Planthopper Bibliography Database
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372 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
11739 | Casale, A. 1981 Collezione Emitterologica di Massimiliano Spinola. Cataloghi, Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino. Il Museo, Torino, Italy. [Volume] 2, 120 p. |
5031 | Pulz, C.E. and G.S. Carvalho. 2006 As espécies de Nersia (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Dictyopharidae) do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. [The species of Nersia (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Dictyopharidae) from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil]. Iheringia. Série Zoologia 96(1): 75-80. pdf |
13238 | Kaplan, M. 2019 Mardin Ili Zeytin Bahcelerinde Zararlı Bocek Türleri, Yayılısları ve Yogunlukları. Igdır Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu Dergisi 9(4): 1901-1907. [Agalmatium flavescens] pdf |
1239 | Duso, C. 1984 Infestazioni di Metcalfa pruinosa nel Veneto. [Infestations by Metcalfa pruinosa in the Venice district] IF (Informatore Fitopatologico) 34(5): 11-14. |
14059 | Wijayanti, R., S. Sholahuddin, and S.H. Poromarto. 2021. Silica content on local rice varieties against brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens Stall. (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). IEEE-SEM 9(4): 51-57. |
13293 | LI, Rui, Rujing WANG, Jie ZHANG, Chengjun XIE, Liu LIU, Fangyuan WANG, Hongbo CHEN, Haiying HU, Xiufang JIA, Min HU, Man ZHOU, Dengshan LI, and Wancai LIU. 2019 An effective data augmentation strategy for CNN-based pest localization and recognition in the field. IEEE Access 7: 160274-160283. [“rice planthopper”] pdf |
3831 | Rioja, T.C., H.E. Vargas and D.E. Bobadilla. 2006 Biologia y enemigos naturales de Pereginus maidis (Ashmead) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) ien el Valle de Azapa. [Biology and Natural Enemies of Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) in the Azapa Valley]. Idesia 24(1): 41-48. pdf |
6210 | Rioja, T.C., H. Vargas, and D. Bobadilla. 2010 Observations about differential fertility of two alar morphotypes on Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) under laboratory conditions. Idesia 28(2): 89-95. pdf |
11411 | Aguilera, A. 1972 Colección entomológica del Centro de Investigación y Capacitación Agrícola (CICA), Arica. Nuevas determinaciones. II contribución. Idesia 2: 99-116. |
11415 | Charlin, R. 1974 Nuevas plagas de insectos asociados a la palma datilera en la estacion experimental de Esmeralda, Provincia de Tarapaca. Idesia 3: 221-222. pdf |
13349 | Saber, A.J. 2016 External morphology of planthopper Dictyophara iranica Germar 1833, (Hemiptera: Dictyopharidae) from Iraq. Ibn Al-Haitham Journal For Pure and Applied Science 24(1): 2011; 1-8. pdf |
14180 | Mitra, B., B. Biswas, K. Chakraborty, D. Mukhopadhyay, and P. Pati. 2019 New records of the terrestrial bugs (Insecta: Hemiptera) from. Sundarban Biosphere Reserve and their diversity in Indian mangroves. I3 Biodiversity 4: 403; 1-15. [Dictyophara pallida] pdf |
5394 | Peng, Z.P., J. Shi, J.Y. Jiang, and C.S. Luo. 1991 Identification of resistance to white back planthoppers (Fulgoroidea) in the three line resources of hybrid rice. Hybrid Rice (China) 6: 35-37. |
7103 | Su, C.C., Z.N. Cheng, H.Q. Di, and J.M. Wan. 2003 Progress in studies on genetics of resistance to rice brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal) and breeding of resistant cultivars. Hybrid Rice 18(4): 1-6. |
8181 | Lei, H.Z., G.Q. Liu, and Z.P. Peng. 1991 Identification of brown planthoppers resistance in germplasms of hybrid rice in 1986-1989. Hybrid Rice 1: 34-37. |
7173 | Qin, Z.X. and Z.H. Wu. 2001 Studies on the effect of Acephate Triazophos 20% Ec on Chilo suppressaeis Walker and its influenceto the population dynamics of Nilaparvata lugens and Clubiona japouicola Baos et Str. Hunan Agricultural Sciences 2001(3): 52-53. |
7214 | Li, Z.Y., Y.L. Chen, H.Y. Tang, B.C. Zhou, L.H. Chen and X.H. Long. 2006 Reason of big occurrence of the planthopper and the control measures in Yiyang. Hunan Agricultural Sciences 2006(3): 92-93. |
7235 | Chen, S.G. 2007 Comparison of population dynamic on Sogatella furcifera between machine-transplanted rice and traditional transplanted rice. Hunan Agricultural Sciences 2007(4): 142-143. |
7245 | Tang, X.Y., Z.Y. Li, and B. Chen. 2009 Integrated control of Sogatella furcifera on rice. Hunan Agricultural Sciences 2009(8): 70-73. |
7272 | Liu, M.Y. 2007 Effects of thiamethoxam 25% WG on controlling rice planthopper. Hunan Agricultural Sciences 2007(2): 96-97. |
7297 | Gong, P., G.H. Tian, and W.S. Zhang. 2007 Control effect trial of the mixture of regent and other pesticides against rice planthopper. Hunan Agricultural Sciences 2007(5): 125-126,130. |
7325 | Chen, Y.Q., R.H. Dan, and X.Y. Liu. 2007 Control effect of several pesticides against rice planthopper. Hunan Agricultural Sciences 2007(1): 81,105. |
7338 | Huang, Z.K., Z.Z. Zhang, Y.J. He, Z.L. Ying, D.C. Liu, X.Y. Liu, and T. Tang. 2009 Control effects of several new pesticides on rice planthopper. Hunan Agricultural Sciences 2009(7): 91-92. |
7354 | Luo, Z. 2009 The contrast experiment of new chemical against rice planthopper. Hunan Agricultural Sciences 2009(5): 83. |
7358 | Liu, J.P. and Y.N. Li. 2001 Control effect of 30% high osmotic Dichlorvos EC on rice planthopper. Hunan Agricultural Sciences 2005(5): 42. |