College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
14524 Cvrkovic, T., J. Jovic, O. Krstic, S. Marinkovic, M. Jakovljevic, M. Mitrovic, and I. Tosevski. 2022 Epidemiological role of Dictyophara europaea (Hemiptera: Dictyopharidae) in the transmission of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’. Horticulturae 8(7): 654; 1-14.
7960 Cvrković, T., J. Jović, M. Mitrović, O. Krstić, S. Krnjajić, and I. Toševski. 2 2011 Potential new hemipteran vectors of stolbur phytoplasma in Serbian vineyards. Bulletin of Insectology 64(Supplement): S129-S130. pdf
9989 Cvrkovic, T., J. Jovic, M. Mitrovic, O. Krstic, and I. Toševski. 2013 Experimental and molecular evidence of Reptalus panzeri as a natural vector of bois noir. Plant Pathology 63(1): 42-53.
6732 Cvrković, T., J. Jović, M. Mitrović, A. Petrović, O. Krstić, S. Krnjajić, and I. Toševski. 2010 Diversity of Auchenorrhyncha species and potential “bois noir“ vectors in Serbian vineyards. In: A. Bertaccini, A. Laviña and E. Torres (eds.). Current status and perspectives of phytoplasma disease research and management. Abstracts of COST Action FA0807 Meeting 1-2 February 2010 in Sitges, Spain. P. 46. pdf
8965 Cushman, J.H., S.G. Compton, C. Zachariades, A.B. Ware, R.J.C. Nefdt and V.K. Rashbrook. 1998 Geographic and taxonomic distribution of a positive interaction: ant-tended homopterans indirectly benefit figs across southern Africa. Oecologia 116(3): 373-380.
844 Currado, I. and M. Olmi. 1974 Le specie italiane dei generi Donisthorpina Richards 1939 e Haplogonatopus Perkins 1905 (Hymenoptera, Dryinidae). Bollettino del Museo di Zoologia dell'Universita di Torino 1974(6): 39-44.
13591 Curcic, Z., J. Stepanovi?, C. Zubert, K. Taski-Ajdukovic, A. Kosovac, E. Rekanovic, M. Kube, and B. Duduk. 2021 Rubbery Taproot Disease of sugar beet in Serbia associated with ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’. Plant Disease 105(2): 255-263. [Hyalesthes obsoletus, Pentastiridius leporinus]
843 Cuong, N.L., P.T. Ben, L.T. Phuong, L.M. Chau, and M.B. Cohen. 1997 Effect of host plant resistance and insecticide on brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) and predator population development in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Crop Protection 16(8): 707-715.
842 Cummins, J. D.; S. W. Wilson, P. D. Calvert, and J. H. Tsai. 1988 Neomegamelanus elongatus (Homoptera: Delphacidae): descriptions of immatures. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 96(3): 260-265. pdf
837 Cumber, R.A. 1952 Entomological aspects of Yellow-Leaf Disease of Phormium. New Zealand Science Review 10: 3–4. pdf
838 Cumber, R.A. 1952 Studies on Oliarus atkinsoni Myers (Hem.: Cixiidae), vector of the "Yellow- Leaf" disease of Phormium tenax Forst. I. - Habits and environment, with a note on natural enemies. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology, Section B 34: 92–98. pdf
839 Cumber, R.A. 1952 Studies on Oliarus atkinsoni Myers (Hem.: Cixiidae), vector of the "Yellow- Leaf" disease of Phormium tenax Forst. II. - The nymphal instars and seasonal changes in the composition of nymphal populations. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology, Section B 34: 160–165. pdf
840 Cumber, R.A. 1953 Studies on Oliarus atkinsoni Myers (Hem.: Cixiidae), vector of the "Yellow- Leaf" disease of Phormium tenax Forst. III. - Resistance of nymphal forms to submergence- control by inundation. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology, Section B 34: 260–266. pdf
841 Cumber, R.A. 1954 Studies on Oliarus atkinsoni Myers (Hem. : Cixiidae), vector of the "Yellow- Leaf" disease of Phormium tenax Forst. IV. - Disease-vector relationships. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology, Section B 35: 530–549. pdf
9000 Cumber, R.A. 1953 The New Zealand species of Oliarus (Hem. Cixiidae). Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand 81: 71–72. pdf
9001 Cumber, R.A. 1959 The insect complex of sown pastures in the North Island. 2. The Hemiptera as revealed by summer sweep-sampling. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 2: 1-25. pdf
8999 Cumber, R.A. 1966 Factors influencing population levels of Scolypopa australis Walker (Hemiptera - Homoptera: Ricaniidae) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology 9: 336-356. pdf
9002 Cumber, R.A. 1967 Factors influencing egg survival of Scolypopa australis Walker (Hemiptera - Homoptera: Ricaniidae) in the Sydney area (N.S.W. Australia). New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology 10: 639-643. pdf
9147 Cullen, M.J. 1974 The distribution of asynchronous muscle in insects with particular reference to the Hemiptera: an electron microscope study. Journal of Entomology Series A, General Entomology 49(1): 17-41.
15011 CUI, Yi-Lin, Jian-Shen GUO, Chuan-Xi ZHANG, Xiao-Ping YU, and Dan-Ting LI. 2024 Silencing NlFAR7 destroyed the pore canals and related structures of the brown planthopper. Insect Molecular Biology 33(4): 350-361.
9450 Cui, Y.L., J.C. He, J. Luo, F.X. Lai, and Q. Fu. 2013 Host plants of Nilaparvata muiri China and N. bakeri (Muir), two sibling species of N. lugens (Stål). Chinese Journal of Rice Science 27(1): 105-110.
9449 Cui, Y., Q. Xie, J.M. Hua, K. Dang, J.F. Zhou, X.G. Liu, G. Wang, X.Yu, and W.J. Bu. 2013 Phylogenomics of Hemiptera (Insecta: Paraneoptera) based on mitochondrial genomes. Systematic Entomology 38(1): 233-245.
14925 Cui, WEIER, Valentina MUÑOZ, Melisa NAVARRETE, Sebastian CABRERA, Juan CAMPODONICO, Mauricio ESTRADA, Alan ZAMORANO, and Nicola FIORE. 2024 Insect vector and reservoir plant of ‘Fragaria× ananassa’ phyllody phytoplasma (16SrXIII-F) in central region of Chile. Plant Disease 108: 1861-1868. [Cixiosoma sp.]
15054 CUI, Ting, Qing BAI, Weiqiang YU, Dongyang GUO, Yawen BAN, Kun CHEN, Ali RAZA, Guohui ZHOU, and Qingfa WU. 2023 Chromosome-level genome assembly and population genomic analysis provide novel insights into the immunity and evolution of Sogatella furcifera. Genomics 115(6): 110729; 1-12.
10692 Cui, F., W. Zhao, L. Luo, and L. Kang. 2015 Rice responses and resistance to planthopper-borne viruses at transcriptomic and proteomic levels. Current Issues in Molecular Biology 19: 43-52.
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