Planthopper Bibliography Database
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580 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
4378 | Tsai, J.H. 1975 Transmission studies of three suspected insect vectors of lethal yellowing of coconut palm. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) Plant Protection Bulletin 23: 140-145. |
14571 | Myrie, W., B.W. Bahder, E.E. Helmick, and C.R. Bartlett. 2022 Transmission trials of lethal yellowing phytoplasmas carried out with Oecleus mackaspringii. Phytopathogenic Mollicutes 12(1): 76. |
10507 | Holzapfel, E.P. and J. C. Harrell. 1968 Transoceanic dispersal studies of insects. Pacific Insects 10(1): 115-153. pdf |
13164 | Showers, W.B. and T.R. Everitt. 1967 Transovarial acquisition of hoja blanca virus by the rice delphacid. Journal of Economic Entomology 60(3): 757-760. [Sogota orizicola] |
1258 | Elmali, M. 1995 Transovarial passage of plant pathogen viruses. Turkiye Entomoloji Dergisi 19(4): 309-317. pdf |
10354 | Huo, Y., W.W. Liu, F.J. Zhang, X.Y. Chen, L. Li, Q.F. Liu, Y.J. Zhou, T.Y. Wei, R.X. Fang, and X.F. Wang. 2014 Transovarial transmission of a plant virus is mediated by vitellogenin of its insect vector. PLOS Pathogens 10(3): 10.1371/journal.ppat.1003949. pdf |
9348 | Suenaga, H. and and O. Mochida. 1969 Transportation of the nematode, Agamermis unka Kaburaki et Inamure, a natural enemy of delphacids on rice plants, from Japan to Guadacanal by air. Pulex 46: 186. [Japanese] |
6694 | Syobu, S., A. Otuka, and M. Matsumura. 2011 Trap catches of the small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus (Fallen) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), in northern Kyushu district, Japan in relation to weather conditions. Applied Entomology and Zoology 46(1): 41-50. |
3939 | Saxena, R.C. and H. D. Justo Jr. 1984 Trapping airborne insects aboard inter-island ships in the Philippine Archipelago, with emphasis on the brown planthopper (BPH). International Rice Research Newsletter 9(5): 16. pdf |
14136 | CHANG, XiaoLi, XiangWen WU, YongDa YUAN, TianShu ZHANG, Shuang LU, HuiMei SHEN, HaiYuan TENG, and DongSheng WANG. 2016 Trapping and controlling effects of the yellow sticky card on rice planthoppers. Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology 53(4): 892-900. [Chinese with English summary] [Sogatella furcifera, Laodelphax striatellus, Nilaparvata lugens] |
12901 | WANG, LinCong, ZhiGang LI, Jun LI, and ShiChou HAN. 2016 Trapping effect of the trap lamp with different wavelengths on the pest in mangrove forest. Journal of Environmental Entomology 38(5): 1028-1031. [Ricania speculum] |
3568 | Ôtake, A. 1976 Trapping of Anagrus nr. flaveolus Waterhouse (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) by the eggs of Laodelphax striatellus (Fallen) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Physiology and Ecology Japan 17(1-2): 473-475. |
9636 | Lovisolo, O., C. Vidano, and E. Conti. 1966 Trasmissione del Virus del nanismo ruvido del mais ad Avena sativa L. con Laodelphax striatellus Fallén. Atti della Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 100: 351-358. |
529 | Carpenter, F.M. 1992 Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. Part R. Arthropoda. Part 4, Volume 3. Superclass Hexapoda. Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas, Boulder, Colorado and Lawrence, Kansas. - pdf |
1751 | Gillerfors, G. 2005 Tredje bidraget till stritarnas förekomst i Sverige. Fem nya arter för landet samt nya landskapsfynd [Third contribution to the presence of the Auchenorrhyncha in Sweden: five new species to the country and new provincial finds.] Entomologisk Tidskrift 126(3): 149-158. [Swedish] pdf |
265 | Bartlett, C.R., L. L. Deitz, M. J. Rothschild, and M. S. Wallace. 2008 Treehopper diversity (Hemiptera: Membracidae) of Little Orleans, Allegany Co., Maryland. Proceedings of the Washington Entomological Society 110(1): 130-143. |
1408 | Emeljanov, A.F. and V.I. Kirillova. 1990 Trends and modes of karyotype evolution of Cicadina (Homoptera). I. Karyptypic peculiarities and evolutionary changes in the karyotypes of Cicadas of superfamily Cicandelloidea. Entomological Review 69(3):62-80. [English translation of Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 1990 68(3): 587-603 from Russian]. |
1409 | Emeljanov, A.F. and V.I. Kirillova. 1991 Trends and modes of the karyotype evolution in Cicadina: II. Peculiarities and evolutionary changes of karyotypes in the superfamilies Cercopoidea, Cicadoidea, Fulgoroidea and in the Cicadina as a whole (Homoptera). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 70(4): 796-817 & 950-951 |
1407 | Emeljanov, A.F. and V.I. Kirillova. 1989 Trends and modes of the karyotype evolution in the Cicadina. I. Peculiarities and evolutionary changes of the karyotypes in the superfamily Cicadelloidea (Homptera). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 68(3): 587-603. [In Russian, English translation in Entomological Review 1990 69(3): 62-80]. |
1412 | Emeljanov, A.F. and V.I. Kirillova. 1994 Trends and modes of the karyotype evolution in the Cicadina. II. Peculiarities and evolutionary changes of the karyotypes in the superfamilies Cercopoidea, Cicadoidea, Fulgoroidea and in the Cicadina as a whole (Homptera). Entomological Review 73(5): 59-81. |
6960 | Pathak, P.K. and G.S. Dhaliwali. 1981 Trends and Strategies for Rice Insect Problems in Tropical Asia. IRRI Research Paper Series, Los Banos, Philippines. 64: 1-15. pdf |
2291 | Metcalf, R. L. 1984 Trends in the use of chemical insecticides. Pp. 69–91. In: Proceedings of the FAO/IRRI Workshop on Judicious and Efficient Use of Insecticides on Rice. The International Rice Research Institute, Los Baños. Laguna, Philippines. v+180 pp. |
8013 | Itoyama, K., S. Morooka, and S. Tojo. 1999 Triacylglycerol storage in the adults of two selected strains of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Applied Entomology and Zoology 34(1): 171-177. pdf |
7593 | Zheng, Y.M. 2006 Trial on effect of 25% Tiamethoxam on controlling brown planthopper (BHP). China Rice 2006(5): 47. |
5563 | Bao, Y.Y., B.L. Li, Z.B. Liu, J.A. Xue, Z.R. Zhu, J.A. Cheng, and C.X. Zhang. 2010 Triazophos up-regulated gene expression in the female brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Journal of Insect Physiology 56(9): 1087-1094. pdf |