Planthopper Bibliography Database
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Authors Year Title Journal | |
8930 | Patil, A.S, S.B. Magar, and V.D. Shinde. 2001 Feeding potential of predatory spiders on sugarcane pests. In D.M. Hogarth, (ed.). International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. Proceedings of the XXIV Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 17-21 September 2001. Volume 2. Pp. 408-409. |
8984 | Wilson, M.R. 2001 The need for priority revision of certain Auchenorrhyncha genera: economic and conservation issues. In: 2nd European Hemiptera Congress, Slovenia, Fiesa, 20–24 June 2001. Program and book of abstracts. P. 12. pdf |
8985 | Nickel, H. 2001 Patterns of food plant utilization: Auchenorrhyncha on central European trees. In: 2nd European Hemiptera Congress, Slovenia, Fiesa, 20–24 June 2001. Program and book of abstracts. P. 17. pdf |
8987 | Bourgoin, T., B.C. Campbell D. Ouvrard, W. Holzinger and K.L. Chan. 2001 18S Ribosomal RNA patterns in Hemiptera with emphasis on Fulgoromorpha. In: 2nd European Hemiptera Congress, Slovenia, Fiesa, 20–24 June 2001. Program and book of abstracts. P. 18. pdf |
8989 | Seljak, G. 2001 Non-European Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) and their geographical distribution in Slovenia In: Abstracts of the 2nd European Hemiptera Congress, Fiesa, Slovenia. P. 34. pdf |
9029 | Nakamura, S., T. Kameyama and S. Katayama. 2001 The insects in the riverside of Gono-kawa River. Bulletin of the Hoshizaki Green Foundation 5: 17-114. pdf |
9040 | Barbattini, R., F. Gazziola, M. Greatti, F. Grillenzoni, S. Marizza, and A.G. Sabatini. 2001 Metcalfa pruinosa (Say): biology and honey derived from the honeydew. In: Proceedings of the 37th International Apicultural Congress, 28 October - 1 November 2001, Durban, South Africa. 3 pp. pdf |
9046 | Clair, D., J. Larrue, and E. Boudon-Padieu. 2001 Evaluation of vectoring ability of phytoplasmas by Metcalfa pruinosa Say (Homoptera: Flatidae) recently introduced in Europe. IOBC-WPRS Bulletin [International Organization of Biological Control - Western Palearctic Regional Section Bulletin] 24(7): 195-191. pdf |
9052 | Lucchi, A. 2001 Metcalfa in the Italian ecosystem. Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) (Homoptera Flatidae): biology, morphology, damage, control.[La Metcalfa negli ecosistemi italiani. Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) (Homoptera Flatidae): biologia, morfologia, dannosita, controllo.] Regional Development and Innovation Agency in Agro-Forestry Florence, Italy. - |
9063 | Wikardi, E.A., I.G.N.R. Purnayasa, and Siswanto. 2001 Potensi cendawan Synnematium sp. Sebagai agens pengendali Lawana sp. (Flatidae: Homoptera). Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri 7(3): 84−87. |
9064 | Wikardi, E.A., and Siswanto. 2001 Status wereng pucuk Lawana sp. (Homoptera, Flatidae) pada tanaman jambu mete (Anacardium occidentale L.). In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional III. Penegelolaan Serangga yang Bijaksana menuju Optimasi Produksi, Bogor 6 November 2001, Perhimpunan Entomologi Indonesia Cabang Bogor. Pp. 165-170. |
9073 | Fölling, M., C. Knogge and W. Böhme. 2001 Geckos are milking honeydew-producing planthoppers in Madagascar. Journal of Natural History 35(2): 279-284. |
9094 | Vráblová, M., P. Tóth, and V. Janský. 2001 Cicadas (Auchenorrhyncha) associated with redroot pigweed, Amaranthus retroflexus L., in Slovakia. Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica 4(2): 49-54. |
9117 | Howard, F.W. 2001 Insect pests of palms and their control. Pesticide Outlook 12: 240-243. pdf |
9399 | Angeli, G., V. Girolami, S. Finato,and L. Delaiti. 2001 Controllo biologico della cicalina Metcalfa pruinosa. Terra Trentina 47(1): 34-36. |
9404 | Astridge, D. 2001 Insect fauna surveys on rambutan, durian and mangosteen in North Queensland. In: Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop for Tropical Agricultural Entomology Darwin 11-15 May 1998. Pp.73-79. pdf |
9495 | Geethanjali, S. 2001 Molecular marker analysis for resistance to planthoppers (Sogatella furcifera Horvath and Nilaparvata lugens Stål) in rice (Oryza sativa L.) using simple sequence repeats. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India. 74 pp. Master’s Thesis. |
9577 | Kim, H.Y., C.G. Park, M.W. Han and K.B. Uhm. 2001 New education program to improve the BPH identification ability. In: Proceeding of the 3rd International Workshop on Inter-Country Forecasting System and Management For Brown Planthopper in East Asia. November 13-15, National Institute of Plant Protection, Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 53-61. |
9589 | Kolov, W.B. 2001 [Trophic relations of cycads (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) of the middle Caucasus.] [Bulletin of the Novosibirsk State University] 1(2): 36-40. pdf |
9609 | Li, Y.P., B.Z. Hunag, and J.A. Fan. 2001 Investigation of the insect pests of chestnut in Fujian Province. Entomological Journal of East China 10(2): 35-42. pdf |
9627 | Liu, Y.S. and Q.L. Zhang. 2001 A preliminary study on the biological characteristics and the control of Ricania sublimbata Gacodi. Subtropical Plant Science 30(2): 39-41. |
9661 | Meads, M.J. and B.M. Fitzgerald. 2001 List of invertebrates on Mokoia Island, Lake Rotorua. Conservation Advisory Science Notes No. 343, Department of Conservation, Wellington. 9 pp. pdf |
9720 | Padrón, W.R. 2001 Cuantificación de Peregrinus maidis Ashm. En el cultivo del maíz (Zea mays L.) efectividad de bioplaguicidas para su control. Universidad Nacional Agraria de La Habana, Cuba. Master’s Thesis en Ciencias Agrícolas. |
9724 | Palmer, W.A. and K.R. Pullen. 2001 The phytophagous arthropods associated with Senna obtusifolia (Caesalpiniaceae) in Mexico and Honduras and their prospects for utilization for biological control. Biological Control 20: 76-83. pdf |
9742 | Preap, V., M.P. Zalucki, G.C. Jahn, and H.J. Nesbitt. 2001 Effectiveness of brown planthopper predators: population suppression by two species of spider, Pardosa pseudoannulata (Araneae, Lycosidae) and Araneus inustus (Araneae, Araneidae). Journal Asia-Pacific Entomology 4: 187-193. pdf |