Planthopper Bibliography Database
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307 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
11344 | Zera, A.J. 2003 The endocrine regulation of wing polymorphism in insects: state of the art, recent surprises, and future directions. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 43(5): 607-616. |
11400 | Biedermann, R. 2003 Body size and area-incidence relationships: is there a general pattern? Global Ecology & Biogeography 12: 381-387. pdf |
11840 | Malenovsky, I. 2003 Krísi (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha). In: I. Jongepierová, J. Mládek, V. Pechanec and K. Vincenecová. Vliv pastvy na biodiverzitu lucních porostu MZCHÚ v CHKO Bílé Karpaty [Effect of grazing on biodiversity of meadow stands in the White Carpathia]. Vliv hospodárských zásahu na zmenu biologické diverzity ve zvlášte chránených územích [Impact of economic intervention on the change of biodiversity in specially protected areas]. Veseli nad Moravou, rijen. Czech Republic. 94pp Pp. 27-33. [In Czech] pdf |
12782 | Jongepierová, I., J. Mládek, V. Pechanec, K. Vincenecová, P. Kment, I. Malenovský, V. Pižl, K. Tajovský, J. Schlaghamerský, Z. Miklas, and P. Futák. 2003 Vliv pastvy na biodiverzitu lučních porostů MZCHÚ v CHKO Bílé Karpaty. [Effect of grazing on biodiversity of meadow stands. Effect of economic interventions on the change of biodiversity in specially protected areas.] Zpráva Dílčího Úkolu Grantu Report. VaV610/10/00. [Czech] pdf |
13243 | Johnson N.F. and L. Musetti. 2003 Redefinition of the genus Phanuromyia Dodd (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society 111(2-3): 138-144. [Fugoroidea egg parasite, Hysteropterum] |
13274 | Singaravelu B, S. Easwaramoorthy, and M.N. Premachandran. 2003 Epizootics of a fungal pathogen, Hirsutella citriformis Speare on sugarcane leaf hopper, Pyrilla perpusilla (Walker). Insect Environment 9(2): 62-63. |
14352 | Prasad, R.B., I.C. Pasalu, N.B. Thammi, and N.R.G. Verma. 2003 Influence of nitrogen and rice varieties on population buildup of brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). Journal of Entomological Research 27(2): 167-170. |
6308 | Nakamura, T. 2003. A method for discriminating the nymps of two species of preacious mirid bug, Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter and Tytthus chinensis (Stal), and their occurnce in paddy fields. Kyushu Plant Protection Research 49: 77-82. pdf |
7000 | Liu, Z.W., Z.J. Han, and L.C. Zhang. 2003. The inheritance of resistance to methamidophos in brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica 30(4): 407-412. |
7995 | Kadirvel, P., M. Maheswaran, and K. Gunathilagara. 2003. Detection of simple sequence repeat markers associated with resistance to whitebacked planthopper, Sogatella furcifera (Horvath), in rice. International Rice Research Notes 28(2): 22-23. pdf |
9057 | Hrnčić, S. 2003. Metcalfa pruinosa Say (Flatidae, Homoptera) nova stetocina u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori. In: B. Stojnic, (ed.). Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro) 6th savetovanje o zastiti bilja, Zlatibor (Serbia and Montenegro), 24–28 Nov 2002. P. 97. |
12 | Agboka, K., A.K. Tounou, R. Al-Moaalem, H.M. Pöhling, K. Raupach, and C. Borgemeister. 2004 Life-table study of Anagrus atomus, an egg parasitoid of the green leafhopper Empoasca decipiens, at four different temperatures. Biocontrol 49(3): 261–275. |
174 | Asteraki, E.J., B.J. Hart, T.C. Ings, and W,J, Manley. 2004 Factors influencing the plant and invertebrate diversity of arable field margins. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 102(2): 219-231. |
175 | Atakan, E. and R. Canhilal. 2004 Evaluation of yellow sticky traps at various heights for monitoring cotton insect pests. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology 21(1): 15-24. |
182 | Attié, M., S. Quilici, T. Bourgoin, F. Chiroleu, J.Veslot, and B. Reynaud. 2004 Auchennorrhyncha (Insecta hemiptera) as possible bioindicators of distributed/undisturbed habitats in Reunion Island : a model study in mare-longue forest. In: S. Baret, M. Rouget, I. Nänni and T. Le Bourgeois. (eds.). Proceedings of a Workshop on biodiversity dynamics on la Réunion Island, Saint Pierre - Saint Denis, 29 November - 5 December 2004. [Cd-Rom]. Saint-Denis : Université de la Réunion. Pp.19-21. pdf |
185 | Austin, A.D., D.K. Yeates, G. Cassis, M.J. Fletcher, J. La Salle, J.F. Lawrence, P.B. McQuillan, L.A. Mound, D.J. Bickel, P.J. Gullan, D.F. Hales, and G.S. Taylor. 2004 Insects ‘Down Under’– Diversity, endemism and evolution of the Australian insect fauna: examples from select orders. Australian Journal of Entomology 43(3): 216-234. pdf |
261 | Bartlett, C.R. and J.L. Bowman. 2004 Preliminary Inventory of the Planthoppers (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, North Carolina and Tennessee, U.S.A. Entomological News 114(5): 246-254. pdf |
284 | Baum, K.A., K.J. Haynes, F.P. Dillemuth, and J.T. Cronin. 2004 The matrix enhances the effectiveness of corridors and stepping stones. Ecology 85(10): 2671-2676. |
337 | Bertin, S., S. Palermo, C. Marzachi, and D. Bosco. 2004 A comparison of molecular diagnostic procedures for the detection of aster yellows phytoplasmas (16Sr-I) in leafhopper vectors. Phytoparasitica 32(2): 141-145. |
340 | Bess, J.A., K.M. O'Neilll, and W.P. Kemp. 2004 Leafhopper assemblages on native and reseeded grasslands in southwestern Montana. Western North American Naturalist 64(4): 518-531. |
358 | Biedermann, R. and R. Niedringhaus. 2004 Die Zikaden Deutschlands. Bestimmungstafeln für alle Arten. WABV Fründ, Scheessel, Germany. Pp. iv + 409. |
386 | Borodin, O.I. 2004 A checklist of the Auchenorrhyncha of Belarus (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha et Cicadomorpha). Beiträge zur Zikadenkunde 7: 29-47. pdf |
394 | Bouillant, B., C. Mittaz, A. Cottagnoud, N. Branco, and C. Carlen. 2004 Premier inventaire des populations de ravageurs et auxiliaires sur plantes aromatiques et médicinales de la famille des Lamiaceae. Revue Suisse de Viticulture, Arboriculture et Horticulture 36(2): 113-119. |
398 | Boulard, M. and K. Chueata. 2004 Une cigale asienne periodique? Gaena [Gaeana] festiva F. Entomologiste 60(3): 141-143. |
414 | Bourgoin, T. and L. Arnaud. 2004 Une nouvelle espece de Fulgore: Phrictus buechei n. sp. (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Fulgoridae). Bulletin de la Societé Entomologique de France 109(2): 183-184. |