Planthopper Bibliography Database
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593 of 611
Authors Year Title Journal | |
1153 | Doering, K.C. 1956 The taxonomic value of the pretarsal structures in the classification of certain Fulgoroidea. University of Kansas Science Bulletin 37: 627-643. pdf |
1454 | Evans, J.W. 1956 Palaeozoic and Mesozoic Hemiptera (Insecta). Australian Jounal of Zoology 4(2): 165-258. |
1521 | Fennah, R.G. 1956 Insects of Micronesia, Homoptera: Fulgoroidea. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Insects of Micronesia 6(3): 39-211. pdf |
1522 | Fennah, R.G. 1956 Fulgoroidea from southern China. Proceedings of the California Academy of Science 28(13): 441-527. pdf |
1885 | Haupt, H. 1956 Beitrag zur Kenntnis der eozänen Arthropodenfauna des Geiseltales. Nova Acta Leopoldina 18(128): 1–90. |
2059 | Heslop-Harrison, G. 1956 The age and origin of the Hemiptera, with special reference to the suborder Homoptera. Proceedings of the University of Durham Philosophical Society 12: 150-169. |
2539 | Kisimoto, R. 1956 Factors determining the wing-form of adult, with special reference to the effect of crowding during larval period of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål. Studies on the Polymorphism of the planthopper. I. Oyo-Kontyu 12:105-111. [Japanese with English summary] pdf |
2540 | Kisimoto, R. 1956 Studies on the polymorphism in the planthoppers (Araeopidae: Homoptera). Preliminary Report. Oyo-Kontyu 12: 56-61. [Japanese with English summary] pdf |
2707 | Lallemand, V. 1956 Contribution à l’étude des Fulgoridae (Hemiptera) (1e note). Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 32(39): 1–7. pdf |
2825 | Lindberg, H. 1956 Contribution a l’etude de la zone d’inondation du Niger (Mission G. Remaudiere) XII. Homoptera-Zikaden. Bulletin de l’Institute Francaises de Afrique Noire (Series A) 18: 1200-1211. pdf |
3166 | Metcalf, Z.P. 1956 General Catalogue of the Homoptera. Fascicle IV, Fulgoroidea. Part 18 Eurybrachidae and Gengidae. North Carolina State College, Raleigh, North Carolina. 81 pp. pdf |
3182 | Miller, N. C. E. 1956 Biology of the Heteroptera. Methuen, London. - |
3303 | Müller, H.J., 1956 Homoptera. Auchenorrhyncha. Zikaden. In: H. Blunck, (ed.). Sorauers Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten.Tierische Schädlinge an Nutzpflanzen. 5th Edition, Part 2. Paul Parey, Berlin and Hamburg. Pp. 150-306. |
3324 | Musil, M. 1956 Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Entwicklungsstufen von Hyalesthes obsoletus Sign. [A contribution to the study of the development of Hyalesthes obsoletus Sign.] Zoologicke Listy 5(19): 17-22. [Czech with German Abstract] |
4213 | Strübing, H. 1956 Die Oviduktdrüsen der Delphaciden (Hom.Auchenorrhyncha) und ihre Bedeutung für die Eiablage. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft 1956: 361-366. pdf |
4214 | Strübing, H. 1956 Über Beziehungen zwischen Ovidukt, Eiablage und natürlicher Verwandtschaft einheimischer Delphaciden. Zoologische Beitrage (Neue Folge) 2:331-357. pdf |
4259 | Synave, H. 1956 Description de Cixiidae nouveaux d’Afrique du Sud. Bulletin de l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 33(8): 1-6. pdf |
4814 | Wonn, L. 1956 Ökologische Studien über die Zikadenfauna der Mainzer Sande. Jahrbuch des Nassauisehen Vereins fur Naturkunde 92: 81-122. |
5532 | Synave, H. 1956 Trois espèces nouvelles d'Homoptères africains. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines. Ostend 53(3-4): 365-369. |
5533 | Synave, H. 1956 Les Flatidae de Madagascar (Hemiptera-Homoptera). Mémoires de l'Institut des Sciences de Madagascar. (Ser. E) 7: 197-217. pdf |
6357 | Synave, H. 1956 Description d’une espèce nouvelle de Meenoplide africain. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 92(5/6): 107-108. pdf |
6358 | Synave, H. 1956 Contribution a l’estudes des Issidae Africains (Homoptera- Fulgoroidea). Bulletin de l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de de Belgique 32(57): 1-22. pdf |
9249 | Itoga, S., H. Sakai, and M. Horikiri. 1956 Surveys on the overwintering and the mass-flight for the overwintered generation in the white-backed planthopper and the brown planthopper. Norinsyo-Byogaityu-Hasseiyosatu-Siryo 56: 79-134. [Japanese] |
9258 | Kisimoto, R. 1956 Effect of crowding during the larval period on the determination of the wing form of an adult planthopper. Nature 178: 64-642. pdf |
9277 | Kuwahara, M., K. Hiraoka, and K. Sakano. 1956 Experimental studies on the biology and hibernation in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Hom., Auchenorrhyncha). Norinsyo-Byogaityu-Hasseiyosatu-Siryo 56: 54-65. [Japanese] |