College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
8769 Sun, Y.S., R. Meng, and Y.L. Wang. 2012 Neogergithoides, a new genus with a new species from China (Hemiptera: Issidae). Zootaxa 3186: 42-53.
7243 Sun, Y.X., Z.Y. Li, N.S. Yan, R.Q. Xu, and B. Chen. 2000 Transmission of tobacco witches' broom symptom disease by Sogatella furcifera. Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University 15(2): 112-114. pdf
4234 Sun, Z. 1988 The relationship between distribution pattern of spiders and rice planthoppers in paddy fields. Natural Enemies of Insects 10(2): 88-90.
11251 Sun, Z., Z. Liu, W. Zhou, H.A. Jin, H. Liu, A.M. Zhou, A.J. Zhang, and M.Q.Wang. 2016 Temporal interactions of plant - insect - predator after infection of bacterial pathogen on rice plants. Scientific Reports 6: 26043. DOI: 10.1038/srep2604. pdf
13773 Sun, Z.X., K. Kang, Y.J. Cai, J.Q. Zhang, Y.F. Zhai, R.S. Zeng, and W.Q. Zhang. 2018 Transcriptional regulation of the vitellogenin gene through a fecundity?related single nucleotide polymorphism within a GATA?1 binding motif in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Insect Molecular Biology 27(3): 365-372.
10589 Sun, Z.X., Y.F. Zhai, J.Q. Zhang, K. Kang, J.H. Cai, Y.G. Fu, J.Q. Qiu, J.W. Shen, and W.Q. Zhang. 2015 The genetic basis of population fecundity prediction across multiple field populations of Nilaparvata lugens. Molecular Ecology 24(4): 771-784. DOI: 10.1111/mec.13069.
12023 Sun, Ze, Fengming Yan and Man-Qun Wang. 2018 Transgenic expression of Bt in rice does not affect feeding behavior and population density of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Entomologia Generalis 37(1): 35–45. doi: 10.1127/entomologia/2017/0068.
13873 SUN, Ze, Jin-Hua SHI, Hao LIU, Hazem ABDELNABBY, and Man-Qun WANG. 2021 Phytopathogenic infection alters rice-pest-parasitoid tri-trophic interactions. Pest Management Science 77(10): 4530-4538. [Nilaparvata lugens]
13082 SUN, Ze, Jin‐Hua SHI, Tao FAN, Chao WANG, Le LIU, Huanan JIN, Caroline Ngichop FOBA, and Man‐Qun WANG. 2020 The control of the brown planthopper by the rice Bph14 gene is affected by nitrogen. Pest Management Science (2020): (PrePrint, 8 pp.).
11621 SUN, Zhiguang, Yuqiang LIU, Shizhuo XIAO, Jinlong HU, Gen PAN, Jun HE, Tingting XU, Jie HUANG, Zeyu QIU, Dejia FAN, Le ZHANG, Linglong LIU, Ling JIANG, Xianian CHENG, Huqu ZHAI, and Jianmin WAN. 2017 Identification of quantitative trait loci for resistance to rice black-streaked dwarf virus disease and small brown planthopper in rice. Molecular Breeding 37: 72; 1-9. (ePub Article#72, 9 pp.)
12451 Sun, Zhongxiang, Qi Shi, Cuicui Xu, Rumeng Wang, Huanhuan Wang, Yuanyuan Song and Rensen Zeng. 2018 Regulation of NlE74A on vitellogenin may be mediated by angiotensin converting enzyme through a fecundity-related SNP in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 225: 26-32.
14924 Sundararaj, R., R. Raja Rishi, and K.N. Manjula. 2023 Emerging phytoplasma diseases in forestry and the role of determining the insect vectors for the management of the diseases. Indian Journal of Entomology 85(4): 1105-1114. [Redarator bimaculatus, Sarimanigro clypeata] pdf
12876 Sunil, V., M. Sampathkumar, C. Lydia, K. Chiranjeevi, and S. Chitra. . 2018 Biology, predatory potential and functional response of Rhynocoris fuscipes (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) on rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Journal of Experimental Zoology, India 21(1): 259-263
13723 Sunil, V., V. Jhansi Lakshmi, K. Chiranjeevi, J.S. Bentur, M. Sampath Kumar, and G.R. Katti. 2018 Feeding behaviour of different indian brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) populations on resistant varieties of rice. The Journal of Research PJTSAU [Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University] 46(1): 21-26. pdf
13724 Sunil, V., V. Jhansi Lakshmi, K. Chiranjeevi, M. Sampathkumar, A. Rohini, S.B. Jagadish, S. Chitra, and G.R. Katti. 2017 Response of Indian brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) populations to crowding. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 6(12): 2147-2158.
13748 Sunil, V., V. Jhansi Lakshmi, K. Chiranjeevi, M. Sampathkumar, J.S. Bentur, and G.R. Katti. 2018 Rice genotypes resistant to brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) population of West Godavari, Andhra Pradesh. Annals of Plant Protection Sciences 26(2): 249-255.
15041 Sunil, V., V.J. Lakshmi, K. Chiranjeevi, D.S. Rao, and M.S. Kumar. 2024 Rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) feeding behavior in relation to elevated CO2 and temperature. Journal of Agrometeorology 26(1): 92-98. pdf
8990 Supeno, B. 2011 Bioekologi ngengat parasitoid (Lepidoptera: Epipyropidae) pada wereng pucuk mete, Sanurus spp. (Hemiptera: Flatidae) di pertanaman jambu mete pulau Lombok. [Bioecology of parasitic moth (Lepidoptera: Epipyropidae) on cashew shoothoppers, Sanurus spp. (Hemiptera: Flatidae) in Lombok island cashew plantation.]. Institut Pertanian Bogor [Bogor Agricultural University], Bogor, Indonesia. Thesis. pdf
9948 Supeno, B. and U. Kartosuwondo. 2012 Wereng pucuk mete Sanurus indecora J (Hemiptera: Flatidae) sebagai inang ngengat parasitoid (Epipyropidae: Lepidoptera) di pertanaman mete pulau Lombok. Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia 4(2): 98.
9825 Supeno, B., D. Buchori, Pudjianto, U. Kartosuwondo, and C.H. Schulze. 2007 Wereng pucuk mete (Sanurus indecora J : Flatidae) sebagai inang ngengat parasitoid (Epipyropidae : Lepidoptera) di pertanaman mete pulau Lombok. Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia 4(2): 113-126. pdf
8941 Supeno, B., D.Uchori, Pudjianto, U.Kartosuwond, and C.H. Schulze. 2009 Ngengat parasitoid (Lepidoptera : Epipyropidae) pada wereng pucuk mete di pertanaman jambu mete di pulau Lombok. Jurnal Littri 15(1): 16-23. pdf
13728 Supriyadi and R. Wijayanti. 2018 Genetic similarity of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål.(Homoptera: Delphacidae) population from klaten and yogyakarta based on RAPD-PCR. Indonesian Journal of Entomology 15(2): 85-92. pdf
14124 SURAHMAT, Erwin Cuk, DADANG, and Djoko PRIJONO. 2016 Kerentanan Wereng Batang Cokelat (Nilaparvata lugens) Dari Enam Lokasi Di Pulau Jawa Terhadap Tiga Jenis Insektisida. [Susceptibility of the rice brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) from six locations in Java to three insecticides]. Jurnal Hama Dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Tropika [Journal of Tropical Pests and Plant Diseases] 16(1): 71-81.
14523 SURAKSAKUL, Phinya, Jiranan PIYAPHONGKUL, Pornpairin RUNGCHAROENTHONG, and Suphachai AMKHA. 2022 A study of external morphological changes and the development time towards further understanding the biology of Elenchus yasumatsui Kifune & Hirashima (Strepsiptera: Elenchidae) male. ScienceAsia 48: 524-531 [Nilaparvata lugens]
13799 Suri, K.S. and G.S. Makkar. 2018 Bioefficacy potential of triflumezopyrim for the management of rice planthoppers. The Bioscan 13(1): 245-249. [Nilaparvata lugens, Sogatella furcifera] pdf
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