Planthopper Bibliography Database
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598 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
8014 | Iwanaga, K. and S. Tojo. 1984 Various strains in relation to wing polymorphism in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Staal. Proceedings of the Association for Plant Protection of Kyushu 30: 85-89. |
2357 | Iwanaga, K., S. Tojo, and T. Nagata. 1984 Various strains in relation to wing polymorphism in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål. Proceedings of the Association for Plant Protection of Kyushu 30: 85-89. pdf |
9116 | Bressan, A., R. Turata, M. Maixner, S. Spiazzi, E. Boudon-Padieu, and V. Girolami. 2007 Vector activity of Hyalesthes obsoletus living on nettles and transmitting a stolbur phytoplasma to grapevines: a case study. Annals of Applied Biology 150(3): 331-339. |
11900 | Slykhuis, J.T. 1963 Vector and host relations of North American wheat striate mosaic virus. Canadian Journal of Botany 41(8): 1171-1185. pdf |
3605 | Parejarearn, A., D.B. Lapis, G.Z. Salamat, and H. Hibino. 1989 Vector behavior and the transmission of rice ragged stunt virus on vector-resistant rice. Journal of Plant Protection in the Tropics 6(2): 123-129. |
13534 | Sullivan, W. 2020 Vector control: Wolbachia expands its protective reach from humans to plants. Current Biology 30(24): R1489-R1491. [Nilaparvata lugens] |
11710 | Harpaz, I. and M. Klein. 1969 Vector induced modifications in a plant virus. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 12(1): 99-106. pdf |
11705 | Conti, M. 1980 Vector relationships and other characteristics of barley yellow striate mosaic virus (BYSMV). Annals of Applied Biology 95(1): 83-92. |
3661 | Pilkington, L.J., G.M. Gurr, M.J. Fletcher, A. Nikandrow, and E. Elliot. 2004 Vector status of three leafhopper species for Australian lucerne yellows phytoplasma. Australian Journal of Entomology 43(4): 366-373. pdf |
5109 | Bressan, A., M. Simonato, J. Arneodo, J. Lherminier, and E. Boudon-Padieu. 2009 Vector Transmission of a Plant-Pathogenic Bacterium in the Arsenophonus Clade Sharing Ecological Traits with Facultative Insect Endosymbionts. Phytopathology 99(11): 1289-1296. pdf |
192 | Babaie, G. and K. Izadpanah. 2003 Vector transmission of eggplant mottled dwarf virus in Iran. Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 151(11/12): 679-682. pdf |
44 | Almeida, R.P.P., C. Wistrom, B.L. Hill, J. Hashim, and A.H. Purcell. 2005 Vector transmission of Xylella fastidiosa to dormant grape. Plant Disease 89(4): 419–424. pdf |
43 | Almeida, R.P.P., M.J. Blua, J.R.S. Lopes, and A. H. Purcell. 2005 Vector transmission of Xylella fastidiosa: Applying fundamental knowledge to generate disease management strategies. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 98(6): 775–786. |
4339 | Sabaté, J. , A. Laviña, and A. Batlle. 2010 Vectors identification of phytoplasmas belonging to apple proliferation and stolbur groups in Spain. In: A. Bertaccini, A. Laviña and E. Torres (eds.). Current status and perspectives of phytoplasma disease research and management. Abstracts of COST Action FA0807 Meeting 1-2 February 2010 in Sitges, Spain. P. 67 pdf |
1985 | Harris, K.F. and K. Maramorosch. 1980 Vectors of Plant Pathogens. Academic Press, New York. - |
3372 | Nasu, S. 1969 Vectors of rice viruses in Asia. In: International Rice Research Institute. The Virus diseases of the rice plant. John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Maryland. Pp. 93-109. |
1256 | Ellenberg, H. 1996 Vegetation Mitteleuropas mit den Alpen in ökologischer Sicht. Ulmer, Stuttgart. - |
9149 | Budinščak, Ž. 2009 Vektori fitoplazmi voćaka i vinove loze u Republici Hrvatskoj (Vectors of fruit tree and grapevine phytoplasmas in Republic of Croatia ). Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Osijek, Croatia. Doctoral Thesis. |
459 | Bröring, U. and R. Niedringhaus. 1989 Veränderungen der Wanzen- und Zikadenfauna innerhalb von 50 Jahren auf der ostfriesischen Insel Borkum. Hemiptera: Heteroptera, Geocorisae, Auchenorrhyncha). Oldenburger Jahrbuch 89: 337-356. |
383 | Bornholdt, G. and R. Remane. 1993 Veränderungen im Zikadenartenbestand eines Halbtrockenrasens in der Eifel (Rheinland-Pfalz) entlang eines Nährstoffgradienten. Zeitschrift für Ökologie und Naturschutz 2: 19-29. |
4687 | Werner, D.J. 2004 Verbreitung, Wirtspflanzenwechsel und Naturschutzaspekte bei Wanzen (Heteroptera) an Zypressengewächsen (Cupressaceae) in Deutschland. Entomologie heute 16: 117-140. |
327 | Benkert, D., F. Fukarek, and H. Korsch. (eds.) 1996 Verbreitungsatlas der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Ostdeutschlands. Fischer, Jena. - |
6312 | Niedringhaus, R., R. Biedermann, and H. Nickel. 2010 Verbreitungsatlas der Zikaden des Großherzogtums Luxemburg - Textband. Ferrantia 60, Musée National d’Histoire Naturelle, Luxembourg. 105 Pp. 105 Pp. pdf |
2137 | Hoffmann, B. 1980 Vergleichend ökologische Untersuchungen über die Einflüsse des kontrollierten Brennens auf die Arthropodenfauna einer Riedwiese im Federseegebiet.(Südwürttemberg). Veröffentlichungen Naturschutz Landschaftspflege Baden-Württemberg 51/52(2): 691-714. |
1442 | Ermisch, A. 1960 Vergleichend-anatomische Untersuchungen über die Endosymbiose der Fulgoroiden mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Araeopiden. Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Ökologie der Tiere 49(47): 47-138. pdf |