropika [Journal of Tropical Pests and Plant Diseases] 16(1): 71-81.
972 DÉR, Zsófia 2005 Kertészeti Növények Kabóca Együttesei és Szerepük a Fitoplazmák Terjesztésében. [Horticultural plant compositions and their role in the protection of phytoplasms]. Doctoral Thesis, A Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Élettudományi Területi Doktori Tanács 2005. 107+39 pp. [in Hungarian with English summary, includes species lists] pdf
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