Planthopper Bibliography Database
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Authors Year Title Journal | |
8979 | Sémétey, O., F. Gatineau, A. Bressan, and A. Boudon-Padieu. 2007 Characterization of a γ-3 proteobacteria responsible for the syndrome “basses richesses” of sugar beet transmitted by Pentastiridius sp. (Hemiptera, Cixiidae). Phytopathology 97(1): 72-78. pdf |
9012 | Yu, A.L. 2007 Biological characteristics of Ricania speculum and its control. Jiangxi Forestry Science and Technology 2007(3): 34-35. pdf |
9013 | Liu, Shu-Wen, Bao-Zhong Ji, Kai Zhang, Zhang-Hui He, Jie Song and Huo-Lin Song. 2007 The distribution and damage characteristics of overwinting eggs' nidi of Ricania sublimbata Jacobi. Journal of Nanjing Forestry University (Natural Sciences Edition) 31(3): 57-62. |
9016 | Waipara, N.W., C.J. Winks, L.A. Smith and J.P. Wilkie. 2007 Natural enemies of Japanese honeysuckle, Lonicera japonica, in New Zealand. New Zealand Plant Protection 60: 158-163. pdf |
9018 | Winks, C.J., N.W. Waipara, L.A. Smith, S. Tsai, J.P. Wilkie, and P. Peterson. 2007 Invertebrates and pathogens associated with wild ginger, Hedychium gardnerianum and Hedychium flavescens (Zingiberaceae), in New Zealand. Landcare Research Contract Report: LC0708/062, Landcare Research, Auckland, New Zealand. - |
9035 | Liefting, L.W., R.E. Beever, M.T. Andersen, and G.R.G. Clover. 2007 Phytoplasma diseases in New Zealand. Bulletin of Insectology 60(2): 165-166. pdf |
9039 | Emeljanov, A.F. 2007 New and little known taxa of the family Cixiidae (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 86(1): 107-131. In Russian, English translation Entomological Review 87(3): 287-308] pdf |
9045 | Glavendekić, M. and L. Mihajlovi. 2007 Citrus flatid planthopper Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) (Hemiptera: Flatidae) and locust gall midge Obolodiplosis robiniae (Haldeman) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) new invasive alien species in Serbia. In: Alien arthropods in South East Europe – crossroad of three continents. University of Forestry, Sofia, Bulgaria. Pp. 5-9. |
9055 | Ljubodrag, M. 2007 Metcalfa pruinosa (Say)(Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha) anew harmful species for entomofauna of Serbia. Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta 95: 127-134. |
9111 | Brown, J.K. and M Dollet. 2007 Evaluation of the mitochondrial COI gene as a useful genetic marker for Myndus crudus and other Myndus spp. [Abstract] Phytopathology 97(7) : S174. pdf |
9116 | Bressan, A., R. Turata, M. Maixner, S. Spiazzi, E. Boudon-Padieu, and V. Girolami. 2007 Vector activity of Hyalesthes obsoletus living on nettles and transmitting a stolbur phytoplasma to grapevines: a case study. Annals of Applied Biology 150(3): 331-339. |
9124 | Sémétey, O., A. Bressan, M. Richard-Molard, and A. Boudon-Padieu. 2007 Monitoring of proteobacteria and phytoplasma in sugar beets naturally or experimentally affected by the disease syndrome ‘Basses richesses’. European Journal of Plant Pathology 117(2): 187-196. |
9126 | Ceotto, P.C. 2007 Phylogénie des Cixiidae (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha) sur la base de données morphologiques et moléculaires. Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France. Thèse doctorat. |
9133 | Březíková, M. and Š. Linhartová. 2007 First report of potato stolbur phytoplasma in Hemipterans in southern Moravia. Plant Protection Science 43(2): 73-76. pdf |
9142 | Remes Lenicov, A.M.M. de, R. Mariani, M.F. Rossi Batiz, L.R. Conci, and S.J. Lanati. 2007 Los insectos Fulgoromorpha asociados al cultivo de ajo en la República Argentina-Hemiptera Auchenorrhyncha. In: 30º Congreso Argentino de Horticultura - 1º Simposio Internacional sobre Cultivos Protegidos. Horticultura Argentina. 26(61): 45. pdf |
9143 | Rossi-Batiz, M.F., L.R. Conci, L.R. and A.M.M. de Remes-Lenicov. 2007 Hallazgo del saltahojas verde de la caña de azúcar, Saccharosydne saccharivora (Westwood, 1833) en cultivos de ajo de la Argentina (Hemiptera-Fulgoromorpha). XXX Congreso Argentino de Horticultura - I Simposio Internacional sobre Cultivos Protegidos. Horticultura Argentina 26(61): 45. pdf |
9157 | Toledo, A.V., A.M.M. de Remes Lenicov, and C.C. Lopez Lastra. 2007 Pathogenicity of fungal isolates (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) against Peregrinus maidis, Delphacodes kuscheli (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), and Dalbulus maidis (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), vectors of corn diseases. Mycopathologia 163(4): 225-232. |
9189 | Zahavi, T., S. Peles, A.R. Harari, V. Soroker, and R. Sharon. 2007 Push and pull strategy to reduce Hyalesthes obsoletus population in vineyards by Vitex agnus castus as trap plant. Bulletin of Insectology 60(2): 297-298. pdf |
9377 | Al-Jboory, I.J. 2007 Survey and identification of the biotic factors in the date palm environment and its application for designing IPM-Program of date palm pests in Iraq. University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences 11(3): 423-457. |
9394 | Anaji R. and R.A. Balikai. 2007 Management of shoot bug, Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead) through seed dressers. In: S. Ignacimuthi, and S. Jayaraj (eds.). Biotechnology and Insect Pest Management. Elite Publishing House Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, India. Pp. 232-235. |
9440 | Chikkarugi, N. 2007 Studies on multiple resistance and management of sorghum pests in Rabi. University of Agricultural Science, Dharwad. India. Master’s Thesis. pdf |
9453 | Deng, Z.Z. 2007 [Homoptera moth wax Cicadidae (Homoptera: Flatidae) Living habits and Prevention research]. Journal of Southwest Guizhou Teachers College for Nationalities 12(4): 122-124. [Chinese] pdf |
9542 | Hrncic, S., T. Perovic, and S. Radonjic. 2007 Metcalfa pruinosa Say (Flatidae, Homoptera) - invazivna vrsta, rasprostranjenost I biljke domacini u Cmoj Gori. Agroznanje 8(4): 23-29. |
9689 | Mühlethaler, R., H. Günthart, D. Burckhardt, W. Holzinger, G. Kunz, P. Lauterer, N. Maczey, I. Malenovský, H. Nickel, R. Niedringhaus, G. Seljak, S. Walter, and W. Witsack. 2007 Zur Fauna der Zikaden, Blattflöhe und deren Parasitoide der Alp Flix (Graubünden, Schweiz) (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha und Psylloidea; Diptera: Pipunculidae, Strepsiptera: Elenchidae). Beiträge zur Zikadenkunde 9: 45-53. |
9794 | Shen, Q., J.L. Wang, J.D. Liu, Y.F. Chen, X.H. Fan, and Y.Q. Zhu. 2007 Bionomios and control of Ricania shantungensis. Chinese Bulletin of Entomology 2007(1): 116-119+159. pdf |