College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
1443 Esaki, T. 1940 [1941] A preliminary report on the entomological survey of the Micronesian islands under the Japanese mandate, with special reference to the insects of economic importance. In: Proceedings of the 6th Pacific Science Congress IV. Pp. 407–415.
8586 Yang, L.M. and H.Y. Chen. 1989 A preliminary report on the damage of brown planthopper and sheath blight on rice. Insects Knowledge 26(6): 321-322.
7714 Miao, H.Q., Y.G. Lu, L.Z. Tian, and D.P. Zuo. 2005 A preliminary report on the criterion for evaluating the disease resistance of maize to the disease caused by maize rough dwarf fijivirus. Journal of Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry (Natural Science Edition) 33(z1): 255.
4758 Wilson, S.W. and J.E. McPherson. 1979 A preliminary report on the bionomics of Fulgoroidea on black walnut with emphasis on Anormenis septentrionalis (Spinola) (Homoptera). Walnut insects and Diseases. Workshop Proceedings of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, General Technical Report. U S Forest Service General Technical Report NC Pp. 29-34. pdf
12919 XIE, Guang-lin, Hai-lun ZOU, and Wen-kai WANG. 2015 A preliminary report on pest species of Ricaniidae in Hubei Province. Hubei Agricultural Sciences 2015(10): 2394-2396.
5764 Lindsten, K. 1958 A preliminary report of virus diseases of cereals in Sweden. Phytopathologie Zeitschrift 35: 420-428.
13050 Molfini, M., M. Zapparoli, P. Genovesi, L. Carnevali P. Audisio, A. Di Giulio, and M.A. Bologna. 2020 A preliminary prioritized list of Italian alien terrestrial invertebrate species. Biological Invasions (2020): (PrePRINT, 15pp.). [Metcalfa pruinosa]
1147 Chang, Tsuei-Ying and Chung-Tu Yang. 1997 A preliminary observation on the evolutionary trend of Fulgoromorpha male genitalia. Pp. 27-28. In: M.J. Fletcher, M.F. Day, P.S. Gillespie, M.M. Stephens and M.S. Moulds (eds.). Program and Abstract Book, 9th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress, Sydney, Australia, 17–21 February 1997. 76 pp. pdf
2295 Huang, X. F. 1982 A preliminary observation on Pseudogonatopus flavifemur Esaki et Hashimoto - natural enemy of Nilparvata luens Stål. Entomological Knowledge 19(5): 12-15.
4079 Shou, Z.B., et al. 1982 A preliminary observation on Nilaparvata lugens Stal fed on Leersia hexandra. Entomological Knowledge 19(1): 46.
10169 Song, N. and A.P. Liang. 2013 A preliminary molecular phylogeny of planthoppers (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences. PLOS One 8(3): e58400, 1-11 pp. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0058400 pdf
812 Courcy Williams, M. de. 1989 A preliminary list of the Irish Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera). Bulletin of the Irish Biogeographical Society 12: 135-148.
644 Cheo, M.T. 1935 A preliminary list of the insect and arachnids injurious to economic plants in China. Peking Natural History Bulletin 10(2): 93–114.
5724 Ding, J.H. and C.L. Hu. 1987 A preliminary list of planthoppers attacking Bamboo in China with an illustrated key to the genera and species. Journal of Bamboo Research 6(4): 70-84.
7814 Le Quesne, W.J. 1965 A preliminary list of Auchenorhyncha of Woodwalton Fen, Huntingdonshire. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 100: 252.
1208 Drosopoulos, S., M. Asche, and H. Hoch. 1986 A preliminary list and some notes on the Cicadomorpha (Homoptera-Auchenorrhyncha) collected in Greece. In: S. Drosopoulos, (ed.). Proceedings of the 1st International Congress Concerning the Rhynchota Fauna of Balkan and Adjacent Regions 29 August - 2 September 1983, Mikrolimni- Prespa, Greece. Pp. 8-13. pdf
3002 Mao, R.Q., D.X. Gu, G.R. Zhang, and W.Q. Zhang. 2002 A preliminary investigation on structure and dynamice of egg parasitoid community on the brown planthopper in rice field. Acta Entomologica Sinica 45(3): 408-412. pdf
13076 Rahman, M.A., P.K. Jhan, Md. M.H. Khan, S.M.H. Jahan, and R. Alam. 2016 A preliminary checklist of Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera) from Bangladesh. International Journal of Innovative Research 1(2): 9-16.
14216 GARIEPY, Tara D., Massimo OLMI, Gianluca PARISE, and Gábor VÉTEK. 2021 A preliminary assessment of the occurrence and diversity of mitochondrial COI haplotypes in adventive populations of the biocontrol agent, Neodryinus typhlocybae, in Hungary. Bulletin of Insectology 74(2): 161-171. [Metcalfa pruinosa]
587 Chen, J. 1994 A prelimiary [sic] study on the biological character and control techniques of green slender planthopper Saccharosydne procerus (Matsumura). Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University 13(1): 40-45.
2639 Kulkarni, K.A., S.N. Holihosur, B.K. Nageshachandra and G.P. ChannaBasavanna. 1981 A predacious mite on the sorghum shoot-bug Peregrinus maidis (Homoptera: Delphacidae) at Dharwad. In: Contributions to Acarology in India (Proceedings of the 1st All India Symposium in Acarology April 23-25, 1979, Bangalore). Acarological Society of India, Bangalore, India. P.110.
14732 LIU, Qing, Lili ZHANG, Rongxiang FANG, and Yan HUO. 2023 A precise and quantifiable method for collecting hemolymph from small arthropods. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) 194: e65250. [Laodelphax striatellus]
4962 Zhang, C.Z., et al. 1988 A praliminary report on the reproductive capacity of brown planthopper by the influence of methamidophos. Entomological Knowledge 25(1): 38-40.
10576 Ren, C., Cheng, Z. and Zhou, Y. 2014 A practical scheme of RBSDV kept in small brown planthopper and massively propagated indoors with wheat seedling as a virus source host. Phytopathology 104(11): 96.
12249 Krüger, K., D. Read, M. Stiller and G. Pietersen. 2018 A potential new vector of aster yellows phytoplasma in vineyards in South Africa. Pp. 88-89. In: 19th Congress of the International Council for the Study of Virus and Virus-like Diseases of Grapevine (ICVG), Santiago, Chile. - pdf
583 | 584 | 585 | 586 | 587 | 588 | 589 | 590 | 591 587 of 617