College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
11430 Tiefenbrunner, G., R. Schmid, H. Gangl, G. Leitner, M. Tiefenbrunner, and A. Tiefenbrunner. 2012 Die Auswirkung unterschiedlicher Bodenbedeckung auf die Zikaden - Begleitfauna (Auchenorrhyncha; Hemiptera) des Weingartens. L inzer Biologische Beiträge 44(2): 1697-1713. pdf
11256 Tiefenbrunner, W., M. Batusic, M. Riedle-Bauer. 2010 Physiologische und morphometrische Untersuchungen an Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera) in Zusammenhang mit der Ernährungsformtypen-Zuordnung. Entomofauna 31(22): 341-364. pdf
6721 Tiefenbrunner, W.,G. Leitner, H. Gangl, and M. Riedle-Bauer. 2007 Epidemische Ausbreitung der Schwarzholzkrankheit (Stolbur-Phytoplasma) in südostösterreichischen Weingärten. Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg 57: 200-212. pdf
13235 Tilana, L.N. 2019. 2019 Identifikasi dan Analisis Keanekaragaman Serangga Fulgoromorphan Hasil Koleksi dari Jambi. Thesis. Universitas Brawijaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. [diversity and abundance of fulgoromorphan based on land used types]. Universitas Brawijaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Thesis. [diversity and abundance of fulgoromorphan based on land used types].
4351 Tingey, W.M. 1985 Plant defensive mechanisms against leafhoppers. In: L.R. Nault and J.G. Rodriguez, (eds.). The Leafhoppers and Planthoppers. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Pp. 217-234.
9838 Tiongco, E.R., A.M. Sinohin, I.B. Pangga, and A.D. Raymundo. 2012 Insecticide treatment of virus sources and host plants reduces number of vectors and incidence of rice virus diseases under greenhouse conditions. Philippine Journal of Crop Science 37(2): 52-64.
12884 Tiongco, E.R., U.G. Duque, H.X. Troung, M.L. Aragon, R.C. Joshi, PhD, and J.J. Tagubase. 2011 Field guide on Major Disorders of Rice Plants in the Philippines. Philippine Rice Research Institute, Science City of Muñoz, Philippines. 36 pp. pdf
10942 Tipping, P.W., A. Sosa, E.N. Pokorny, J. Foley, D.C. Schmitz, J.S. Lane, L. Rodgers, L. Mccloud, P. Livingston-Way, M.S. Cole, and G.Nichols 2014 Release and establishment of Megamelus scutellaris (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) on waterhyacinth in Florida. Florida Entomologist 97(2): 804-806. pdf
13085 Tipping, P.W., M.C. Smith, E.C. Lake, C.R. Minteer, A.B.C. Goode, J.R. Foley, and L.A. Gettys. 2020 Classical biological control and apparent competition: evaluating a waterhyacinth invaded community module. Journal of Applied Ecology (2020): (PrePrint, 31 pp.). [parasitoid that attacks Megamelus davisi]
10941 Tipping, P.W., M.R. Martin, E.N. Pokorny, K.R. Nimmo, D.L. Fitzgerald, F.A. Dray Jr., T.D. Center. 2014 Current levels of suppression of waterhyacinth in Florida USA by classical biological control agents. Biological Control 71: 65-69.
5578 Tipping, P.W., T.D. Center, A.J. Sosa, and F.A. Dray. 2011 Host specificity assessment and potential impact of Megamelus scutellaris (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) on waterhyacinth Eichhornia crassipes (Pontederiales: Pontederiaceae). Biocontrol Science and Technology 21(1): 75-87.
6038 Tipping, P.W., T.D. Center, and F.A. Dray, Jr. 2008 Proposed field release of Megamelus scutellaris Berg (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) for control of water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes Mart. (Solms) (Pontederiales: Pontederiaceae). Petition submitted to the Technical Advisory Group for Biological Control Agents of Weeds. 34 pp.
8518 Tirtowiryono, S., I. Sahi, and A. Santika. 1991 Evaluation of some rice promising lines as strategic plant stocks resistant to Nilaparvata lugens. Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Bogor, Edisi Khusus 2: 18-25.
4352 Tishechkin, D. Yu. 1997 Calling signals in males of Cixiidae (Homoptera, Cicadinea) compared with acoustic signals in some other Fulgoroidea (Homoptera, Cicadinea, Fulgoroidea). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 76(9): 1016–1024.
4353 Tishechkin, D. Yu. 1998 Acoustic signals of Issidae (Homoptera, Cicadinea, Fulgoroidea) compared with signals of some other Fulgoroidea with notes on taxonomic status of the subfamily Caliscelinae. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 77(11): 1257–1265. [Russian, with English summary] [English translation: Entomological Review 1998. 78(7) (see]
4354 Tishechkin, D. Yu. 2003 Vibrational communication in Cercopoidea and Fulgoroidea (Homoptera: Cicadina) with notes on classification of higher taxa. Russian Entomological Journal 12(2): 129–181. pdf
9839 Tishechkin, D. Yu. 2011 Do different species of grass-dwelling small Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) have private vibrational communication channels? Russian Entomological Journal 20(2): 135–139. pdf
10594 Tishechkin, D. Yu. 1997 Calling signals in males of Cixiidae (Homoptera, Cicadinea) compared with acoustic signals in some other Fulgoroidea (Homoptera, Cicadinea, Fulgoroidea). Entomological Review 77(8): 1070–1077. pdf
10943 Tishechkin, D. Yu. 1998 Acoustic signals of Issidae (Homoptera, Cicadinea, Fulgoroidea) compared with signals of some other Fulgoroidea with notes on taxonomic status of the subfamily Caliscelinae. Entomological Review 78(7): 884–892. pdf
11307 Tishechkin, D. Yu. 1988 Cicadinea (Homoptera) of Moscow Province. Nasekomye Moskovskoy oblasti. Problemy kadastra i okhrany [The insects of Moscow Province. The problems of kadastr and protection]. Nauka, Moscow 1988: 3–19. [in Russian]
11406 Tishechkin, D. Yu. 2016 New data on vibrational calling signals of Fulgoroidea (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha) from the Asian part of Palaearctic with new records of three species of Cixiidae. Russian Entomological Journal 25(4): 307–322. pdf
12259 Tishechkin, D. Yu. 2007 Background noises in vibratory conununication channels of Homoptera (Cicadinea and Psyllinea). Russian Entomological Journal 16(1): 39–46. pdf
12260 Tishechkin, D. Yu. 2015 Chapter 24. Acoustic characters in the classification of higher taxa of Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera). pp. 319-329. In: S. Drosopoulos and M.F. Claridge (eds.). Insect sounds and communication; Physiology, behaviour, ecology and evolution. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group Boca Raton, London, New York. 552 Pp.
12261 Tishechkin, D. Yu. 2008 On the similarity of temporal pattern of vibrational calling signals in different species of Fulgoroidea (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Russian Entomological Journal 17(4): 349–357. pdf
12262 Tishechkin, D. Yu. 2012 Vibrational background noises in herbaceous plants and their impact on acoustic communication of small Auchenorrhyncha and Psyllinea (Homoptera). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 91(10): 1179–1189. [in Russian, English translation Entomological Review (2013) 93(5): 548–558.] pdf
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