College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
12315 Mazzoni, V. 2005 Contribution to the knowledge of the Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera Fulgoromorpha and Cicadomorpha) of Tuscany (Italy). Redia LXXXVIII: 85–102. pdf
9658 Mazzoni, V., A. Eriksson, G. Anfora, M. Virant-Doberlet, and A. Lucchi. 2012 Mating disrupton by vibrational signals: theory and possible applications to Hemipteran pests [Abstract]. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin. 74: 129.
3061 Mazzoni, V., A. Lucchi, and L. Santini. 2004 Indagine faunistica sugli Auchenorrinchi di vigneti Liguri e Toscani (Rhynchota Homoptera). Frustula Entomologica 25(38): 181-194.
5564 Mazzoni, V., A. Lucchi, C. Ioriatti, M. Virant-Doberlet, and G. Anfora. 2010 Mating behavior of Hyalesthes obsoletus (Hemiptera: Cixiidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 103(5): 813-822.
3060 Mazzoni, V., F. Cosci, A. Lucchi, and L. Santini. 2001 Leafhoppers and planthoppers vectors in Ligurian and Tuscan vineyards. IOBC-WPRS Bulletin [International Organization of Biological Control - Western Palearctic Regional Section Bulletin] 24(7): 263-266. pdf
9659 Mazzoni, V., G. Anfora, C. Ioriatti, M. Virant-Doberlet, and A. Lucchi. 2011 Vibrational signals associated to the mating behaviour of Hyalesthes obsoletus (Hemiptera Fulgoromorpha). IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 67: 245-248.
10857 Mazzoni, V., J. Polajnar, and M. Virant-Doberlet. 2015 Secondary spectral components of substrate-borne vibrational signals affect male preference. Behavioural Processes 115: 53-60.
3063 McCabe, T.L. and L.M. Johnson. 1980 Catalogue of the Types in New York State Museum Insect Collection. New York State Museum Bulletin 434:1-38.
15293 McCarty, E. and L. Womack. 2024 Spotted Lanternfly: A Potential Threat to Forests and Agriculture in Georgia. Georgia Forestry Commission and University of Georgia Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, WSFNR-23-7A. 4 pp. pdf
3064 McClay, A.S. 1983 Biology and host-specificity of Stobaera concinna (Stal) (Homoptera: Delphacidae), a potential biocontrol agent for Parthenium hysterophorus L. Folia Entomologica Mexicana 56: 21-30. pdf
14403 McClay, A.S. 1985 Biocontrol agents for Parthenium hysterophorus from Mexico. In: E. S. Delfosse (Ed.). Proceedings of the Vl lnternational Symposium Biological Control of Weeds, 19-25 August 1984, Vancouver, Canada, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa. Pp. 771-778.
9660 McClay, A.S., W.A. Palmer, F.D .Bennett, and K.R. Pullen. 1995 Phytophagous arthropods associated with Parthenium hysterophorus (Asteraceae) in North America. Environmental Entomology 24(4): 796-809. pdf
3065 McCoy, E.D. and J.R. Rey. 1981 Patterns of abundance, distribution, and alary polymorphism among the salt marsh Delphacidae (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea) of northwest Florida. Ecological Entomology 6(3): 285-291.
12316 McDaniel, L. L., El-Desouky Ammar and D. T. Gordon. 1985 Assembly, morphology, and accumulation of a Hawaiian isolate of Maize mosaic virus in maize. Phytopathology 75(10): 1167–1172. pdf
3066 McDermott, B.T. 1952 A revision of the genus Megamelanus and its allies (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea, Delphacidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 25: 41–59. pdf
15231 McDonald, C.L., G.T. Alcalde, T.C. Jones III, R.A.P. Laude, S.A. Yap, and S. Bhamla. 2024 Wax “tails” enable planthopper nymphs to self-right midair and land on their feet. Integrative and Comparative Biology 64(2): 619-631. [Ricania]
12319 McKamey, S. H. 1999 Biodiversity of Tropical Homoptera with the first data from Africa. American Entomologist 45(4): 213–222. pdf
13304 McLeman, A., B.J. Troczka, R.A. Homem, A. Duarte, C. Zimmer, W.T. Garrood, A. Pym, K. Beadle, R.J. Reid, V. Douris, J. Vontas, T.G.E. Davies, R.F. Constant, R. Nauen, C. Bass. 2020 Fly-Tox: A panel of transgenic flies expressing pest and pollinator cytochrome P450s. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 169: 104674; 1-11. (ePub Article #104674, 11 pp.). [Nilaparvata lugens]
10844 McLoughlin, S., S.K. Martin, and R. Beattie. 2015 The record of Australian Jurassic plant - arthropod interactions. Gondwana Research 27: 940–959.
3067 McMahon, J.A., J.L. Dale, and R. M. Harding. 1999 Brief report: Taxonomic implications for Fijiviruses based on terminal sequences of Fiji disease fijivirus. Archives of Virology 144(11): 2259-2263. pdf
3068 McNeill, S. and T.R.E. Southwood. 1978 The role of nitrogen in the development of insect/plant relationships. In: J.B. Harborne, (ed.). Biochemical Aspects of Plant and Animal Coevolution. Academic Press, London. Pp. 77-98
14391 McPherson, C., A. Avanesyan, and W.O. Lamp. 2022 Diverse host plants of the first instars of the invasive Lycorma delicatula: Insights from eDNA metabarcoding. Insects 13(6): 534; 1-16.
3069 McPherson, K.R. 1994 The Dictyopharid planthopper genus Phylloscelis in the United States with notes on the biology and immatures of P. pallescens (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Thesis (M.S.), Central Missouri State University. Master's Thesis
3070 McPherson, K.R. and S.W. Wilson. 1995 The planthopper genus Phylloscelis in the United States (Homoptera: Dictyopharidae). Insecta Mundi 9(3-4): 177-188.
3071 McPherson, K.R. and S.W. Wilson. 1996 Life history and descriptions of immatures of the dictyopharid planthopper Phylloscelis pallescens (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Journal of the New York Entomological Society 103(2): 170-179.
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