College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
11344 Zera, A.J. 2003 The endocrine regulation of wing polymorphism in insects: state of the art, recent surprises, and future directions. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 43(5): 607-616.
11400 Biedermann, R. 2003 Body size and area-incidence relationships: is there a general pattern? Global Ecology & Biogeography 12: 381-387. pdf
11840 Malenovsky, I. 2003 Krísi (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha). In: I. Jongepierová, J. Mládek, V. Pechanec and K. Vincenecová. Vliv pastvy na biodiverzitu lucních porostu MZCHÚ v CHKO Bílé Karpaty [Effect of grazing on biodiversity of meadow stands in the White Carpathia]. Vliv hospodárských zásahu na zmenu biologické diverzity ve zvlášte chránených územích [Impact of economic intervention on the change of biodiversity in specially protected areas]. Veseli nad Moravou, rijen. Czech Republic. 94pp Pp. 27-33. [In Czech] pdf
12782 Jongepierová, I., J. Mládek, V. Pechanec, K. Vincenecová, P. Kment, I. Malenovský, V. Pižl, K. Tajovský, J. Schlaghamerský, Z. Miklas, and P. Futák. 2003 Vliv pastvy na biodiverzitu lučních porostů MZCHÚ v CHKO Bílé Karpaty. [Effect of grazing on biodiversity of meadow stands. Effect of economic interventions on the change of biodiversity in specially protected areas.] Zpráva Dílčího Úkolu Grantu Report. VaV610/10/00. [Czech] pdf
13243 Johnson N.F. and L. Musetti. 2003 Redefinition of the genus Phanuromyia Dodd (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society 111(2-3): 138-144. [Fugoroidea egg parasite, Hysteropterum]
13274 Singaravelu B, S. Easwaramoorthy, and M.N. Premachandran. 2003 Epizootics of a fungal pathogen, Hirsutella citriformis Speare on sugarcane leaf hopper, Pyrilla perpusilla (Walker). Insect Environment 9(2): 62-63.
14352 Prasad, R.B., I.C. Pasalu, N.B. Thammi, and N.R.G. Verma. 2003 Influence of nitrogen and rice varieties on population buildup of brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). Journal of Entomological Research 27(2): 167-170.
6308 Nakamura, T. 2003. A method for discriminating the nymps of two species of preacious mirid bug, Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter and Tytthus chinensis (Stal), and their occurnce in paddy fields. Kyushu Plant Protection Research 49: 77-82. pdf
7000 Liu, Z.W., Z.J. Han, and L.C. Zhang. 2003. The inheritance of resistance to methamidophos in brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica 30(4): 407-412.
7995 Kadirvel, P., M. Maheswaran, and K. Gunathilagara. 2003. Detection of simple sequence repeat markers associated with resistance to whitebacked planthopper, Sogatella furcifera (Horvath), in rice. International Rice Research Notes 28(2): 22-23. pdf
9057 Hrnčić, S. 2003. Metcalfa pruinosa Say (Flatidae, Homoptera) nova stetocina u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori. In: B. Stojnic, (ed.). Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro) 6th savetovanje o zastiti bilja, Zlatibor (Serbia and Montenegro), 24–28 Nov 2002. P. 97.
12 Agboka, K., A.K. Tounou, R. Al-Moaalem, H.M. Pöhling, K. Raupach, and C. Borgemeister. 2004 Life-table study of Anagrus atomus, an egg parasitoid of the green leafhopper Empoasca decipiens, at four different temperatures. Biocontrol 49(3): 261–275.
174 Asteraki, E.J., B.J. Hart, T.C. Ings, and W,J, Manley. 2004 Factors influencing the plant and invertebrate diversity of arable field margins. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 102(2): 219-231.
175 Atakan, E. and R. Canhilal. 2004 Evaluation of yellow sticky traps at various heights for monitoring cotton insect pests. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology 21(1): 15-24.
182 Attié, M., S. Quilici, T. Bourgoin, F. Chiroleu, J.Veslot, and B. Reynaud. 2004 Auchennorrhyncha (Insecta hemiptera) as possible bioindicators of distributed/undisturbed habitats in Reunion Island : a model study in mare-longue forest. In: S. Baret, M. Rouget, I. Nänni and T. Le Bourgeois. (eds.). Proceedings of a Workshop on biodiversity dynamics on la Réunion Island, Saint Pierre - Saint Denis, 29 November - 5 December 2004. [Cd-Rom]. Saint-Denis : Université de la Réunion. Pp.19-21. pdf
185 Austin, A.D., D.K. Yeates, G. Cassis, M.J. Fletcher, J. La Salle, J.F. Lawrence, P.B. McQuillan, L.A. Mound, D.J. Bickel, P.J. Gullan, D.F. Hales, and G.S. Taylor. 2004 Insects ‘Down Under’– Diversity, endemism and evolution of the Australian insect fauna: examples from select orders. Australian Journal of Entomology 43(3): 216-234. pdf
261 Bartlett, C.R. and J.L. Bowman. 2004 Preliminary Inventory of the Planthoppers (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, North Carolina and Tennessee, U.S.A. Entomological News 114(5): 246-254. pdf
284 Baum, K.A., K.J. Haynes, F.P. Dillemuth, and J.T. Cronin. 2004 The matrix enhances the effectiveness of corridors and stepping stones. Ecology 85(10): 2671-2676.
337 Bertin, S., S. Palermo, C. Marzachi, and D. Bosco. 2004 A comparison of molecular diagnostic procedures for the detection of aster yellows phytoplasmas (16Sr-I) in leafhopper vectors. Phytoparasitica 32(2): 141-145.
340 Bess, J.A., K.M. O'Neilll, and W.P. Kemp. 2004 Leafhopper assemblages on native and reseeded grasslands in southwestern Montana. Western North American Naturalist 64(4): 518-531.
358 Biedermann, R. and R. Niedringhaus. 2004 Die Zikaden Deutschlands. Bestimmungstafeln für alle Arten. WABV Fründ, Scheessel, Germany. Pp. iv + 409.
386 Borodin, O.I. 2004 A checklist of the Auchenorrhyncha of Belarus (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha et Cicadomorpha). Beiträge zur Zikadenkunde 7: 29-47. pdf
394 Bouillant, B., C. Mittaz, A. Cottagnoud, N. Branco, and C. Carlen. 2004 Premier inventaire des populations de ravageurs et auxiliaires sur plantes aromatiques et médicinales de la famille des Lamiaceae. Revue Suisse de Viticulture, Arboriculture et Horticulture 36(2): 113-119.
398 Boulard, M. and K. Chueata. 2004 Une cigale asienne periodique? Gaena [Gaeana] festiva F. Entomologiste 60(3): 141-143.
414 Bourgoin, T. and L. Arnaud. 2004 Une nouvelle espece de Fulgore: Phrictus buechei n. sp. (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Fulgoridae). Bulletin de la Societé Entomologique de France 109(2): 183-184.
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