Planthopper Bibliography Database
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329 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
8224 | Maeda, H. 2008 Genetic analysis for the rice stripe resistance of Japanese upland rice (Oryza sativa) varieties and wild rice species. Bulletin of the National Agricultural Research Center for Western Region 2008(7): 71-107. |
8225 | Mahar, S.A. 2001 Effectiveness of different insecticides against whiteback plant hopper Sogatella furcifera (Horvath) on rice crop at Dokri. Thesis. Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, Pakistan. Thesis. |
8226 | Malausa, J.C. 1999 Un espoir face aux pullulations de Metcalfa pruinosa : Introduction en France de Neodryinus typhlocybae, parasite larvaire de cette «cicadelle». [Introduction into france of neodryinus typhlocybae, a larval parasitoid of the flatid planthopper Metcalfa pruinosa]. Phytoma la Defense des Vegetaux 512: 37-40. |
8227 | Malausa, J.C., L. Giuge, F. Bertaux, P. Brun, M. Costanzi, F. Faivre d'Arcier, G. Goarant, M. Jeay, J.M. Reboulet, D. Richy, J.M. Trespaille-Barrau, and C. Vidal. 2001 Biological control against Metcalfa pruinosa. Carrying out of the dispersal of Neodryinus typhlocybae in the South of France. Phytoma la Defense des Vegetaux 537: 18-20. |
8228 | Maceljski, M., E. Kocijancic and J. Igrc-Barcic. 1995 Medeći cvrčak Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) - novi štetnik u Hrvatskoj. [Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) - a new insect pest in Croatia.] Fragmenta Phytomedica et Herbologica 23(2): 69–76. |
8229 | Manalo, J.A. IV. 2008 Monitoring rice insect pests. Agriculture 12(10): 21. |
8230 | Mani, C. and M. Gopalan. 1991 Effect of flufenoxuron on the development of rice white backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera Horv. and rice green leafhopper, Nephotettix virescens (Dist.). Indian Journal of Entomology 53(1): 50-58. |
8231 | Manickavasagam, S., A. Prabhu, and R. Kanagarajan. 2006 Record of a hyperparasitoid on Pseudogonatopus nudus Perkins (Dryinidae: Chrysidoidea) parasitizing Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) from Asia. International Rice Research Notes 31(1): 24-25. pdf |
8232 | Krishnaiah, N.V., V. Jhansi Lakshmi, I.C. Pasalu, G.R. Katti and Ch. Padmavathi. 2008 Insecticides in Rice IPM Past, Present and Future. Directorate of Rice Research, Hyderabad, A.P. India. Technical Bulletin No.30. |
8233 | Manti, I., S. Sosromarsono, R.T.M. Sutamihardja, and M. Iman. 1982 Biology of predator Cytorhinus lividipennis Reuter and predatism on brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens Stal. Penelitian Pertanian 2(2): 56-59.[Indonesian] |
8234 | Marquez, L.V., E.M. Valdez, and A.B. Estoy. 2003 Simple rearing technique for Anagrus sp., an egg parasitoid of rice hoppers. Philippine Entomologist 17(2): 190. |
8235 | Mathirajan, V.G., and A. Regupathy. 2002 Toxicity of thiamethoxam to Aphis gossypii, Amrasca devastans, Nilaparvata lugens and Sogotella furcifera. Annals of Plant Protection Sciences 10(2): 369-370. |
8236 | Matsuda, M., T. Fujimura, and Y. Koshimeguri. 1995 Relation between the low-level jet stream and immigration of the white-backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera (Horvath), into Aomori prefecture, northern Honshu of Japan. Annual Report of the Society of Plant Protection of North Japan 46: 115-122. |
8237 | Matsui, T., M. Ino, and Y. Ueda. 1983 Immigration of the third generation adults of the small brown planthopper into late transplanted rice fields. Proceedings of the Kanto-Tosan Plant Protection Society 30: 107-108. pdf |
8238 | Matsui, T. and Y. Ueda. 1985 Percentage of RSV in the viruliferous small brown planthopper. Proceedings of the Kanto-Tosan Plant Protection Society 32: 158. pdf |
8239 | Matsumura, M. 2009 Current status of insecticide resistance in Asian rice planthoppers. Plant Protection 63(12): 745-748. |
8240 | Matsumura, M. and Y. Suzuki. 1999 Effects of prey species and honeydew feeding on development and reproduction of the mirid bug, Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter (Heteroptera: Miridae). Proceedings of the Association for Plant Protection of Kyushu 45: 63-67. pdf |
8241 | Medina, E.B., C.C. Bernal, and M.B. Cohen. 1996 Role of host plant resistance in successful control of brown planthopper in central Luzon, Philippines. International Rice Research Notes 21(2/3): 53. |
8242 | Melhanah, Witjaksono, and Y. A. Trisyono. 2002 Seleksi resistensi wereng batang padi coklat terhadap insektisida fipronil. [Selections for resistance to insecticide fipronil in the brown plant hopper]. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 8: 107-113.[Indonesian] |
8243 | Mendez Barceló, A. 2007 Algunos aspectos bioetologicos de Peregrinus maidis Ashmead (Homoptera: Delphacidae) en la zona norte de la provincia de Las Tunas, Cuba. Fitosanidad 11(2): 69-73. pdf |
8244 | Mishra, B. and B.K. Sontakke. 1986 Effect of 3 granular insecticides on brown planthopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) in the Easternghat Highland zone, Koraput, India. International Rice Research Newsletter 11(6): 24-25. pdf |
8246 | Miyai, S. 2010 Influence of global warming on aphids, small brown planthopper and green rice leafhopper as virus vectors. Plant Protection 64(7): 448-452. |
8247 | Miyake, T. and T. Mitsui. 1995 Multiple physiological activity of an anti-juvenile hormone, precocene 2 on the whitebacked rice planthopper. Journal of Pesticide Science 20(1): 17-24. pdf |
8248 | Monpop, T., Keawjam, S. Rojana, S. Chalerm, and K. Pattamaporn. 1999 Population genetic study of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal (Homoptera: Delphacidae) in Thailand. Thai Journal of Agricultural Science 32(1): 95-104. |
8249 | Mori, M., M. Kikuchi, I. Ohno, and S. Kagabu. 2010 Unexpected plant-systemic insecticidal properties of alkylene-tethered bis-imidacloprid derivatives. Journal of Pesticide Science 35(2): 124-130. pdf |