College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
1681 Fujiyama, I. 1978 Some fossil insects from the Tedori group (Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous), Japan. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series C (Geology & Paleontology) 4(4): 181-192 (+2 plates). pdf
1269 Emeljanov, A.F. 1967 Some features of the distribution of oligophagous insects on food plants. Chteniya pamyati N.A. Cholodkovskovo [Lectures in memory of N.A.Cholodkovskiy] 19: 28-65. [In Russian]
576 Chen, C.C. 1983 Some factors affecting transmission of rice wilted stunt by the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal). Plant Protection Bulletin (Taiwan) 25(4): 245-251.
8015 Iwasaki, M., M. Nakano, and A. Shinkai. 1984 Some factors affecting the transmission rate of rice grassy stunt virus. Proceedings of the Association for Plant Protection of Kyushu 30: 1-2.
577 Chen, C.C. 1984 Some epidemiological studies on rice wilted stunt. Plant Protection Bulletin (Taiwan) 26(4): 315-321.
3248 Moczar, L. 1979 Some dryinids from Malaysia (Hymenoptera). Acta Universitatis Szegediensis Acta Biologica 25(1-2): 77-83.
1757 Giri, M.K. and P.H. Freytag. 1983 Some Delphacid planthoppers of Kentucky. Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 44: 161-163. pdf
4900 Yeh, Wen-Bin, Cho-Fat Hui and Chung-Tu Yang. 1997 Some considerations of evolutionary process in Fulgoromorpha. Pp. 32–33. In: M.J. Fletcher, M.F. Day, P.S. Gillespie, M.M. Stephens and M.S. Moulds (eds.). Program and Abstract Book, 9th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress, Sydney, Australia, 17–21 February 1997. 76 pp. pdf
3242 Mochida, O. and T. Suryana. 1979 Some considerations in the relationships of the occurrence of the brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) (Hom, Delphacidae), to rice cropping in Indonesia. Kongres Entomologi 2: 1-16.
17 Ahmed, M. and S. Rao. 1986 Some commonly found leaf and planthoppers on vegetable plants in the suburbs of Peshawar N.W.F.P., Pakistan. Proceedings of Pakistan Congress of Zoology 6: 73-80.
3540 Ooi, P.A.C., G.S. Lim and A.K. Koh. 1978 Some common predators associated with the brown planthopper in Malaysia. International Rice Research Newsletter 3(4): 17.
4603 Waloff, N. 1978 Some characteristics of populations of grassland Auchenorrhyncha. Auchenorrhyncha Newsletter 1: 7-8. pdf
8534 Wada, T., K. Ito, and H.N. Kin. 1995 Some characteristics of brown planthopper outbreak in the 2nd/1991 crop in the Muda irrigation scheme, Malaysia. Kyushu Agricultural Research 57: 103.
5205 Gjonov, I. 2009 Some cases of trophobiotic relationships between planthopper and leafhopper species (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) and ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). In: 5th European Hemiptera Congress, 31 August-4 September 2009, Velence, Hungary - Abstracts.[Turkish] P. 20. pdf
4596 Walker, I. 1979 Some British species of Anagrus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 67(2): 181-202.
1864 Güçlü, S. and H. Ozbek. 1988 Some biological studies of Hyalesthes obsoletus Signoret (Homoptera: Cixiidae) in Erzurum Province. Turkiye Bitki Koruma Dergisi 12(1): 103-111.
7846 Chung, B.K. and S.Y. Choi. 1981 Some biological differences in the susceptible-and carbaryl-resistant brown planthoppers, Nilaparvata lugens Stal. College of Agriculture Bulletin-Seoul University 6(1): 99-113.
1177 Drosopoulos, S. 1975 Some biological differences between Muellerianella fairmairei (Perris) and M. brevipennis (Boheman), a pair of sibling species of Delphacidae (Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha). Entomologische Berichten 35: 154-157. pdf
11306 Eden-Green, S.J. 1973 Some attempts to rear potential leafhopper vectors of lethal yellowing [abstract]. Principes 17: 156
2430 Jusoh, M and G.-S. Lim. 1982 Some aspects on the ecology and chemical control of Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) and Sogatella furcifera (Horv.) on rice in Tanjong Karang, Malaysia. MARDI (Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute) Research Bulletin 10(2): 210-230.
6885 Lal, K. 1966 Some aspects of the embryology of Tetrastichus pyrillae Craw. (Eulophidae: Hymenoptera) Part I. Organization of egg. Proceedings: Plant Sciences 64(1): 38-44.
7845 Choudhuri, D.K., B.K. Bhandari, and D.K. Nath. 1983 Some aspects of perennation of the brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal. (Delphacidae: Homoptera). Indian Journal of Ecology 10(1): 163-166.
2449 Kanno, H., M. Satoh, T. Kimura, T. and Y. Fujita, Y. 2005 Some aspects of induced resistance to rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe grisea, in rice plant infested by white-backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera. Applied Entomology and Zoology 40(1): 91-97. pdf
3338 Nagpal, A. and J.R. Gandhi. 1989 Some aspects of digestive physiology of Bagrada hilaris Burm. (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) and Pyrilla perpusilla Walker (Homoptera: Lophopidae). Zoology 2(1): 51-57.
8156 Kuswadi, A.N. and S. Sutrisno. 1986 Some aspects of brown planthopper-rice plant relationships: development of isotope techniques. Atom Indonesia 12(2): 16-27.
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