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Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
854 Daniel, DJ.E. and G.F. Rajendram. 1983 Chromatographic analysis of free amino acids in eggs of Nilaparvata lugens in Sri Lanka and 'Biotopes' 1,2 and 3 of the Philippines. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 33(2): 226-228.
865 Davis, B.N.K. 1983 Insects on nettles. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. - pdf
938 Denno, R.F. 1983 Tracking variable host plants in space and time. In: R.F. Denno and M.S. McClure, (eds.). Variable plants and herbivores in natural and managed systems. New York, Academic Press. Pp. 291-341.
989 Dessart, P. 1983 Abus politico-nomenclaturaux. Bulletin et Annales de la Societe Royale Belge d'Entomologie 119(10-12): 318-319.
994 De Vrijer, P.W.F. 1983 Variability in calling signals of the planthopper Javesella pellucida (F. ) (Homoptera: Delphacidae) in relation to temperature, and consequences for species recognition during distant communication. Netherlands Journal of Zoology 34(3): 388-406.
1004 Dhaliwal, Z.S. and S.S. Bain. 1983 A laboratory technique for rearing sugarcane leafhopper, Pyrilla perpusilla (Walker). Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology 3(2): 164-165.
1005 Dhaliwal, Z.S. and S.S. Bain. 1983 Relative role of various parasitoids in limiting the population of sugarcane Pyrilla in the monsoon and post-monsoon seasons in Punjab. Indian Journal of Ecology 10(2): 294-302.
1015 Ding, J.H. 1983 Two new genera of Delphacidae from China (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Acta Entomologica Sinica 26(3): 326-330. [Chinese with English Summary] pdf
1098 Dlabola, J. 1983 Ergebnisse der Tschechoslovakisch- Iranischen Entomologischen Expeditionen 1970 und 1973 nach dem Iran. Neue eremische Ricaniiden und Flatiden. Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 41: 91-97. pdf
1099 Dlabola, J. 1983 Neue mediterrane, meistens anatolische Issiden (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca 80(2): 114-136. pdf
1163 Domingo, I.T., E.A. Heinrichs, and R.C. Saxena. 1983 Occurrence of brown planthopper on Leersia hexandra in the Philippines. International Rice Research Newsletter 8(4): 17. pdf
1167 Donaldson, J. F. 1983 Revision of the Australia Asiracinae (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea: Delphacidae). Australian Journal of Entomology 22(4): 277-285. pdf
1171 Dong, J. 1983 Studies on the biology of Dryinus sp. , a hymenopterous parasitoid of Lycorma delicatula White (Homopt: Fulgoridae). Natural Enemies of Insects 5(4): 224-227. pdf
1186 Drosopoulos, S. 1983 Review of the Rhynchota in Greece. In: S. Drosopoulos, (ed.). Proceedings of the 1st International Congress Concerning the Rhynchota Fauna of Balkan and Adjacent Regions 29 August - 2 September 1983, Mikrolimni- Prespa, Greece. Pp. 7-8 pdf
1187 Drosopoulos, S. 1983 Some notes on the genera Muellerianella and Florodelphax from Greece (Homoptera: Delphacidae) with a description of Florodelphax mourikisi n. sp. from Ikaria Island. Entomologische Berichten 43: 72-75. pdf
1205 Drosopoulos, S., M. Asche, and H. Hoch. 1983 Contribution to the planthopper fauna of Greece. Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Fulgoromorpha, Delphacidae). Annales de l’Institut Phytopathologique Benaki (N.S.) 14: 19-68. pdf
1206 Drosopoulos, S., M. Asche, and H. Hoch. 1983 On some problematic species-complexes of the family Delphacidae (Homoptera). In: S. Drosopoulos, (ed.). Proceedings of the 1st International Congress Concerning the Rhynchota Fauna of Balkan and Adjacent Regions 29 August - 2 September 1983, Mikrolimni- Prespa, Greece. Pp.17-19. pdf
1207 Drosopoulos, S., M. Asche, and H. Hoch. 1983 The planthopper fauna of the province of Florina: an example of species richness in Greece. In: S. Drosopoulos, (ed.). Proceedings of the 1st International Congress Concerning the Rhynchota Fauna of Balkan and Adjacent Regions 29 August - 2 September 1983, Mikrolimni- Prespa, Greece. Pp. 21-23. pdf
1253 Egan, B.T. and P. Hall. 1983 Monitoring the Fiji disease epidemic in sugarcane at Bundaberg, Australia. In: R.T. Plumb and J.M. Thresh, (eds.). Plant virus epidemiology. The spread and control of insect-borne viruses. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, London. Pp. 287-296
1305 Emeljanov, A.F. 1983 Nosatka iz mela Taïmyra (Insecta, Homoptera) [Cretaceous planthopper from Taimyr (Homoptera, Dictyopharidae)]. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 3: 79-85. [In Russian; English translation published in Paleontological Journal 17(3): 77-82]. pdf
1314 Emeljanov, A.F. 1983 Suborder Cicadinea - Auchenorrhyncha. Opredelitel vredn. i polezn. nasek. i kleshchey odnoletnykh I mnogoletnikh trav i zernobobovykh kultur v SSSR. [Keys for identification of injurious and useful insects and mites of perennial herbs and leguminous plants in USSR]. Leningrad, "Kolos" 1983: 62-63. [In Russian] pdf
1405 Emeljanov, A.F. and I.M. Kerzhner. 1983 Wichtige Besonderheiten der Entomofauna der Mongolei. [Important features of Mongolian entomofauna]. MVR- Symposium 1983. Erforschung Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolischen Volksrepublik, Halle, Sektion Biowissenschaften Martin- Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg und Biologische Gesellschaft der DDR. Pp. 100-113. [In German, Russian summary] pdf
1415 Emeljanov, A.F. and V.G. Kuznetsova. 1983 The number of seminal follicles as a phylogenetic and taxonomic feature in the Dictyopharidae (Homoptera) and other planthoppers. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 62(10): 1583-1586. [In Russian] pdf
1436 Emmrich, R. 1983 Ein Fund von Cercopis sanguinolenta. (Scop.) im oberen Elbtal bei Dresden. Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 27: 273-275.
1466 Falk, B.W. and J.H. Tsai. 1983 Physicochemical characterization of maize mosaic virus [Zea mays, Peregrinus maidis, planthopper vector]. Phytopathology 73 (11): 1536-1539. pdf
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