Planthopper Bibliography Database
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617 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
15233 | KHALID, Fa-ruz, Noor Shuha-na Sha?kh MAZRAN, Isma?l RAKIBE, Muhamad Azm- MOHAMMED, Ameyra Aman ZUKI, and Salmah YAAKOP. 2024 Variations in the relative abundance of hemipteran species in different seasons and stages of rice growth depending on weather variations. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 30(4): 748-758. [Nilaparvata lugens, Sogatella furcifera] pdf |
14910 | YOSHITOMI, Hiroyuki, Yuji OMATSU, Ryosuke AKEO, Nhien Thi NGUYEN, Trung Thanh VU, and Thai Hong PHAM. 2023 New host record of Fulgoraecia bowringii (Lepidoptera: Epipyropidae). Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 29(1): 19-20. [Pyrops candelaria] |
13474 | ZHAO, Zheng-Xue, Lin YANG, Jian-Kun LONG, Zhi-Min CHANG, Zheng-Xiang ZHOU, Yan ZHI, Liang-Jing YANG, Hong-Xing LI, Yong-Jin SUI, Nian GONG, Xiao-Ya WANG, and Xiang-Sheng CHEN. 2020 Testing seven hypotheses to determine what explains the current planthopper (Fulgoridae) geographical and species richness patterns in China. Insects 11(12): 892; 1-15. |
14998 | ZHONG, Yuqi, Xiaolan LIAO, and Maolin HOU. 2023 Predatory capacity and reproduction of Cyrtorhinus lividipennis (Hemiptera: Miridae) adults exposed to low-temperature storage and fitness of the F1 generation. Insects 14(3): 226; 1-10. [Nilaparvata lugens] |
12833 | Mao, Yiwen, Yan Li, Han Gao, and Xinda Lin. 2020 Kr‐h1 interacts directly with Hairy and regulates ecdysis in the brown planthopper. Insect Molecular Biology 29(3): 293-300. |
12989 | Ciampolini, M., A. Grossi, and G. Zottarelli. 1987 Danni alla soia per attacchi di Metcalfa pruinosa. [Damage to soybeans through attack by Metcalfa pruinosa]. Informatore Agrario 43(15): 101-103. |
15291 | AFGHAN, Shahid, Muhammad Ehsan KHAN, Krishan K. VERMA, Amin NIKPAY. 2024 Sugarcane Insect Pests and Their Management in Pakistan. In: K.K. Verma, X.P. Song, M. Singh, J.M. Wu, Y.R. Li, (eds.). Biotechnological Transformation for Sugarcane Management. Apple Academic Press, Palm Bay, FL. ISBN9781003536376. Pp. 323-354. |
14793 | Elgueta, M., E.I. Faundez, and J.F. Campodónico. 2018 Orden Hemiptera. In: A. Figuerpa et al. Biodiversidad de Chile: Patrimonio y Desafíos. Tercera edición. Tomo I. Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, Santiago, Chile. Pp. 292-297 |
14576 | Frank, K.D. and G.W. Cowper. 2022 Skyscrapers as ecological traps of the Spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae): Preliminary observations. Entomological News 130(3): 232-244. |
13515 | EFSA Panel on Plant Health, Bragard, C., K. Dehnen-Schmutz, P. Gonthier, J. A.J. Miret, A. Fejer Justesen, A. MacLeod, C.S. Magnusson, P. Milonas, J.A. Navas-Cortes, S. Parnell, R. Potting, P.L. Reignault, H.-H. Thulke, W. Van der Werf, et al. 2020 Pest categorisation of the non-EU phytoplasmas of tuber-forming Solanum spp. EFSA Journal 18(12): 6356; 1-59. [Myndus crudus & others] et al. = A.V. Civera, J. Yuen, L. Zappala, D. Bosco, M. Chiumenti, F. Di Serio, L.Galetto, C. Marzachi, M. Pautasso and M.-A. Jacques. pdf |
14913 | Clément, V. 2024 Première observation du fulgore exotique Acanalonia conica (Say, 1830) (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Acanaloniidae) en Alsace (France, Grand Est, Haut-Rhin). Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire naturelle et d'Ethnographie de Colmar 80(5): 21-23. pdf |
13396 | Florio, J., L. Verú, A. Dao, A.S. Yaro, M. Diallo M., Z.L. Sanogo, D. Samaké D., D.L. Huestis, O. Yossi, E. Talamas, L. Chomorro, J.H. Frank, M. Biondi, C. Morkel, C. Bartlett, Y.-M. Linton, E. Strobach, et al 2020 Massive windborne migration of Sahelian insects: Diversity, seasonality, altitude, and direction. bioRxiv (2020): (PrePrint, 32 pp.). et al. = J.W. Chapman, D.R. Reynolds, R. Faiman, B.J. Krajacich, C.E. Smith, and T. Lehmann. |
14613 | WANG, Zhao, Gui-Yun LONG, Dao-Chao JIN, Hong YANG, Cao ZHOU, and Xi-Bin YANG. 2022 Knockdown of two Trehalase Genes by RNA interference is lethal to the white-backed planthopper Sogatella furcifera (Horváth) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Biomolecules 12(11): 1699; 1-18. pdf |
14312 | LUO, Yang, Thierry BOURGOIN, Jia-Lin ZHANG, and Ji-Nian FENG. 2022 Distribution patterns of Chinese Cixiidae (Hemiptera, Fulgoroidea), highlight their high endemic diversity. Biodiversity Data Journal 10: e75303; 1-82. [Andes, Andixius, Kotonisia, Borysthenes, Brixia, Ankistrus, Cixius, Gonophallus, Macrocixius, Tachycixius, Tsauria, & others] |
13541 | Leach, H. 2021 Evaluation of residual activity of insecticides for control of spotted lanternfly in grape, 2020. Arthropod Management Tests 46(1): tsaa123; 1-2. pdf |