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Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
1250 Eden-Green, S.J. and M. Schuiling. 1976 “Root acquisition” transmission tests with Haplaxius crudus (Hom: Cixiidae) and Proarna hilaris (Hom: Cicadidae).(Abstract). Principes 20: 66.
810 Costa-Neto, E.M. and J.M. Pacheco. 2003 “Head of Snake, Wings of Butterfly, and Body of Cicada”: Impressions of the Latern-Fly (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) in the Village of Pedra Branca, Bahia State, Brazil. Journal of Ethnobiology 23(1): 23-46. pdf
8745 Wilson, M.R. and M. Lazarus. 2008 “Fuchsia and Fulgora” – an overlooked plate from the Encyclopedia Londinensis. Bulletin of Insectology 61(1): 95-96. pdf
5664 Deitz, L. L., L.A. McCormick, and D.H. Westmoreland. 2004 “DR METCALF”: a resource on cicadas, froghoppers, leafhoppers, planthoppers, and treehoppers (Hemiptera). In: National Science Foundation, PEET V, Spatial and Temporal Issues in Taxonomy, Partnerships for Enhancing Expertise in Taxonomy, Fifth Biennial Conference, September 20-23, 2004, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. p.66 [abstract]
6330 Kaneda, C., K. Ito, and A. Kobayashi. 1980 ‘Kanto PL 41” and ‘Kanto PL 5’, new parental lines od japonica rice resistant to the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugen). Japanese Journal of Breeding 30(supplement): 100-101.
11291 Harrison, N.A., R.E. Davis, C. Oropeza, E.E. Helmick, M. Narvaez, S. Eden-Green, M. Dollet, and M. Dickinson. 2014 ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma palmicola’, associated with a lethal yellowing-type disease of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) in Mozambique. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 64: 1890-1899. pdf
9030 Arocha, Y., M. Lopez, B. Pinol, M. Fernandez, B. Picornell, R. Almeida, I. Palenzuela, M.R. Wilson and P. Jones. 2005 ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma graminis’ and ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma caricae’, two novel phytoplasmas associated with diseases of sugarcane, weeds and papaya in Cuba. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 55: 2451–2463. pdf
1695 Galinichev, A. 2008 ЦИКАДОВЫЕ (HOMOPTERA, CICADINA) ФАУНЫ УРАЛА В КОЛЛЕКЦИИ ЗООЛОГИЧЕСКОГО ИНСТИТУТА РАН (Г. САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ). [Cicadina (Homoptera) of Ural Fauna in the collection of Zoological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg)]. Proceedings of the Chelyabinsk Scientific Center [Известия Челябинского научного центра, вып.] 2(40): 35-40. pdf
5032 Galinichev, A.V. and G.A. Anufriev. 2009 ЦИКАДОВЫЕ (HOMOPTERA, CICADINA) ВИСИМСКОГО ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО ЗАПОВЕДНИКА (СРЕДНИЙ УРАЛ) [Cicadina (Insecta, Homoptera) of the Visimskiy State Reserve (The Middle Ural Mountains)]. Известия Челябинского научного центра, вып. [Proceedings of the Chelyabinsk Scientific Center] 1(43): 73–77.[Russian] pdf
3563 Ostapenko, K.A. 2007 ФАУНА И ОСОБЕННОСТИ БИТОПИЧЕСКОГО РАСПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ ЦИКАДОВЫХ (HOMOPTERA, CICADINEA) В УСЛОВИЯХ ИЗБЫТОЧНО УВЛАЖНЕННЫХ МЕСТООБИТАНИЙ ЮГА ДАЛЬНЕГО ВОСТОКА РОССИИ [Fauna and Habitat Distribution of Cicadinea (Homoptera, Cicadinea) of the Superfluous Humidified Habitats in the South Part of the Russian Far East]. A.I. Kurentsov's Annual Memorial Meetings [ЧТЕНИЯ ПАМЯТИ АЛЕКСЕЯ ИВАНОВИЧА КУРЕНЦОВА.] 18: 58–65. pdf
9197 Ostapenko, K.A. 2008 ОСОБЕННОСТИ БИОТОПИЧЕСКОГО РАСПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ ЦИКАДОВЫХ (HOMOPTERA, CICADINEA) В ЛЕСАХ ПОЛУОСТРОВА МУРАВЬЕВА-АМУРСКОГО, ПРИМОРСКИЙ КРАЙ. [Peculiarities of the habitat distribution of Cicadinea (Homoptera) in the forests of the Muravyev-Amursky Peninsula, Primorsky Region.] A.I. Kurentsov's Annual Memorial Meetings 19: 103–116. pdf
9141 Borodin, O.I. 2010 НОВЫЕ ДАННЫЕ ПО ЦИКАДОВЫМ (HOMOPTERA, AUCHENORRHYNCHA) ОШМЯНСКОЙ ВОЗВЫШЕННОСТИ (БЕЛАРУСЬ). [New data cycads (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) Oshmyansko Hills (Belarus).] In: All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists, Biodiversity of Animals section. Pp. 18-19. pdf
5960 Wang, X., G.X. Zhou, C.Y. Xiang, H.M. Du, J.A. Cheng, S.S. Liu, and Y.G. Lou. 2008 β-Glucosidase treatment and infestation by the rice brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens elicit similar signaling pathways in rice plants. Chinese Science Bulletin 53(1): 53-57. pdf
5432 Rosero Moran, M.J. 1977 [Variety resistance in rice to Sogatodes oryzicola Muir and to the white leave virus]. In: [Reports of the third congress of the Colombian Entomological Society], 3rd Congreso de la Sociedad Colombiana de Entomologia, Medellin (Colombia), 25-27 Jun 1975. Sociedad Colombiana de Entomologia, Bogota (Colombia). SOCOLEN, 1977. Pp. 28-39.
2284 Huang, J. 1983 [Two species of achilids - new for China.] Entomotaxonomia 5(3) 1983: 230.
9581 Kirillova, V.I. and A. Gavrilova. 2010 [Tsikadofauna Tsivilskaya district Chuvashia]. In: A.V. Dimitriev, (ed.). Scientific papers of the Nature Reserve "Prisursky ": Proceedings of the III International Scientific Conference "The role of protected areas in preserving biodiversity "(25-26 November 2010 Cheboksary, Russia). Part 2. Pp. 31-42. pdf
9589 Kolov, W.B. 2001 [Trophic relations of cycads (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) of the middle Caucasus.] [Bulletin of the Novosibirsk State University] 1(2): 36-40. pdf
1294 Emeljanov, A.F. 1979 [The problem of family distinction between the Fulgoridae and the Dictyopharidae (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha)] Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta 82: 3-22. [In Russian] pdf
8668 Mohammad, S.R.I. 2002 [Studies on the morphology and biology of the date bug , Asarcopus palmarum (Horvath) Homoptera: Issidae ) as a new pest threatens date palms in el Bahria Oases Egypt]. Thesis, Master's of Science. Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University, Egypt. thesis
1425 Emeljanov, A.F., I.M. Kerzhner, and M.A. Kozlov. 1986 [Structure and main features of the entomofauna of Mongolia.] Prirodnye uslovia i biologicheskie resursy MNR [Environment conditions and biological resources of Mongolian People's Republic, theses of reports] Pp ? [In Russian]
9476 Emeljanov, A.F. 2012 [Reviews and Scientific Discussions: Kuntz, H. R. Nickel, R Niedringhaus, Fotoatlas der Zikaden Deutschlands]. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 91(4): 889-890. [In Russian] pdf
4228 Suenaga, H. and K. Nakatsuka. 1958 [Review on the forecasting of rice planthoppers and leafhoppers. Special Report on the Pests Forcasting Programme 1.] Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Toyko. [Japanese]
2351 Itakura, H. 1973 [Relation between planthopper migration and meteorological conditions at the Ocean Weather Station ‘Tango’ during 1973.] Shokubutsu Boeki 27: 489-492. [Japanese.]
4005 Section of Plant Protection, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Japan. 1965 [Physiological and Ecological Investigations in relation to forecasting of the Brown Planthopper and the White-backed Planthopper. Special Report on the Pests Forecasting Programme] Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Tokyo. 20. [Japanese]
1121 Dmitriev, D.A. 1997 [On the influence of different use of steppe meadows on the species structure of Cicadinea (Homoptera) in the Nature Reserve "Galich’ya gora"]. In: Nauchnoe nasledie P. P. Semenova-Tyan-Shanskogo I ego rol’ v razvitii sovremennoi nauki. Mat. Vseross. nauch. konf. 22–25 Apr. 1997 g., g. Lipetsk. Lipetsk. Part 2. [Russian] abstract [Russian]
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