College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
2983 Maldonado-Capriles, J. and A. Berrios. 1978 The allotype of Arenasella maldonadoi and change of depository for two of Fennah's holotypes (Homoptera: Tropiduchidae and Issidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 80(3): 380-382. pdf
2992 Manjunath, T.M. 1978 Two nematode parasites of rice brown planthopper in India. International Rice Research Newsletter 3(2): 11-12.
2995 Manjunath, T.M., P.S. Rai, and G.-Gowda. 1978 Natural enemies of brown planthopper and green leafhopper in India. International Rice Research Newsletter 3(2): 11.
2996 Manjunath, T.M., P.S. Rai, and G.-Gowda. 1978 Parasites and predators of Nilaparvata lugens in India. PANS (Pest Articles And News Summaries) 24(3): 265-269.
5051 Müller, H.J. 1978 Strukturanalyse der Zikadenfauna (Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha) einer Rasenkatena Thüringens (Leutratal bei Jena). Zoologische Jahrbuecher Systematik 105: 258-334.
3055 May, Y.Y. 1978 A population study of Stenocranus minutus (Fab.) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Researches on Population Ecology 20(1): 61-78.
3068 McNeill, S. and T.R.E. Southwood. 1978 The role of nitrogen in the development of insect/plant relationships. In: J.B. Harborne, (ed.). Biochemical Aspects of Plant and Animal Coevolution. Academic Press, London. Pp. 77-98
3192 Mishra, R.K. 1978 Seasonal and other variation in the ascorbic acid (vitamin C) content of some common food plants of Phenice moesta Westw. (Derbidae: Fulgoroidea: Homoptera). Journal of Zoological Research (Aligarh) 2(1): 49-51.
3222 Miyai, S., K. Kiritani and T. Sasaba. 1978 An empirical model of Lycosa-hoppers interaction system in the paddy field. Protection Ecology 1(1): 9-21.
3228 Miyata, T. and T. Saito. 1978 Adaptation and resistance to insecticides in the planthopper and leafhopper. Journal of Pesticide Science 3(2): 179-184. pdf
3241 Mochida, O. and T. Suryana. 1978 Brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) (Hom. , Delphacidae), problems on rice in Indonesia. Auchenorrhyncha Newsletter 1: 3-5. pdf
3330 Nagano, M., K. Yokomizo, and Y. Nagata. 1978 Effect of isoprothiolane on the reproduction of the brown planthopper. Proceedings of the Association for Plant Protection of Kyushu 24: 82-85.[Japanese] pdf
3334 Nagata, T. and T. Masuda. 1978 Efficiency of sticky boards for population estimation of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) (Hemiptera: Delphasidae) on rice hills. Applied Entomology and Zoology 13(2): 55-62. pdf
3348 Narasimha-Rao, B., K.L. Narayana, and B.H. Krishnamurthy-Rao. 1978 Pardosa annandalei, a predatory spider of the brown planthopper. International Rice Research Newsletter 3(1): 13. pdf
3374 Natarajan, K. 1978 Outbreak of rice caseworm and brown planthopper in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India. International Rice Research Newsletter 3(3): 17.
3377 Nath, D.K. and S.C. Sen. 1978 Brown planthoppers in West Bengal, India. International Rice Research Newsletter 3(1): 13. pdf
3438 Nishida, T. 1978 Management of the corn planthopper in Hawaii. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) Plant Protection Bulletin 26(1): 5-9.
3524 Olmi, M. 1978 Esperienze e prospettive di lotta biologica coi Dryinidae (Hymenoptera Bethyloidea). Atti Del Congresso Nazionale Italiano Di Entomologia 11: 371-373.
3540 Ooi, P.A.C., G.S. Lim and A.K. Koh. 1978 Some common predators associated with the brown planthopper in Malaysia. International Rice Research Newsletter 3(4): 17.
3559 Ossiannilsson, F. 1978 The Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Part 1: Introduction, infraorder Fulgoromorpha. Scandinavian Science Press, Kopenhagen. 7(2): 1–222. pdf
3570 Ôtake, A. 1978 Population characteristics of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), with special reference to differences in Japan and the tropics. Journal of Applied Ecology 15(2): 385-394.
3597 Palmer, L.T., Y. Soepriaman, and S. Kartaatmadja. 1978 Rice yield losses due to brown planthopper and rice grassy stunt disease in Java and Bali. Plant Disease Reporter 62(11): 962-965.
3663 Plumb, R.T. 1978 Invertebrates as vectors of grass viruses. Scientific Proceedinds of the Dublin Royal Society 6A: 343-350.
3899 Samal, P. and B.C. Misra. 1978 Casnoidea indica (Thunb. ) a carabid ground beetle predating on brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) of rice. Current Science 47(18): 688-689. pdf
3901 Samal, P., B.C. Misra and P. Nayak. 1978 Entomophthora fumosa Speare, an entomogenous fungus on rice brown plant hoppers. Current Science 47(7): 241-242. pdf
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