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Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
3865 Rosenthal, G.A., and D.H. Janzen, (eds.). 1979 Herbivores.Their interaction with secondary plant metabolites. Academic Press, New York. -
3995 Schuh, R.T. 1979 Review of Cobben, Evolutionary trends in Heteroptera. Systematic Zoology 28: 653-656.
4004 Scudder, G.G.E. 1979 Hemiptera. In: H.V. Danks. (ed.). Canada and its insect fauna. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada 108: 1-573. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada 108: 329-348. pdf
4066 Sheppard, C., P.B. Martin, and F.A. Mead. 1979 A planthopper (Homoptera: Cixiidae) associated with red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) mounds. Journal of the Georgia Entomological Society 14(2): 140-144. pdf
4071 Shikata, E. 1979 Cytopathological changes in leafhopper vectors of plant viruses. In: K. Maramorosch and K.F. Harris, (eds.). Leafhopper vectors and plant disease agents. Academic Press, New York. Pp. 309-325.
4072 Shikata, E. 1979 Rice viruses and MLO’s, and leafhopper vectors. In: K. Maramorosch and K.F. Harris, (eds.). Leafhopper vectors and plant disease agents. Academic Press, New York. Pp. 515-527.
4073 Shimazu, M. 1979 Resting spore formation of Entomophthora sphaerosperma Fresenius (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae) in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology 14(4): 383-388. pdf
4085 Shukla, K.K. 1979 Occurrence of a new insect, small brown plant hopper Laodelphax striatellus (Fallen), in India. Current Science 48(12): 548. pdf
4106 Siwi, S.S. 1979 Identification of green leafhopper in Indonesia. Kongres Entomologi 3: 1-10.
4118 Soekarna, D. 1979 The side effects of EC and WP type pesticides on the predators of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Kongres Entomologi 1: 1-17.
4208 Strong, D.R. and D.A. Levin. 1979 Species richness of plant parasites and growth form of their hosts. American Naturalist 114: 1-22.
4275 Synave, H. 1979 Description d'especes nouvelles appartenant aux familles: Cercopidae, Cixiidae, Derbidae, Dictyopharidae et Tropiduchidae (Homoptera). Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique Entomologie 51(6): 1-31. pdf
4276 Synave, H. 1979 Fulgoroides africains nouveaux (Homoptera). Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire Serie A Sciences Naturelles 40(3): 587-604.
4344 Thompson, C.R., J.C. Nickerson and F.W. Mead. 1979 Nymphal habitat of Oliarus vicarius (Homoptera: Cixiidae), and possible association with Aphenogaster and Paratrechina (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Psyche 86(4): 321-325. pdf
4596 Walker, I. 1979 Some British species of Anagrus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 67(2): 181-202.
4604 Waloff, N. 1979 Partitioning of resources by grassland leafhoppers. Auchenorrhyncha, Homoptera). Ecological Entomology 4: 379-385.
4672 Webb, M.D. 1979 Revision of Rambur's Homoptera species from the types in the British Museum. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 15(1): 227-240.
4758 Wilson, S.W. and J.E. McPherson. 1979 A preliminary report on the bionomics of Fulgoroidea on black walnut with emphasis on Anormenis septentrionalis (Spinola) (Homoptera). Walnut insects and Diseases. Workshop Proceedings of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, General Technical Report. U S Forest Service General Technical Report NC Pp. 29-34. pdf
4759 Wilson, S.W. and J.E. McPherson. 1979 Notes on the occurrence of Epipyrops barberiana in Southern Illinois (Lepidoptera: Epipyropidae). Great Lakes Entomologist 12(4): 189-190. pdf
4760 Wilson, S.W. and J.E. McPherson. 1979 The first record of Megamelus palaetus in Illinois (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea: Delphacidae). Great Lakes Entomologist 12(4): 227. pdf
4761 Wilson, S.W. and J.E. McPherson. 1979 The first report of the occurrence of Oecleus chrisjohni and O. epetrion in Illinois (Homoptera: Fulgoridae: Cixiidae) Great Lakes Entomologist 12(4): 227-228. pdf
4870 Yamaguchi, N. and N. Ai. 1979 Relationship between nerve impulses from leg nerve by FAV in planthopper and their mating behaviour. Zoological Magazine 88(4): 515.
4912 Yin, Y.M. 1979 The biology of Cephalops curtifrons (Diptera: Pipunculidae), an endoparasite of Stenocranus minutus (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 66(1): 15-29.
4914 Yoshihara, T., K. Sogawa, M.D. Pathak, B.O. Juliano, and S. Sakamura. 1979 Soluble silicic acid as a sucking inhibitory substance in rice against the brown plant hopper. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 26(3): 314-322.
5028 Datta, B. 1979 On Oriental Fulgoroidea. 2. (Homoptera). Eos-Revista Espanola de Entomologia 53: 25-33.
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