Planthopper Bibliography Database
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564 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
9222 | Chou, W D. 1969 Effectiveness of insecticides against brown planthopper on the second rice crop at Chia-yi Taiwan in 1967. Taiwan Agriculture 5(3): 128-141. |
9214 | Chiu, M. D. 1970 Ecological studies on rice brown planthopper. Taiwan Agriculture Quarterly 6(1): 143-152. |
693 | Chun, L-C., T-Y. Chung, and M.R. Wilson. 1989 Achilidae of Taiwan (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Taiwan Museum Special Publication Series 8: 1-64. |
696 | Chung, T-Y. 1989 Ricaniidae of Taiwan (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Taiwan Museum Special Publication Series 8: 171-204. |
1472 | Fang, S.J. 1989 Flatidae of Taiwan (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Taiwan Museum Special Publication Series 8: 117-152. |
3125 | Meei, L.C.and T.Y. Chung. 1989 Lophopidae of Taiwan (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Taiwan Museum Special Publication Series 8: 153-160. |
3860 | Rong, H.W. and T.Y. Chung. 1989 Nogodinidae of Taiwan (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Taiwan Museum Special Publication Series 8: 161-170. |
4877 | Yang, C.T. 1989 Collected papers on Fulgoroidea of Taiwan. Taiwan Museum Special Publication Series 1010-1683(8): 1-204. |
4884 | Yang, J.T. and C.T. Yang. 1986 Delphacidae of Taiwan (1) Asiracinae and the tribe Tropidocephalini (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Taiwan Museum Special Publication Series 6: 1-79. pdf |
5126 | Chang, M.L. and C.T. Yang. 1989 Lophopidae of Taiwan (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Taiwan Museum Special Publication Series 8: 153–160. |
5130 | Chen, C.L., C.T.Yang, C.T and M.R. Wilson. 1989 Achilidae of Taiwan (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Taiwan Museum Special Publication Series 8: 1-64. |
5472 | Yang, J.T., C.T. Yang, and M.R. Wilson. 1989 Tropiduchidae of Taiwan (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea. Taiwan Museum Special Publication Series 8: 65–115. |
5478 | Yang, C.T. 1989 Ricaniidae of Taiwan (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Taiwan Museum Special Publication Series 8: 1-204. |
5252 | Kapustina, O. G. 1987 Taxonomy of the insects of Siberia and Soviet Far East Taksonomiia nasekomykh Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka SSR, Vladivostok Dalnauka, Russia. 132 pp. [In Russian] |
13420 | Umamaheswari, M. 2001 Host plant resistance against brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal.) in rice. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Coimbatore, India. Masters Thesis. 82p. |
9495 | Geethanjali, S. 2001 Molecular marker analysis for resistance to planthoppers (Sogatella furcifera Horvath and Nilaparvata lugens Stål) in rice (Oryza sativa L.) using simple sequence repeats. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India. 74 pp. Master’s Thesis. |
9190 | Roberts, L.I.N. 1979 Insects from the Cavalli Islands. Tane 25: 125-131. pdf |
9387 | Ak, K., S. Güçlü, and R. Sekban. 2013 Dogu Karadeniz Bölgesinde Yeni Bir Zararli Ricania simulans (Walker, 1851)(Hemiptera: Ricaniidae)'a Karsi Azadirachtin ve Spinosad Etki Maddeli Biyopestisitlerin Etkinliklerinin Belirlenmesi. [Determination of the effectiveness of biopesticides having active ingredients azadirachtin and spinosad against a new harmful Ricania simulans (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae) in the e Tarim Bilimleri Arastirma Dergisi 6(1): 10-14 pdf |
14190 | AK, Kibar, Saban GÜÇLÜ, and Reyhan SEKBAN. 2013 Dogu Karadeniz Bölgesi'nde yeni bir zararli Ricania simulans (Walker, 1851) (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae)’a karsi azadirachtin ve spinosad etki maddeli biyopestisitlerin etkinliklerinin belirlenmesi. [Determination of the effectiveness of biopesticides having active ingredients azadirachtin and spinosad against a new harmful Ricania simulans (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae) in the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey]. Tarim Bilimleri Arastirma Dergisi 6(1): 10-14. [Turkish with abstract in English] pdf |
6231 | Kovanci, O.B., N.S. Gençer, B. Kovanci and H.C. Akgül. 2004 Bursa ili çilek Alanlaerinda Bulunan Homoptera Türleri.[Homoptera Species Found in Strawberry Fields in Bursa]. Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi 10(3): 318-322.[Turkish] pdf |
10285 | Kibar, A.K., S. Güclü, and R. Sekban. 2013 Determination of the effectiveness of biopesticides having active ingredients azadirachtin and spinosad against a new harmful Ricania simulans (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae) in the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey. Tarm Bilimleri Arastrma Dergisi 6(1): 10-14. |
5273 | Kosugi, Y. 2007 Occurrence of green flatid planthopper, Geisha distinctissima (Walker) in tea [Camellia sinensis] fields in Shizuoka Prefecture [Japan] and efficacy of pesticides against green flatid planthopper. Tea Research Journal 104: 67-72. |
6506 | Singh, S.P., N.S. Rao, and T.J. Henneberry 1993 Leafhoppers and their natural enemies. Technical Bulletin - Project Directorate of Biological Control, ICAR [Indian Council of Agricultural Research] 6: 65 pp. |
6144 | Sawada, H., S.W.G. Subroto, G. Mustaghfirin, and E.S. Wuaya. 1992 Immigration, population development and outbreaks of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal), under different rice cultivation patterns in central Java, Indonesia. Technical Bulletin of the Food and Fertilizer Technology Center 130: 9-13. |
4139 | Sogawa, K. and T. Watanabe. 1992 Redistribution of rice planthoppers and its synoptic monitoring in East Asia. Technical Bulletin of the Food and Fertilizer Technology Center (Taipei) 131: 1-9. |