College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
6770 Hsieh, S.P.Y., and R.J. Chiu. 1969 Rice stripe, a new virus disease in Taiwan. Plant Protection Bulletin 11: 75.(Abstract).[Chinese]
11712 Hsieh, C. Y. 1974 Transmission of rice stripe virus by Laodelphax striatellus Fallen in Taiwan. Plant Protection Bulletin 15(4): 153-162.
12614 Chu, Y. I. and P. H. Chiang. 1975 A new insect pest of sugarcane in Taiwan (Eoeurysa flavocapitata Muir). Plant Protection Bulletin 17: 355. pdf
4229 Sugonyaev E.S., V.M. Gnezdilov, and V.A. Yakovuk. 2004 A new potential pest of vine. Plant Protection and Quarantine 7: 35. [Russian].
14874 Gholami Ghavamabad, R., S. M. Zamani, Y. Ahangaran, F. Kazerani, and E. Zarghani. 2023 Efficacy of indigenous isolates of Beauveria bassiana in controlling invasive planthopper, Orosanga japonica. Plant Protection (Scientific Journal of Agriculture) 45(4): 149-163. https://doi.10.22055/ppr.2023.18030. [Arabic with English abstract] pdf
8415 Sawada, H., and A. Kusmayadi. 1991 Population characteristics of the brown planthopper in the northern west Java, Indonesia. Plant Protection 45(9): 369-372.
8416 Sawada, H., ans S.W. Gaib Soebroto. 1991 Life table studies on the brown planthopper in Indonesia. Plant Protection 45(9): 373-376.
5884 Liu, X.J. and Z.Y. Gu. 1996 Monitoring and selection of insecticide resistance of the brown planthopper to methamidophos and buprofezin. Plant Protection 22(2): 3-6.[Chinese]
5969 Zhu, J.L., Q.G. Fan, Z.H. Han, et al. 1997 Resistance measure of rice variety on brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens and application. Plant Protection 23(1): 28-30.[Chinese]
6315 Sogawa, K. and T. Watanabe. 1991 Advanced systems for rice planthopper management. Plant Protection 45: 189-194.
6482 Luo, X.N., W.X. Zhou, and D.R.Chen. 1981 Toxicity observation of several kind of pesticides to rice planthopper egg parasitic wasp - Anagrus spp.’s toxic observation. Plant Protection 5: 24-25. [Chinese]
6847 Gao, X.W., L.N. Peng, and D.Y. Liang. 2006 Factors causing the outbreak of brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens Stal in China in 2005. Plant Protection 32(2): 23-25.[Chinese]
6917 Chen, J.M., X.P. Yu, J.F. Zhang, N. Li, L.Z. Chen, and X.P. Yu. 2009 Effects of insecticides and fungicides on growth of endosymbiotes isolated from the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Plant Protection 35(6): 47-51 pdf
6976 Wei, S.M., F.K. Huang, S.Y. Luo, Q. Li, and S.S. Huang. 2004 Resistance evaluation of the resources introduced from the international network for genetics evaluation to rice brown planthopper and rice gall midge. Plant Protection 30(3): 24-26. pdf
6977 Wei, S.M., F.K. Huang, S.S. Huang , S.Y. Luo, and Q. Li. 2004 Studies on relationships between resistance of rice varieties to different brown planthopper biotypes and major agronomic traits of rice. Plant Protection 30(6): 30-33. pdf
7007 Huang, F.K., S.Z. Luo, S.M. Wei, S.S. Huang, and Q. Li. 2003 Studies on the resistance stability of rice varieties to Nilaparvata lugens Stal biotype II. Plant Protection 29(6): 14-16 pdf
7008 Yao, L., C.H. Qin, P. Lu, C.C. Zhang, C. Chen, H. Wan, J.H. Li. 2009 Evaluation of resistance of rice varieties to the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Plant Protection 35(6): 139-141. pdf
7009 Zhang, X.L., J.M. Zhang, Z. Zhang, and G.F. Zhang. 1995 The comparison of resistence in two rice varieties to Nilaparvata lugens. Plant Protection 21(3): 13-15. pdf
7037 Ling, Y., G.H. Zhou, G.X. Fan, S.S. Huang, F.K. Huang, and L.P. Long. 2009 Resistance monitoring of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens, to imidacloprid, buprofezin and fipronil. Plant Protection 35(1): 104-107. pdf
7039 Luo, H.P., W.H. Lin, and J.F. Liu. 2008 Activity changes of three dehydratases in rice sheath under stresses of Nilaparvata lugens. Plant Protection 34(5): 71-75 pdf
7049 Ma, M.Y., Z.P. Peng, and X.L. Zeng. 2010 Functional response of Pirata subpiraticus to Nilaparvata lugens and its spatial distribution. Plant Protection 36(6): 87-90,111. pdf
7073 Long, Y., M.L. Hou, X. Yang, and B.K. Shi. 2010 Effects of delayed mating on reproduction in brachypterous females of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Plant Protection 36(6): 36–39. pdf
7079 Liu, Z.W., Z.J. Han, L.C. Zhang, and Z. Dong. 2003 Influence of methamidophos on the esterase activity's change over time of Nilaparvata lugens Stal over time. Plant Protection 29(2): 30-32.
7130 Zhong, P.S., G.W. Liang, and L. Zeng. 2008 Interference effects of alcohol extracts of Eupatorium odoratum on the population of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal. Plant Protection 34(3): 61-64. pdf
7133 Zhong, P.S., G.W. Liang, and L. Zeng. 2010 Ovipositional deterrent activity of ethanol extracts of the non-preferable plants to the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Plant Protection 36(4): 85-89. pdf
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