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Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
8478 Syobu, S., H. Mikuriya, J. Yamaguchi, M. Matsuzaki, and M. Matsumura. 2002 Fluctuations and factors affecting the wing-form ratio of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal in rice fields. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology 46(3): 135-143. pdf
8545 Sriratanasak, W. 2002 Effect of recommended granular insecticides for controlling stem borers, leaffolder and brown planthopper on Pathum Thani 1, Chai Nat 1, Suphan Buri 1 and Khao Jow Hawm Suphan Buri rice varieties. Warasan Kita Lae Sattawawitthaya [Entomology and Zoology Gazette] 24(1):17-38.
8668 Mohammad, S.R.I. 2002 [Studies on the morphology and biology of the date bug , Asarcopus palmarum (Horvath) Homoptera: Issidae ) as a new pest threatens date palms in el Bahria Oases Egypt]. Thesis, Master's of Science. Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University, Egypt. thesis
8694 Mozaddedul Haque, N.M., M. Fazle Rabbi, A.N.M. Rezaul Karim, Mainul Haq and M.A. Chowdhury. 2002 Resistance and resurgence studies of Neem oil 50% EC against rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 5(8): 858-861. pdf
8701 Ferrenberg, S. M. 2002 Competition as a factor underlying the abundance of an uncommon phytophagous insect, the salt-marsh planthopper Delphacodes penedetecta (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Master’s thesis. University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. thesis
8849 Guglielmino, A. and R. Remane. 2002 An additional taxon of the Kelisia guttula group from Central Italy: Kelisia italica (Auchenorrhyncha, Fulgotomorpha, Delphacidae). Marburger Entomologische Publikation 3(2): 15-20. pdf
8891 Nieves-Rivera, A.M., T.A. Tattar, Williams, Jr. 2002 Sooty mould-planthopper association on leaves of the black mangrove Avicennia germinans (L.) stearn in southwestern Puerto Rico. Arboricultural Journal 26(2): 141-155. pdf
9036 Logan, D.P., P.A. Allison and K. Stannard. 2002 Selection of wild hosts for feeding by passion vine hopper, Scolypopa australis (Walker) (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae) in the bay of plenty. New Zealand Plant Protection 55: 368-373. pdf
9047 Pons, X., S. Garcia, and B. Lumbierres. 2002 Presencia de Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) (Homoptera: Flatidae) sobre plantas ornamentales en Cataluña. Phytoma España 136: 34-38.
9072 Girolami, V. and L. Mazzon. 2002 Il flatide Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) in Europa vent'anni dopo. [Metcalfa pruinosa twenty years after its introduction in Europe.] Informatore Fitopatologico 52(7-8): 10-13.
9183 Conti, M. and A. Alma. 2002 Phytoplasmas and insect vectors. Petria 12(3): 353-359.
9472 Elder, R.J., J.R. Milne, D.J. Reid, J.N. Gutherie and D.M. Persley. 2002 Temporal incidence of three phytoplasma-associated diseases of Carica papaya and their potential hemipteran vectors in central and south-east Queensland. Australasian Plant Pathology 31: 165-176. pdf
9512 Grilli, M.P. and D.E. Gorla. 2002 Variación geográfica de la abundancia poblacional de Delphacodes kuscheli (Fennah) en la región central de Argentina. Ecología Austral 12(2): 187-195 pdf
9520 Hattori, M. and K. Sogawa. 2002 Oviposition behaviour of the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal), and its electronic monitoring. Journal of Insect Behavior 15: 283-293.
9713 Orosz, A. 2002 Contribution to the knowledge of the cicadid fauna of the Fert?-Hanság National Park (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha). In: S. Mahunka (ed.). The Fauna of the Fert?-Hanság National Park. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary. Pp. 351-373.
9740 Preap, V., M.P. Zalucki, and G.C. Jahn. 2002 Effect of nitrogen fertilizer and host plant cultivar on fecundity and early instar survival of Nilaparvata lugens Stål: Immediate response. In: The Proceeding of the 4th Inter-country Forecasting System and Management for Brown Planthopper in East Asia Workshop. Guilin, China. Pp. 163-180.
9819 Subbarayudu, B. 2002 Shoot bug incidence on sorghum in southern India. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter 43: 56-57. pdf
9892 Wiratno and Siswanto. 2002 Serangan Lawana sp. (Homoptera: Flatidae) pada tanaman jambu mete (Anacardium occidentale). In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional III. Pengelolaan Serangga yang Bijaksana Menuju Optimasi Produksi, Bogor 6 November 2001. Perhimpunan Entomologi Indonesia Cabang, Bogor. Pp. 165-170.
10048 Hossain, S.T., G.J.U. Ahmed, M.R. Islam, and A.A. Mahabub. 2002 Role of ducks in controlling weeds and insects in integrated rice-duck farming. Bangladesh Journal of Environmental Science 6(2): 424-427.
10145 Richardson, S.J., M.C. Press, A.N. Parsons and S.E. Hartley. 2002 How do nutrients and warming impact on plant communities and their insect herbivores? A 9-year study from a sub-arctic heath. Journal of Ecology 90(3): 544-556.
10479 Mitjaev, I.D. 2002 Fauna, ecology and zoogeography of leafhoppers (Homoptera, Cicadinea) of Kazakhstan. Tethys Entomological Research 5: 1-168.
10677 Chen X.S. 2002 Homoptera, Delphacidae. In: Z.Z. Li and D.C. Jin, (eds.). Insects from Maolan Landscape. Guizhou Science and Technology Publishing House, Guiyang. Pp 155-166
10822 Li, Zi-Zhong and Daochao Jin. (eds.). 2002 Insects from Maolan Landscape. Guizhou Science and Technology Publishing House, Guiyang. 615 pp. + 8 plates.
12387 Harrison, N.A., M. Womack and M.L. Carpio. 2002 Detection and characterization of a lethal yellowing (16SrIV) group phytoplasma in Canary Island date palms affected by lethal decline in Texas. Plant Disease 86(6): 676–681. pdf
11238 Nuorteva, P. M. Lodenius, S. Nagasawa, E. Tulisalo and S.-L. Nuorteva. 2002 Influenceo of speciess, sex, age and food on the accumulation of toxic cadmium and some essential metals in Auchenorrhynchous Homoptera. Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 80: 49-68. pdf
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