College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
4509 Vilbaste, J. 1961 New species of Homoptera: Iassidae. Uzbekskij Biologicheskij Zhurnal 1: 42-50 [Russian]
10471 Dubovskii, G.K. 1964 Supplement to the work of V.N. Kuznetsov "Note on the Cicadellids (Homoptera), collected by Prof. D.N. Kashkarov in the region of Arslan-Bob." Uzbekskii Biologicheskii Zhurnal 8(4): 67-70. [Russian].
11734 Dubovskii, G.K. 1978 Cicadinea of Zarafshan Valley. II. Uzbekskii Biologicheskii Zhurnal 1: 42-46. (In Russian).
76 Dubovsky, G. K. 1970 New species of Auchenorrhyncha in Middle Asia. Uzbek Biological Journal 6: 46–50. pdf
1217 Dubovskii, G.K. 1966 Tsikadovye (Anchenorrhyncha) Ferganskoi doliny. [Cicadinea (Auchenorrhyncha) of the Fergana Valley]. Uzbek "Fan" Press, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 256 pp. pdf
1004 Dhaliwal, Z.S. and S.S. Bain. 1983 A laboratory technique for rearing sugarcane leafhopper, Pyrilla perpusilla (Walker). Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology 3(2): 164-165.
3691 Prakash, A., S.P. Gupta, and A. Choudhury. 1988 Populations of planthoppers in rice fields of Udaya variety in Puri district of Orissa. Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology 8(2): 210-212.
10876 Ooi, P.A.C. 2015 Common insect pests of rice and their natural biological control. UTAR Agricultural Science Journal 1(1): 49-59. pdf
12785 Spears, L.R. and A.M.M. Mull. 2019. Spotted lanternfly [Lycorma delicatula (White)]. Utah Pests Fact Sheet ENT-207-19-PR. 5 pp. pdf
2010 Haywood, C.L. 1948 Biotic communities of the Watsatch chapparral. Utah Ecological Monographs 473–506.
12351 Molet, T. 2013 CPHST Pest Datasheet for Haplaxius crudus. USDA-APHIS-PPQ-CPHST. 12 pp. pdf
12372 Sullivan, M. and N. Harrison. 2013 CPHST Pest Datasheet for ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma palmae’ and related strains. USDA-APHIS-PPQ-CPHST. 22 pp. (Revised June, 2014) pdf
4653 Ward, C.R., C.W. O'Brien, L.B. O'Brien, D.E. Foster, and E.W. Huddleston. 1977 Annotated checklist of New World insects associated with Prosopis (Mesquite). USDA Technical Bulletin No. 1557 pdf
9684 Morton, J.M., M. Bowser, E. Berg, D. Magness, and T. Ekelin. 2008 Long term ecological monitoring program on the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska: an FIA adjunct inventory. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-56. 17 Pp. pdf
13601 Norman-Burgdolf, H. and L.K. Rieske. 2021 Healthy trees–healthy people: A model for engaging citizen scientists in exotic pest detection in urban parks. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 60: 127067; 1-8. [Lycorma delicatula]
14926 Silva-Castaño, A.F., H. Brochero, and L. Franco-Lara. 2024 Insects as potential vectors of phytoplasmas in urban trees in a mega-city: a case study in Bogotá, Colombia. Urban Ecosystems (2024): 1-17. pdf
11374 Nickel, H. and C. Bückle. 2013 Zikaden-Arten, für die das Land Baden-Württemberg eine besondere Verantwortung trägt. Unveröffentlichtes Gutachten im Auftrag der Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messun-gen und Naturschutz Baden-Württemberg (LUBW). [Unpublished expert's report. State Agency for the Environment, Measurement and Nature Conservation Baden-Württemberg (LUBW)]. 54 S., Göttingen, Tübingen und Karlsruhe. pdf
11373 Nickel H. 2012 Erfassung von Zikaden in Wald-, Offenland- und Felsbiotopen des Nationalparks Eifel: Naturschutzfachliche Bewertung mit Vorschlägen für Pflegemassnahmen in der Managementzone gelege-ner Offenlandflächen (Untersuchungszeitraum 2011 und 2012). Unveröffentlichtes Gutachten im Auf-trag des Nationalparkforstamtes Eifel. [Unpublished expert opinion on behalf of the National Park Forestry Authority Eifel.] Göttingen und Schleiden-Gemünd. 92 S. pdf
13185 Catanach, T.A. and J.S. Cammack. 2015 A Survey of Fulgoroid Planthoppers (Hemiptera) on Dominica, WI. Unpublished, self-released publication. 5pp. pdf
12672 Atanasova, B. 2015 Fauna Cikada (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) u vinogradima Makedonije i njihova uloga u epidemiologiji ‘Candidatus Phytoplasrna solani’. Univerzitet u Beogradu-Biološki fakultet. Doctoral dissertation. pdf
3707 Qadri, M.A.H. 1967 Phylogenetic study of Auchenorrhyncha. University Studies (Science and Technology) (Packistan) 4(3): 1-16 + fig. 1-10. pdf
12618 Mirza, R. P. and M. A. H. Qadri. 1964 Black leafhopper of sugarcane of Rajshahi, east Pakistan. University Studies 1(3): 31–34. pdf
8605 Gerard, P.J. 1985 Aspects of the ecology of Scolypopa australis (Walker) (Homoptera: Ricaniidae) and its parasite Centrodora scolypopae (Valentine) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae). University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. -
9766 Rodriguez-Rivera, R. 1972 Resistance to the whitebacked planthopper, Sogatella furcifera (Horvath) in rice varieties. University of the Phillippines, Los Banos, Phillippines. Master’s Thesis.
9395 Angeles, E.R. 1979 Inheritance of resistance to whitebacked planthopper, Sogatella furcifera (Horvath) in some rice varieties. University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Philippines. 44 pp. Master’s Thesis.
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