Planthopper Bibliography Database
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449 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
8466 | Rouy-aree, S. 1989 Surveying of Nephotettix spp., Nilaparvata lugens and Sogatella furcifera by D-VAC and direct count. Warasan Kita lae Sattawawitthaya [Entomology and Zoology Gazette] 11(4): 187-194. |
8485 | Liu, G., P. Caballero, R.C. Saxena, B.O. Juliano, and R.M. Wilkins. 1989 Molecular distillation of rice plants resistant and susceptible to whitebacked planthopper (WBPH). International Rice Research Newsletter 14(3): 22-23. pdf |
8586 | Yang, L.M. and H.Y. Chen. 1989 A preliminary report on the damage of brown planthopper and sheath blight on rice. Insects Knowledge 26(6): 321-322. |
8600 | Yu, S.Y., W.S. Wu, and Q.Z. Wu. 1989 Studies on the effects of fish culture in paddy rice field on pest and weed control. Chinese Journal of Biological Control 5(3): 113-116. |
8623 | Zhang, Z. and J.M. Zhang. 1989 A preliminary study on the economic injury level and economic threshold of brown planthopper to japonica rice. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica 16(3): 145-151. |
8624 | Zhang, Z.T., Z.H. Ye, B.T. Yin, and R.C. Saxena. 1989 Sexual communication and sound producing organs in planthoppers infecting rice and Leersia grass. In: 20th Pest Control Council of the Philippines, Baguio City, Philippines, 9-12 May 1989. 1 p. |
8625 | Zhang, Z.Q. 1989 Control experiments on rice planthoppers and leaf hoppers by applaud in field. Insects Knowledge 26(4): 196-198. |
8639 | Zhu, X.W. 1989 Appraisal of biotypes of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (stal). Journal of Southwest Agricultural University 11(4): 353-354. |
8654 | Maes, J.M. 1989 Catálogo de los insectos controladores biológicos en Nicaragua. Volumen III. Insectos parasitoides. Revista Nicaraguense de Entomologia 10: 1-138. |
8897 | Gallego, V.C. 1989 Outbreak of Menosca sp. (Homoptera: Lophopidae) on coconuts in Valencia, Negros oriental. Phillipines Journal of Coconut Studies 14(1): 7-9. |
8923 | Viraktamatha, C.A. 1989 Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) associated with mango, Mangifera indica L. Tropical Pest Management 35(4): 431-434. |
9032 | Gerard, P.J. 1989 Biology and morphology of immature stages of Centrodora scolylbopae (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae). New Zealand Entomologist 12: 24-29. pdf |
9054 | Arzone, A. 1989 Heavy infestation of Metcalfa pruinosa (Say)(Auchenorrhyncha Flatidae) on Diospyros kaki L. with biological and chronological findings. Informatore Fitopatologico 39(6): 73-78. |
9461 | Dietrich, C.H. 1989 Surface sculpturingof the abdominal integument of Membracidae and other Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 91: 143-152 |
9505 | Gorsuch, C.S., G.T. Lee, and D.R. Alverson. 1989 Arthropod species collected from peach trees in South Carolina utilizing a whole-tree sampling method. Journal of Agricultural Entomology 6(4): 233-255. pdf |
9714 | Osella, G. and M. Pogliano Osella. 1989 Studi sulla palude del Busatello (Veneto-Lombardia) 9. Gli Omotteri Auchenorrinchi. Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Verona x Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Verona 7: 89-97. |
9762 | Renard, J.L. and H. de Franqueville. 1989 Oil palm bud rot. Oléagineux 44(2): 87-92. |
9779 | Sekhar, P.R. 1989 Studies on the population dynamics of major pests of sorghum and bioecology and crop loss assessment due to the shoot bug, Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead). Andhra Pradesh Agricultural Univesity, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. 230 pp. Master’s Thesis. |
9796 | Shivamurthappa, K.A. Kulkarni, and S. Lingappa. 1989 Estimation of crop loss in sorghum due to the shoot bug Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead). Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2(1-2): 82-88. |
10882 | Paulian, R. 1989 Les Insectes des îles Glorieuses. L'Entomologiste 45(4-5): 203-208. pdf |
11192 | Dowell, R.V. and R. Gill. 1989 Exotic invertebrates and their effects on California. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 65(2): 132-145. |
11268 | Yang, C.T. 1989 Delphacidae of Taiwan (2) (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). NSC Special Publications 6: 1-334. pdf |
11434 | Wang, S.Z. 1989 A new genus and three new species of Achilidae from China. Journal of Northwest Sci-tech University of Agriculture and Forestry 17(2): 93-96. pdf |
12005 | Hall, W.E., C. A. Olson and T. R. Van Devender. 1989 Late Quaternary and Modern Arthropods from the Ajo Mountains of Southwestern Arizona Pan-Pacific Entomologist 65(3): 322-347 pdf |
14794 | Solervicens, J. and M. Elgueta. 1989 Entomofauna asociada al matorral costero del Norte Chico. Acta Entomológica Chilena 15: 91-122. pdf |