Planthopper Bibliography Database
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349 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
9160 | Heinrichs, E.A. 1979 Chemical control of the brown planthopper. In: O. Mochida and T. Okada, (eds.). Brown Planthopper: Threat to Rice Production in Asia. IRRI. Los Baños, Philippines. Pp. 145-167. pdf |
9161 | Choi, S.Y. 1979 Screening methods and sources of varietal resistance. In: O. Mochida and T. Okada, (eds.). Brown Planthopper: Threat to Rice Production in Asia. IRRI. Los Baños, Philippines. Pp. 171-186. pdf |
9162 | Kalode, M.B. and T.S. Khrishna. 1979 Varietal resistance to brown planthopper in India. In: O. Mochida and T. Okada, (eds.). Brown Planthopper: Threat to Rice Production in Asia. IRRI. Los Baños, Philippines. Pp. 187-199. pdf |
9163 | Harahap, Z. 1979 Breeding for resistance to brown planthopper and grassy stunt virus in Indonesia. In: O. Mochida and T. Okada, (eds.). Brown Planthopper: Threat to Rice Production in Asia. IRRI. Los Baños, Philippines. Pp. 201-208. pdf |
9164 | Stapley, J.H., Y.Y. May-Jackson, and W.G. Golden. 1979 Varietal resistance to the brown planthopper in the Solomon Islands. In: O. Mochida and T. Okada, (eds.). Brown Planthopper: Threat to Rice Production in Asia. IRRI. Los Baños, Philippines. Pp. 233-239. pdf |
9165 | Fernando, H., D. Senadhera, Y. Elikawela, H.M. de Alwis, and C. Kudagamage. 1979 Varietal resistance to the brown planthopper in Sri Lanka. In: O. Mochida and T. Okada, (eds.). Brown Planthopper: Threat to Rice Production in Asia. IRRI. Los Baños, Philippines. Pp. 241-249. pdf |
9167 | Pongprasert, S. and P. Weerapat. 1979 Varietal resistance to the brown planthopper in Thailand. In: O. Mochida and T. Okada, (eds.). Brown Planthopper: Threat to Rice Production in Asia. IRRI. Los Baños, Philippines. Pp. 274-283. pdf |
9168 | Pathak, P.K. and G.S. Khush. 1979 Studies on varietal resistance to the bmwn planthopper at the International Rice Research Institute. In: O. Mochida and T. Okada, (eds.). Brown Planthopper: Threat to Rice Production in Asia. IRRI. Los Baños, Philippines. Pp. 285-301. pdf |
9169 | Oka, I.N. 1979 Cultural control of the brown planthopper. In: O. Mochida and T. Okada, (eds.). Brown Planthopper: Threat to Rice Production in Asia. IRRI. Los Baños, Philippines. Pp. 357-376. pdf |
8302 | Oka, I.N. 1977 Quick method for identification of biotypes of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens Stal in the field. Seri Hama-Penyakit. In: No. 12., Lembaga Pusat Penelitian Pertanian, Bogor. Bagian Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman. Bogor, Indonesia. [Research progress report] Pp. 121-125. |
1121 | Dmitriev, D.A. 1997 [On the influence of different use of steppe meadows on the species structure of Cicadinea (Homoptera) in the Nature Reserve "Galich’ya gora"]. In: Nauchnoe nasledie P. P. Semenova-Tyan-Shanskogo I ego rol’ v razvitii sovremennoi nauki. Mat. Vseross. nauch. konf. 22–25 Apr. 1997 g., g. Lipetsk. Lipetsk. Part 2. [Russian] abstract [Russian] |
5664 | Deitz, L. L., L.A. McCormick, and D.H. Westmoreland. 2004 “DR METCALF”: a resource on cicadas, froghoppers, leafhoppers, planthoppers, and treehoppers (Hemiptera). In: National Science Foundation, PEET V, Spatial and Temporal Issues in Taxonomy, Partnerships for Enhancing Expertise in Taxonomy, Fifth Biennial Conference, September 20-23, 2004, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. p.66 [abstract] |
1260 | Emeljanov, A.F. 1960 Order Homoptera. In: Nasekomye vrediashthshie kukuruze v SSSR [Insects injurious of corn in USSR]. Pp. 172-177 [In Russian] |
1282 | Emeljanov, A.F. 1972 Suborder Auchenorrhyncha. In: Nasekomye I kleshtshi: vrediteli selskokhozyaistvennykh kultur. [Insects and mites injurious on agricultural plants]. Leningrad. Pp. 117-138+283 [In Russian] |
10034 | Gopurenko, D., M.J. Fletcher, H. Löcker, and A. Mitchell. 2013 Morphological and DNA barcode species identifications of leafhoppers, planthoppers and treehoppers (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) at Barrow Island.285. In: N.R. Gunawardene, J.D. Majer, C.K. Taylor and M.S. Harvey (Editors), The Terrestrial Invertebrate Fauna of Barrow Island. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement 83: 253-285. pdf |
4929 | Yu, X.P., K.L. Heong, C. Hu, and A.T. Barrion. 1996 Role of non-rice habitats for conserving egg parasitoids of rice planthoppers and leafhoppers. In: N. Hokyo and G. Norton, (eds.). Proceedings of the International Workshop in Pest Management Strategies in Asian Monsoon Agroecosystems, November 15-18, 1995, Kumamoto, Japan. Kyushu National Agricultural Experiment Station, Japan. Pp. 63-77 |
4860 | Xu, X.P., K.L. Heong, C. Hu, and A.T. Barrion. 1996 Role of non-rice habitats for conserving egg parasitoids of rice planthoppers and leafhoppers. In: N. Hokyo and G. Norton, (eds.). Proceedings of the International Workshop in Pest Management Strategies in Asian Monsoon Agroecosystems, November 15-18, 1995, Kumamoto, Japan. Kyushu National Agricultural Experiment Station, Japan Pp. 63-77 |
5849 | Cheng, J.A. 1996 An ecological approach to brown planthopper management. In: N. Hokyo and G. Norton, (eds.). Proceedings of the International Workshop in Pest Management Strategies in Asian Monsoon Agroecosystems, November 15-18, 1995, Kumamoto, Japan. Kyushu National Agricultural Experiment Station, Japan Pp. 31-43. |
6341 | Teramoto, T., T. Nakasuga and K. Yokomizo. 1996 Seasonal prevalence of occurence of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens, and predacious mirid bug, Cyrtorhinus lividipenni, in Nagasaki, Japan. Kumamoto, Japan. In: N. Hokyo and G. Norton (eds.). Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Pest Management Strategies in Asian Monsoon Agroecosystems. Kyushu National Agriculture Experimental Station, Pp. 55-62. |
2311 | Ich., B.V. 1991 The occurance and migration of brown plant hopper in Vietnam. In: Migration and dispersal of Agricultural Insects. National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences, Tsukuba, Japan. Pp. 183-204. |
6619 | Alma, A. 2000 I Flatidi Italiani Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) origine, diffusione e aspetti fitopatologici. In: Metcalfa pruinosa: Diffusione nel Continente Europeo e Prospecttive di Controllo Biologico. Atti del Convegno Tenuto a S. Donato, Milanese 21 Ottobre 1999. Pp. 9-11. pdf |
6634 | Gervasini, E. 2000 Il programma di lotta biologico a Metcalfa pruinosa in Lombardia. In: Metcalfa pruinosa: Diffusione nel Continente Europeo e Prospecttive di Controllo Biologico. Atti del Convegno Tenuto a S. Donato, Milanese 21 Ottobre 1999. Pp. 21-26. pdf |
6638 | Girolami, V. 2000 Neodryinus typhlocybae: introduziona, diffusione e comportamento. In: Metcalfa pruinosa: Diffusione nel Continente Europeo e Prospecttive di Controllo Biologico. Atti del Convegno Tenuto a S. Donato, Milanese 21 Ottobre 1999. Pp. 12-14. pdf |
6653 | Jermini, M., R. Brunetti and M. Bonavia. 2000 Introduzione di Neodryinus typhlocybae per il conteniment biologico di Metcalfa pruinosa: prime esperienze in Svizzera. In: Metcalfa pruinosa: Diffusione nel Continente Europeo e Prospecttive di Controllo Biologico. Atti del Convegno Tenuto a S. Donato, Milanese 21 Ottobre 1999. Pp. 18-20. pdf |
6667 | Lucchi, A. and L. Santini. 2000 Aspetti Biologici e morfologici in Metcalfa pruinosa (Say)(Homoptera Flatidae). In: Metcalfa pruinosa: Diffusione nel Continente Europeo e Prospecttive di Controllo Biologico. Atti del Convegno Tenuto a S. Donato, Milanese 21 Ottobre 1999. Pp.6-8. pdf |