Planthopper Bibliography Database
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355 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
9914 | Zezlina, I. and L. Milevoj. 2000 Poskus zatiranja medecega škrzata (Metcalfa pruinosa Say) z osico Neodryinus typhlocybae Ashmead. [Experimental appression of flatid planthopper (Metcalfa pruinosa Say) with wasp Neodryinus typhlocybae Ashmead.] marec-8 marec 2001. In: Zbornik predavanj in referatov 5 Slovensko Posvetovanje o Varstvu Rastlin, catez ob Savi, Slovenija, 6 Pp. 288-292. pdf |
10411 | Wang, D.L., Z.Q. Wang, S.W. Wang, and H.X. Liu. 2000 [Occurrence and control techniques spot clothing wax cicada]. Plant Protection Technology and Extension 20(5): 19-20. pdf |
10558 | Ouvrard, D., B.C. Campbell, T. Bourgoin, and K.L. Chan. 2000 18S rRNA secondary structure and phylogenetic position of Peloridiidae (Insecta, Hemiptera). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 16(3): 403-417. pdf |
11345 | Abaii, M. 2000 Pests of forest trees and shrubs of Iran. Ministry of Agriculture. Agricultural Research, Education & Extension Organization, Iran. 178 pp. - |
10760 | Harvey, M., W. Shear, and H. Hoch. 2000 Cavernicolous Onychophora, Arachnids, Myriopods and Insects. Pp. 79-94 In: H. Wilkens, H., D.C. Culver, and W.F. Humphreys, (eds). Ecosystems of the world. Vol. 30: Subterranean Ecosystems. Elsevier, Amsterdam. - |
10767 | Hoch, H. 2000 The Hawaiian cave planthoppers (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea: Cixiidae) - a model for rapid subterranean speciation? International Journal of Speleology 26(1-2): 21-31. International Journal of Speleology (1999) 26(1-2): 21-31. pdf |
10768 | Hoch, H. 2000 Acoustic communication in darkness. In: H. Wilkens, H., D.C. Culver, and W.F. Humphreys, (eds). Ecosystems of the world. Vol. 30: Subterranean Ecosystems. Elsevier, Amsterdam. Pp. 211-219 |
10970 | Wheeler, A.G., Jr. 2000 New distributional and first specific host-plant records for Thionia acuta Doering and T. producta Van Duzee (Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoroidea: Issidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 102(3): 759-760. |
11402 | Dejean, A., J. Orivel, J.L. Durand, T. Bourgoin, P.R. Ngnegueu, and M. Gibernau. 2000 Interference between ant species distribution in different habitats and the density of a maize pest. Sociobiology 35(1): 175-188. pdf |
11413 | Bourgoin, T. and I. Pajor. 2000 A new Hilda species (Hemiptera, FuIgoromorpha, Tettigometridae) on Protea sp. (Proteaceae) from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 47(1): 51-56. pdf |
11504 | Schürrer, B. 2000 Die Zikadenfauna des Südlichen Grazer Feldes. Institut für Zoologie Abteilung für Morphologie und Ökologie Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz. Graz, Germany. Thesis. pdf |
11841 | Lenardon, S., A. Rago, F. Giolitti, G.J. March and S.F. Nome. 2000 Virus del Mal de Río Cuarto: Estudios de transmisión por semilla. Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (RIA) 29(1): 99-105. pdf |
11873 | Vargo, A. 2000 Taro Planthopper (Tarophagus proserpina [Kirkaldy]). Agricultural pests of the Pacific, ADAP (Agricultural Development in rgw American Pacific)) 2000-22. 1 pp. pdf |
12411 | Mazzon, L. 2000 Metcalfa pruinosa. Avversita’ Degli Alberi 53(February 2000): 27-28. pdf |
12528 | Guadagnini, M., N. Mori, S. Alberghini, E. Carturan, V. Girolami and A. Bertaccini. 2000 Molecular evidence of phytoplasma transmission to grapevine by Metcalfa purinosa (Say) in Italy. Pp. 99-100. In: R. H. Symons (editor). Extended Abstracts, 13th Meeting International Council for the Study of Viruses and Virus-like Disease of the Grapevine, Adelaide, Australia, 12-17 March 2000. University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia. - |
13401 | Nanda, U.K., D. Dash, and L.K. Rath. 2000 Biochemical basis of resistance in rice to the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens. Indian Journal of Entomology 62: 239-241. |
8 | Achtziger, R., H. Nickel, and R. Schreiber. 1999 Auswirkungen von Extensivierungsmaßnahmen auf Zikaden, Wanzen, Heuschrecken und Tagfalter im Feuchtgrünland. Schriftenreihe des Bayerischen Landesamt für Umweltschutz 150: 109-131. pdf |
21 | Al Hussein, I.A., S. Bergmann, T. Funke, J. Huth, H. M. Oelerich, M. Reuter, F. Tietze, and W. Witsack. 1999 Die Tierwelt der Bergbaufolgelandschaften. Naturschutz im Land Sachsen-Anhalt 36: 23–40. |
41 | Alma, A. 1999 Investigations on the populations of Auchenorrhyncha in the wet zones of the lake of Viverone (Piedmont, Italy) (Rhynchota Homoptera). Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana 131 (3): 209–217. [Italian] |
62 | Ammer, U. and H. Schubert. 1999 Conservation of species, processes and resources against the background of faunistic investigations of the forest canopy. Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt 188(2): 70–87. [German]. |
153 | Asche, M. 1999 The planthopper genus Remanodelphax Drosopoulos and related taxa (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Delphacidae). Reichenbachia 33 (1): 43-53. |
189 | Ayoade, O., S. Morooka, and S. Tojo. 1999 Enhancement of short wing formation and ovarian growth in the genetically defined macropterous strain of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Journal of Insect Physiology 45(1): 93-100. pdf |
546 | Chang, T.Y. and C.T. Yang. 1999 The homology of male genitalia in Cicadomorpha. Chinese Journal of Entomology Special Publication 11: 167-175. [Chinese] |
700 | Holzinger, W. E. 1999 Morphologie, Verbreitung und Bionomie von Trirhacus michalki (Wagner, 1948) (Insecta: Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cixiidae). Senckenbergiana biologica 78: 153-159. |
734 | Claridge, M.F., J.C. Morgan, A.E. Steenkiste, and D. Damyanti. 1999 Seasonal patterns of egg parasitism and natural biological control of rice brown planthopper in Indonesia. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 1(4): 297-304. |