College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
6761 Chen, C.C. and R.J. Chiu. 1982 Three symptomatologic types of rice virus diseases related to grassy stunt in Taiwan. Plant Disease 66: 15-18. pdf
7895 Hibino, H., P.Q. Cabauatan, T. Omura, and T. Tsuchizaki. 1985 Rice grassy stunt virus strain causing tungrolike symptom in the Philippines. Plant Disease 69(6): 538-541. pdf
8657 March, G.J., M. Balzarini, J.A. Ornaghi, J.E. Beviacqua, and A. Marinelli. 1995 Predictive model for "Mal de Rio Cuarto" disease intensity. Plant Disease 79(10): 1051-1053. pdf
9152 D’Arcy, C.J, and L.R. Nault. 1982 Insect transmission of plant viruses and mycoplasma-like and rickettsia-like organisms. Plant Disease 66(2): 99-104. pdf
10207 Winks, C.J., M.T. Andersen, J.G. Charles, and R.E. Beever. 2014 Identification of Zeoliarus oppositus (Hemiptera: Cixiidae) as a vector of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma australiense'. Plant Disease 98(1): 10-15. pdf
12387 Harrison, N.A., M. Womack and M.L. Carpio. 2002 Detection and characterization of a lethal yellowing (16SrIV) group phytoplasma in Canary Island date palms affected by lethal decline in Texas. Plant Disease 86(6): 676–681. pdf
11060 Fos, A., J.L Danet, L. Zreik, M. Garnier, and J.M. Bove. 1992 Use of monoclonal antibody to detect the stolbur mycoplasma like organism in plants and insects and to identify a vector in France. Plant Disease 76: 1092-1096.
11570 Bander, B.W., E.E. Helmick and N.A. Harrison. 2017 Detecting and differentiating phytoplasmas belonging to subgroups 16SrIV-A and 16SrIV-D associated with lethal declines of palms in Florida using qPCR and high-resolution melt analysis (HRMA). Plant Disease 101(8): 1449–1454. doi: 1410.1094/PDIS-1401-1417-0023-RE.
11796 Wang, H.-D., J.-P. Chen, H.-M. Zhang, X.-L. Sun, J.-L. Zhu, A. G. Wang, W.-X. Sheng, and M. J. Adams. 2008 Recent rice stripe virus epidemics in Zhejiang Province, China, and experiments on sowing date, disease-yield loss relationships, and seedling susceptibility. Plant Disease 92(8):1190-1196.
11993 Bahder, B. W., E. E. Helmick, De-Fen Mou, N. A. Harrison and R. Davis. 2018 Digital PCR technology for detection of palm-infecting phytoplasmas belonging to group 16SrIV that occur in Florida. Plant Disease 102(5): 1008-1014. pdf
12093 Bahder, B. W., E. E. Helmick and N. A. Harrison. 2017 Detecting and differentiating phytoplasmas belonging to subgroups 16SrIV-A and 16SrIV-D associated with lethal declines of palms in Florida using qPCR and High-Resolution Melt Analysis (HRMA). Plant Disease 101(8): 1449–1454. pdf
12196 Bahder, B. W., N. Soto, L. Komondy, De-Fen Mou, A. R. Humphries and E. Helmick. 2019 Detection and quantification of the 16SrIV-D phytoplasma in leaf tissue of common ornamental palm species in Florida using qPCR and dPCR. Plant Disease 103: 1918-1922.
12388 Jeyaprakash, A.B.D. Sutton, S. E. Halbert and T. S. Schubert. 2011 High-fidelity PCR facilitates detection and identification of a Texas Phoenix palm phytoplasma strain from pigmy date palm, Phoenix roebelenii in Florida. Plant Disease 95(11): 1475-1475.
12428 Bahder, B. W., N. Soto, E. Helmick, K. Dey, L. Komondy, A. R. Humphries, De-fen Mou, R. Bailey, M. S. Ascunce and E. Goss. 2019 A survey of declining palms (Arecaceae) for the 16SrIV-D phytoplasma for evaluating distribution and host range in Florida. Plant Disease 103(10): 2512-2519. pdf
12488 Han, Xiaohua, Tingmu Chen, Runqing Yue, Shulei Guo, Mengmeng Xu, Caixia Lu, Yanping Fan, Nana Chen, Lu Liu, Xiaolei Fu, Haifeng Chi, Xinhai Guo, Yan Xia and Shuanggui Tie. 2019 A rice black-streaked dwarf virus replication curve model to evaluate maize rough dwarf disease resistance Plant Disease 103(5): 868-873.
13044 LIU, Yan, May OO KHINE, Peipei ZHANG, Yumei FU, and Xifeng WANG. 2020 Incidence and distribution of insect-transmitted cereal viruses in wheat in China from 2007 to 2019. Plant Disease 104: 1407-1414. [Laodelphax striatellus] pdf
13591 Curcic, Z., J. Stepanovi?, C. Zubert, K. Taski-Ajdukovic, A. Kosovac, E. Rekanovic, M. Kube, and B. Duduk. 2021 Rubbery Taproot Disease of sugar beet in Serbia associated with ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’. Plant Disease 105(2): 255-263. [Hyalesthes obsoletus, Pentastiridius leporinus]
13802 Matsukura, K., S. Sanada-Morimura, T. Fujii, and M. Matsumura. 2019 Potential risks of Poaceous plants as infectious sources of rice black-streaked dwarf virus transmitted by the small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus. Plant Disease 103(6): 1244-1248. pdf
13884 Bolaños C., A.M. Leiva, J. Saavedra, C. Bruzzone, M. Cruz, and W.J. Cuellar. 2017 Occurrence and molecular detection of rice hoja blanca virus (Genus Tenuivirus) in Peru. Plant Disease 101(6): 1070-1070. [Tagosodes orizicolus]
14412 Bloch, M., E. Helmick, and B.W. Bahder. 2022 Differentiation of palm-infecting phytoplasmas in the Caribbean basin using high resolution melt curve analysis of the secA gene. Plant Disease (2022): (PrePrint, 36 pp.).
14925 Cui, WEIER, Valentina MUÑOZ, Melisa NAVARRETE, Sebastian CABRERA, Juan CAMPODONICO, Mauricio ESTRADA, Alan ZAMORANO, and Nicola FIORE. 2024 Insect vector and reservoir plant of ‘Fragaria× ananassa’ phyllody phytoplasma (16SrXIII-F) in central region of Chile. Plant Disease 108: 1861-1868. [Cixiosoma sp.]
14940 Canale, M.C., M.A.P. Manica, M.V.S. Andrade, and R.V. Castilhos. 2024 Leptodelphax maculigera (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) harbors the corn stunt complex pathogens. Plant Disease 108: 2653-2657.
15419 YU, Wenjuan, Jiachun HE, Jianxiang WU, Zhi XU, Fengxiang LAI, Xuelian ZHONG, Mei ZHANG, Hongli JI, Qiang FU, Xueping ZHOU, and Yunliang PENG. 2024 Resistance to planthoppers and Southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus in rice germplasms. Plant Disease 108(8): 2321-2329.
176 Atkins, J. G. and C. R. Adair. 1957 Recent Discovery of hoja blanca, a new rice disease in Florida, and a varietal resistance tests in Cuba and Venezuela. Plant Disease Reporter 41(11): 911-915. pdf
177 Atkins, J. G. J.P. Kramer, and S.D. Hensley. 1958 Hoja blanca and its vector found on rice in a second area in the United States. Plant Disease Reporter 42(12):1414. pdf
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