Planthopper Bibliography Database
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59 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
14839 | Amaral, A.P., L. Stotzem, G.T. Haug, C. Haug, and J.T. Haug. 2024 Immature planthoppers had longer mouthparts 100 million years ago as exemplified by quantitative morphology. Spixiana 46(2): 201-226. |
5065 | Stresemann, E., H.J. Hannemann, B. Klausnitzer, and K. Senglaub. (eds.). 2000 Exkursionsfauna von Deutschland. Vol. 2. Spektrum, Heidelberg und Berlin. - |
13052 | Mueller, B.D., J.C. Cokendolpher, and T. Enríquez. 2020 Biological type specimens in the Collections of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA; with a history of these collections at the Museum of Texas Tech University. Special Publications, Museum of Texas Tech University, Number 74. 83 pp. [Haplaxius texensis] |
2345 | Ishihara, T. 1965 Some species of Formosan Homoptera. Special Bulletin of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan 1: 201–221. [or Special bulletin. Lepidopterological Society of Japan (Nihon Rinshi Gakkai)] pdf |
10368 | Lopes, J.R.S., B.B. Landa, and A. Fereres. 2014 A survey of potential insect vectors of the plant pathogenic bacterium Xylella fastidiosa in three regions of Spain. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 12(3): 795-800. pdf |
4048 | Shcherbakov, D.E. 1988 New Mesozoic Homoptera. Sovmestnaya Sovetsko-Mongol'skaya Paleontologicheskaya Ekspeditsiya Trudy 33: 60-63&94. pdf |
1649 | Fowler, H.G. and W.G. Whitford. 1985 Host plant ovipositional preferences and usage by Oecleus nolinus (Homoptera: Cixiidae). Southwestern Naturalist 30(4): 610-611. pdf |
3176 | Meyer, R.P.,F. G. Zalom, T.L. McKenzie, and P.H. Mason. 1979 Notes on insects associated with desert broom (Baccharis sarothroides Gray) (Compositae) in southeastern Arizona. Southwestern Naturalist 24(4):603-612. pdf |
9886 | Whittaker, P.L. 1984 The insect fauna of mistletoe (Phoradendron tomentosum, Loranthaceae) in southern Texas. Southwestern Naturalist 29(4): 435-444. |
3078 | Meagher, R.L., Jr., S.W. Wilson, R.S. Pfannenstiel and R.G. Breene. 1991 Documentation of two potential insect pests of south Texas sugarcane. Southwestern Entomologist 16(4): 365-366. pdf |
3489 | O'Brien, L.B. 1982 Two new species of Oecleus from Texas and Arizona (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea: Cixiidae). Southwestern Entomologist 7(4): 252-254. pdf |
3494 | O'Brien, L.B. 1986 Five new species of Fulgoroidea (Homoptera) from the western United States and Mexico. Southwestern Entomologist 11(2): 67-74. pdf |
5294 | Liang, Ai-Ping and L. O'Brien. 2002 External morphology of the wax glands of Epiptera woodworthi (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Achilidae). Southwestern Entomologist 27(2): 209-215. pdf |
6681 | Rethwisch, M.D., E.T. Natwick, B.R. Tickes, M. Meadows, and D. Wright. 1995 Impact of insect feeding and economics of selected insecticides on early summer bermudagrass seed production in the desert southwest. Southwestern Entomologist 20(2): 187-201. pdf |
8743 | Meagher, R.L. Jr. and J.C. Legaspi. 2003 Within-field distribution of three Homopteran species in Texas sugarcane. Southwestern Entomologist 28(1): 1-10. pdf |
9548 | Huffman, F.R. and J.A. Hardinggj. 1980 Pitfall collected insects from various lower Rio Grande valley habitats. Southwestern Entomologist 5(1): 33-46. pdf |
11133 | Way, M. O., S. S. Vyavhare, C. Mock, W. Mock, K. Metz, S. H. McKamey and P. Porter. 2016 Outbreak of Tagosodes orizicolus (Muir) in Texas rice. Southwestern Entomologist 41(3): 871-874. |
12280 | Knutson, E.M., J. L. Liu and B. Kondratieff. 2019 Insects of dominant shrub communities at Pawnee and Comanche national grasslands, Colorado. Southwestern Entomologist 44(1): 79–93. |
13028 | Kraus, E.C., R. Guerra, and M.J. Stout. 2020 Evaluation of South American rice varieties for resistance to rice delphacid: Potential sources for breeding programs. Southwestern Entomologist 45(1): 79-88. |
14072 | Ramos-Robles, M., M. Sánchez-Vega, L.A. Aguirre-Uribe, A. Méndez-López, S.Y. Martínez-Amador, A.I. Leal-Robles, and L.M. González-Méndez. 2021 Diversity and species turnover of insects in a Jatropha curcas Agroecosystem. Southwestern Entomologist 46(1): 115-128. [Cixius angustatus, Scolops, Catonia, & others (survey)] |
14077 | Sánchez-Vega, M., L.A. Aguirre-Uribe, M. Flores-Dávila, E. Cerna-Chávez, Y.M. Ochoa-Fuentes, A. Hernández-Juárez, and A. Méndez-López. 2021 Diversity of phytophagous insects with potential to become key pests in genetically modified Bt cotton. Southwestern Entomologist 46(2): 317-330. [Cixius angustatus] |
5046 | Chen, Y.Z., Y.P. Wei, X.Q. Li, Q. Chen, R.K. Sun, L.Yang, F.K. Huang, S.M. Wei, P.Q. Liu, D.H.Huang, Y.X. Zhang, and R.B. Li. 2009 Evaluation and utilization of resistant sources to brown planthopper in rice. Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22(6): 1581-1588. |
4793 | Xu, Z., J. He, Z. Li, Y. Li, X. He, and Y. Yang. 2006 Preliminary studies on Unkanodes sapporona (Matsumura). Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences 19(2): 243-245. |
5603 | Chen, Y.Z., Q. Chen, R.K Sun, L. Yang, F.K. Huang, D.H. Huang, S.M. Wei, Y.X. Zhang, P.Q. Liu, and R.B. Li. 2010 Improvement of rice resistance to brown planthoppers. Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23(4): 1099-1106. |
6691 | Su, J.K., C.M. Zhang, and Z.H Lu. 2010 Comparison of control effect of insecticides against rice planthopper. Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23(1): 290-292. |