Planthopper Bibliography Database
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32 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
8058 | Okumura, T. 1963 Induction of diapause in eggs of the planthoppers, Sogata furcifera and Nilaparvata lugens, by changing rearing condition of their adult life. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology 7(4): 285-290.[Japanese] pdf |
8845 | Dick, J. 1963 The green leaf-sucker of sugarcane, Numicia viridis, Muir. In: Proceedings of the 37rd Annual Congress of The South African Sugar Technologists' Association. Pp. 163-165 pdf |
8933 | Goodchild, A.J.P. 1963 Some new observations on the intestinal structures concerned with water disposal in sap-sucking Hemiptera. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 115(8): 217–237. |
9236 | Hinckley, A.D. 1963 Ecology and control of rice planthoppers in Fiji. Bulletin of Entomological Research 54: 467-481. |
9237 | Hinckley, A.D. 1963 Insect pests of rice in Fiji. F.A.O. Plant Protection Bulletin 11(2): 31-33. |
9296 | Miyashita, K. 1963 Outbreaks and population fluctuation of insects, with special reference to agricultural insect pests in Japan. Bulletin of the National Institute of Agricultural Science C 15: 99-170. |
9647 | MacMillian, W.W. 1963 Reproductive system and mating behavior of Sogata orizicola (Homoptera : Delphacidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 56: 330-334. |
10156 | Saksena, R.D. and A.N.T Joseph. 1963 Morphology of the thorax of Araeopidae (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India, Section B. 33(4): 555-569. pdf |
10933 | Synave, H. 1963 Description de quatre Homoptères africains nouveaux. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 67(1-2): 63-67. pdf |
11408 | Fennah R.G. and J.C.M. Carvalho. 1963 On a new genus and species of fulgorid from Brazil (Homoptera, Lystrini). Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 35(3): 459-461. |
11900 | Slykhuis, J.T. 1963 Vector and host relations of North American wheat striate mosaic virus. Canadian Journal of Botany 41(8): 1171-1185. pdf |
11938 | Fennah, R.G. 1963 Leprota Melichar, 1912 (Insecta, Homoptera); proposed designation of a type-species under the plenary powers. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 20(4): 303-304. pdf |
11939 | Fennah, R.G. 1963 New fossil fulgoroid Homoptera from the amber of Chiapas, Mexico. Pp. 43-48. In: A. Petrunkevitch, J. M. Campbell, R. G. Fennah, E. Turk and W. Wittmer. Studies of fossiliferous amber arthropods of Chiapas, Mexico. University of California, Publications in Entomology, Berkeley, CA. 31(1): 1-60. |
12612 | Qadri, M. A. H. 1963 Sugar cane pest of East Pakistan. Scientist (Karachi) 6: 46. pdf |
484 | Büttner, K. 1964 Beiträge zur Zikadenfauna von Westsachsen. Veröffentlichungen des Naturkundemuseums Zwickau 4(2): 3-23. |
856 | Dantsig, E.M.A. F. Emel’Yanov, M. M. Loginova, and G. K. Shaposhnikov. 1964 Order Homoptera. In: Bei-Bienko, G. Ya. (ed.). Keys to The Insects of the European USSR, Vol. 1. Apterygota, Palaeoptera, Hemimetabola. Keys to the fauna of USSR no. 84. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Zoological Institute, Lenigrad. Pp. 419-850. Translated from Russian by Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem (1967). |
857 | Danzig, E.M., A.F. Emeljanov, M.M. Loginova and G.C. Shaposhnikov. 1964 Order Homoptera. Keys to the Insects of the European USSR 1: 335-336. [In Russian] |
1063 | Dlabola, J. 1964 Auchenorrhyncha collected by the German ent. Inst. Expedition to Albania in 1961. Beitraege zur Entomofaunistik 14: 269-318. |
1064 | Dlabola, J. 1964 Ergebnisse der Zoologischen Nubien-Expedition 1962. Teil 26. Homoptera auchenorrhyncha. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 67: 615-626. pdf |
1262 | Emeljanov, A.F. 1964 Food specialization of Cicadina based on material about the fauna of Central Kazakhstan. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 43(7): 1000-1010. [In Russian] |
1263 | Emeljanov, A.F. 1964 New Cicadina from Kazakhstan (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). [New species of insects of the fauna of Kazakhstan.] Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta AN SSSR 34: 3-51. [In Russian] pdf |
1264 | Emeljanov, A.F. 1964 Suborder Cicadinea (Auchenorrhyncha). Keys to the Insects of the European USSR 1: 337-437. [In Russian] |
1457 | Evans, J.W. 1964 The periods of origin and diversification of the superfamilies of the Homoptera-Auchenorrhyncha (Insecta) as determined by a study of the wings of Paleozoic and Mesozoic fossils. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London 175(2): 171-181. pdf |
1542 | Fennah, R.G. 1964 Three new genera of Eurybrachyidae (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea) from West Africa and Australia. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B) 33(9-10): 157-162. pdf |
1543 | Fennah, R.G. 1964 Delphacidae from Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 116(7): 131-150. pdf |