Planthopper Bibliography Database
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Authors Year Title Journal | |
11505 | Lehmann, M and R. Achtziger 2016 Zikaden (Auchenorrhyncha) auf unterschiedlichen Regenerationsstadien des Hochmoorkomplexes Stengelhaide bei Reitzenhain im Erzgebirge (Sachsen) [Planthoppers and leafhoppers (Auchenorrhyncha) on different regeneration stages of the peat bog complex Stengelhaide near Reitzenhain in the Ore Mountains (Saxony)]. Mitteilungen des Naturschutzinstitutes Freiberg 9: 25-61. pdf |
11507 | Servadei, A. 1958 Consideration sugli Emittcri italiani (Heteroptera et Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha). Atti della Academia Nazionale Italiana Entomologia 6: 20-27. |
11508 | Harpaz, I. 1966 Further studies on the vector relations of the maize rough dwarf virus (MRDV). Maydica 11: 18-26. |
11509 | Peterson, M. A., R. F. Denno and L. Robinson. 2001 Apparent widespread gene flow in the predominantly flightless planthopper Tumidagena minuta. Ecological Entomology 26: 629–637. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2311.2001.00364.x |
11510 | Jankovic, L. 1975 Homoptera-Fauna (Auchenorrhyncha) in der Republik Serbien. Recueil des Travaux sur la Faune d'lnsectes de la Serbie [Zbornik radova o entomofauni SR Srbije]. 1: 85-110. |
11511 | Jankovic, L. and P. Papovic 1981 Nove i retke vrste za fauna cicada (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha) Jugpslavija. I. [New and infrequent species in Yugoslav Fauna of Cicadas (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha)]. Glas Srpska Akademija Nauka i Umetnosti Odeljenje Prirodnomatematicheskih Nauk Beograd. [Bulletin de I'Academie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts - Classe des Sciences Naturelles et Mathematiques Sciences] 48: 121-134. [in Serbo-Croatian] |
11512 | Lee, C. E. and Y. J. Kwon. 1976 Faunistic investigation on a collection of Auchenorrhyncha from mt. Chuwangsan (Homoptera). Korean journal of Entomology 6 (2): 1-9. [In Korean] |
11513 | Lindberg, H. 1941 Die Hemipteren der Azorischen Inseln. Nebst Anhang: ziir Kenntnis der Hemipterenfauna von Madeira. Commentationes Biologicae 8 (8): 1–32. |
11514 | Linnavuori, R.E. 1969 Contributions to the hemipterous fauna of Egypt. Suomen Hyonteistieteellinen Aikakauskirja 35: 204–215. |
11515 | Fox, J. W. 1967 Report of some Strepsiptera in the British Museum (Natural History) including new species of Halictophagidae and Elenchidae. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. London B 36: 41-49. |
11516 | Tallamy, D. W. and R. F. Denno. 1979 Responses of sap-feeding insects (Homoptera: Hemiptera) to simplification of host plant structure. Environmental Entomology 8:1021-1028. |
11517 | Goodman, K.R. 2010 Emerging biodiversity: Diversification of the Hawaiian Nesosydne planthoppers. University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA. PhD Dissertation. pdf |
11518 | Pemberton, C. E. 1949 Notes on the life history of the sugar cane leaf hopper. Hawaiian Planters' Record 53: 205–210. |
11519 | Gnaneswaran, R. 2013 A Review of the Genus Harmalia Fennah 1969 (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) recorded from Sri Lanka with the description of Harmalia heitensis otho Fennah 1975. Pp. 287-296. In: Chopra A. K. & Khanna D. R. 2013. Animal Diversity and their Conservation, Biotech Books. 306 pp. pdf |
11520 | Ichikawa, T. 1994 Wing dimorphism and aggressive communication through vibration signals in the males of the planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stài). Pp. 87-97. In: Proceedings of Memorial and International Symposium on Dispersal Polymorphism of Insects, its Adaptation and Evolution, Okayama, Japan, June 30-July 1, 1994. - |
11521 | Kisimoto, R. 1994 Role of the wing-polymorphism in the evolution of the life history in Delphacidae, Auchenorrhyncha. Pp. 65-73. Proceedings of Memorial and International Symposium on Dispersal Polymorphism of Insects, Its Adaptation and Evolution, Okayama, Japan, June 30-July 1, 1994. - |
11522 | Nasu, S. 1967 [Chapter] 27 Rice Leafhoppers. Pp. 493-523. In: The major insect pests of the rice plant : proceedings of the Symposium at the International Rice Research Institute September, 1964. Published for the International Rice Research Institute by the Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Md. 729 pp. |
11523 | Moya-Raygoza, G, E. L. Albarracin and E. G. Virla. 2012 Diversity of egg parasitoids attacking Dalbulus maidis (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) populations at low and high elevation sites in Mexico and Argentina. Florida Entomologist 95: 105–112. |
11524 | Lou, Yong-Gen, Gu-Ren Zhang, Wen-Qing Zhang, Yang Hu, Jin Zhang. 2013 Biological control of rice insect pests in China. Biological Control 67(1): 8-20 (reprint Biological Control 68 (2014) 103–116), |
11525 | Ossiannilsson, F. 1946 On sound-production and the sound-producing organ in Swedish Auchenorrhyncha (A preliminary note). Opuscula entomologica 11: 82–84. |
11526 | Long, Jian-Kun, Zhi-Min Chang, Lin Yang and Xiang-Sheng Chen. 2017 Magadhaideus, a new genus of the tribe Plectoderini with the description of a new species from China (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Achilidae). Zookeys 724: 2–-29. pdf |
11527 | Soulier-Perkins, A. and M. R. Wilson. 2017 Revision of African Lophops, a rapidly diversified lineage (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoroidea: Lophopidae). Entomologica Americana 122(3): 476-494. |
11528 | Gnezdilov, V. M. 2017 Notes on higher classification of the family Nogodinidae (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoroidea), with description of new tribe and new species. Far Eastern Entomologist 347: 1–21. pdf |
11540 | Jannoey, P., Channei, D., Kotcharerk, J., Pongprasert, W. and Nomura, M. 2017 Expression analysis of genes related to rice resistance against brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Rice Science 24(3): 163–172. doi: 110.1016/j.rsci.2016.1010.1001. |
11529 | Emeljanov, A.F., Özgen, I. & Gnezdilov, V.M. 2017 The first record of Callodictya kazeruna Dlabola (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Fulgoroidea: Dictyopharidae) from Turkey. Entomological Review 97(8): 1085–1088 pdf |