Planthopper Bibliography Database
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345 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
14623 | Kosovac, A., Z. Curcic, J. Stepanovic, E. Rekanovic, and B. Duduk. 2023 Epidemiological role of novel and already known ‘Ca. P. solani’ cixiid vectors in rubbery taproot disease of sugar beet in Serbia. Scientific Reports 13(1): 1433; 1-15. |
14916 | Kosovac, A., Z. Curcic, E. Rekanovic, J. Stepanovic, and B. Duduk. 2023 Reptalus quinquecostatus (Dufour, 1833) (Fulgoromorpha: Cixiidae) plant preferences in Serbia. In: 9th European Hemiptera Congress-Book of Abstracts, Prague, National Museum of the Czech Republic, 2023. Pp. 23-23 |
11054 | Kosovac, A., S. Radonjic, S. Hrncic, O. Krstic, I. Tosevski, and J. Jovic. 2016 The role of Vitex agnus-castus and associated Hyalesthes obsoletus in the epidemiology of Bois Noir in Mediterranean Vineyards. Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg 66(1): 1-3. pdf |
12792 | Kosovac, A., O. Toševski, Krstić, I. J. Miljana, T. Cvrkovic, M. Milana, and J. Jovic. 2015 Determining the host plant associations of the Cixiinae (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) by molecular identification of the nymphs. In: X Simpozijum Entomologa Srbije 2015 – X Symposium of Entomologists of Serbia 2015 Kladovo, 23-27 Ix 2015. pp. 12-13. pdf |
12281 | Kosovac, A., M. Jakovljevic, O. Krstic, T. Cvrkovic, M. Mitrovic, I. Tosevski and J. Jovic. 2019 Role of plant-specialized Hyalesthes obsoletus associated with Convolvulus arvensis and Crepis foetida in the transmission of "Candidatus Phytoplasma solani'-inflicted bois noir disease of grapevine in Serbia. European Journal of Plant Pathology 153(1): 183–195. |
10362 | Kosovac, A., M. Jakovljevic, O. Krstic, T. Cvrkovic, M. Mitrovic, I. Tosevski, and J. Jovic. 2014 Crepis foetida L. – Nova Biljka Doma?in Cikade Hyalesthes obsoletus Signoret 1865 (Hemiptera: Cixiidae), Vektora Stolbur FitoplaZME [Crepis foetida L. - new host plant of Cixiid planthopper Hyalesthes obsoletus Signoret 1865 (Hemiptera: Cixiidae), vector of stolbur phytoplasma]. Zastita Bilja 65(1): 7-14. pdf |
11058 | Kosovac, A., J. Johannesen, O. Krstić, M. Mitrović, T. Cvrković, I. Toševski, and J. Jović. 2016 Is Hyalesthes obsoletus a species complexundergoing cryptic speciation? More evidence of host-associated genetic differentiation in southeast Europe. Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg 66(1): 24-35. pdf |
11992 | Kosovac, A., J. Johannesen, O. Krstic, M. Mitrovic, T. Cvrkovic, I. Toševski and J. Jovic. 2018 Widespread plant specialization in the polyphagous planthopper Hyalesthes obsoletus (Cixiidae), a major vector of stolbur phytoplasma: Evidence of cryptic speciation. PLoS ONE 13(5): e0196969; 1-30. (ePub Article #e0196969, 30 pp.) pdf |
14854 | Kosovac, A., E. Rekanovic, Z. Curcic, J. Stepanovic, and B. Duduk. 2023 Plants under siege: Investigating the relevance of ‘Ca. P. solani’ cixiid vectors through a multi-test study. Plants 12(4): 4157; 1-13. |
11066 | Kosovac, A., C. Radonjic, S. Hrncic, O. Krstic, I. Tosevski, and J. Jovic. 2016 Molecular tracing of the transmission routes of bois noir in Mediterranean vineyards of Montenegro and experimental evidence for the epidemiological role of Vitex agnus-castus (Lamiaceae) and associated Hyalesthes obsoletus (Cixiidae). Plant Pathology 65(2): 285-298. DOI: 210.1111/ppa.12409. |
13548 | Kosovac, A. 2018 The influence of host-plant use on cryptic differentiation of vector Hyalesthes obsoletus Signoret, 1865 (Hemiptera: Cixiidae) and on epidemiological transmission routes of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’. Doctoral Dissertation. Univerzitet u Beogradu [University of Belgrade], Belgrade, Serbia. 190 pp. pdf |
6805 | Koshiya, D.J., A.K. Bhattacharya, and S.K. Verma. 1981 Efficacy of granular insecticides on different developmental stages of brown planthopper. International Rice Research Newsletter 6(2): 16. pdf |
2593 | Körner, M., M. Sayer and H. Nickel. 2001 Zikaden an Gräsern eines norddeutschen Kiefernforstes - Abundanz, Phänologie und ein Vergleich der Fangmethoden (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Beiträge zur Zikadenkunde 4: 33-43. pdf |
9590 | Körner, M. 2006 Zur Rolle der Hämolymph-Inhaltsstoffe bei der Feindabwehr von Zikaden (Cicadomorpha et Fulgoromorpha) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Blutzikade Cercopis vulnerata Rossi. Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany. Doctoral dissertation. pdf |
11065 | Korinsak, S., M. Siangliw, J. Kotcharerk, J. Jairin, J.L. Siangliw, B. Jongdee, G. Pantuwan, N. Sidthiwong, and T. Toojinda. 2016 Improvement of the submergence tolerance and the brown planthopper resistance of the Thai jasmine rice cultivar KDML105 by pyramiding Sub1 and Qbph12. Fields Crops Research 188: 105-112. DOI: 110.1016/j.fcr.2015.1010.1025. |
2592 | Körber-Grohne, U. 1990 Gramineen und Grünlandvegetationen vom Neolithikum bis zum Mittelalter in Mitteleuropa. Bibiotheca Botanica 139: 1-105. |
11940 | Korányi, D., V. Markó, A. Haltrich and A. Orosz. 2018 First records of Latilica maculipes (Hemiptera: Issidae) and Synophropsis lauri (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in Hungary. Opuscula Zoologica 49(1): 71-75. doi: 10.18348/opzool.2018.1.71. pdf |
14325 | Korányi, D. and V. Markó. 2022 Host plant identity and condition shape phytophagous insect communities on urban maple (Acer spp.) trees. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 16: 129-143. [Metcalfa pruinosa] |
2591 | Kooyman, C. 1978 Experimental studies based on hostplant relations of Javesella (Delphacidae). Auchenorrhyncha Newsletter 1: 17-18. pdf |
15047 | Kooner, R., K.S. Suri, G.S. Makkar, G. Singh, R. Sharma, and R. Kumar. 2023 Appraisal of the impact of Dominant 20% SG on rice planthoppers and their natural enemies under North Indian Plains. Vegetos 36(3): 1008-1012. [Sogatella furcifera, Nilaparvata lugens] |
2586 | Kontkanen, P. 1948 Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Zikadenfauna Finnlands. III. Annales Entomologici Fennici 14: 85–97. |
2587 | Kontkanen, P. 1950 Quantitative and seasonal studies on the leafhopper fauna of the field stratum on open areas in North Karelia. Annales Zoologici Societatis Zoologicae Botanicae Fennicae “Vanamo” 13(8): 1–91. |
2588 | Kontkanen, P. 1952 On the sibling species in the leafhopper fauna of Finland (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). Societas Vanamo Archives 7: 100–106. |
2589 | Kontkanen, P. 1953 Studies in insect populations I. The number of generations of some leafhopper species in Finland and Germany. Societas Vanamo Archives 8: 150–156. |
2590 | Kontkanen, P. 1958 Notes on some fulgorids collected in Canada by Professor Håkon Lindberg during the summer of 1956 (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Annales Entomologici Fennici 24: 141-145. pdf |