College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
13586 Humphries, A.R., M. Ascunce, E. Goss, E. Helmick, C. Bartlett, W.A. Myrie, E. Barrantes, M. Zumbado, A. Bustillo, and B.W. Bahder. 2021 Genetic variability of Haplaxius crudus, based on the 5’ region of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene sheds light on epidemiology of palm lethal decline phytoplasmas. R. PhytoFrontiers (2021): (PrePrint, 22 pp.).
11943 Chen, X., X. R. He, W. W. Wang, P. Y. Zhou, Y. G. Lou and J. Wu. 2018. 2018 Furan carbonylhydrazones-derived elicitors that induce the resistance of rice to the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens. Phytochemistry Letters 26: 184–189.
12718 De Zaeytijd, J., P.Y. Chen, F. Scheys, K. Subramanyam, M. Dubiel, K. De Schutter, G. Smagghe, and E.J.M. Van Damme. 2020 Involvement of OsRIP1, a ribosome-inactivating protein from rice, in plant defense against Nilaparvata lugens. Phytochemistry 170: 112190;1-6. (ePub article #112190, 6 pp.).
13868 Premachandran, K., T.S. Srinivasan, and C.R.W. Alphonse. 2021 In silico approach on sequential and structural variability in oryzacystatin and its interaction with cysteine protease enzymes of insect. Phytochemistry 186: 112728. [Nilaparvata lugens]
14276 UAWISETWATHANA, Umaporn, Watchareewan JAMBOONSRI, Jakrin BAMRUNGTHAI, Prapatsorn JITTHIANG, Intawat NOOKAEW, and Nitsara KAROONUTHAISIRI. 2022 Metabolite profiles of brown planthopper-susceptible and resistant rice (Oryza sativa) varieties associated with infestation and mechanical stimuli. Phytochemistry 194 (2022): 113044.
60 Ammar, E.D., R.E. Gingery, and L.R. Nault. 1987 Interactions between maize mosaic and maize stripe viruses and their insect vector, Peregrinus maidis, and in maize. Physopathology 77: 1051–1056.
3380 Nault, L.R. 1980 Maize bushy stunt and corn stunt: A comparison of disease symptoms, pathogen host ranges, and vectors. Physopathology 70: 659-662.
3386 Nault, L.R. and D.T. Gordon. 1988 Multiplication of maize stripe virus in Peregrinus maidis. Physopathology 78(7): 991-995.
2359 Iwao, S. 1976 Relation of frequency index to population density and distribution pattern. Physiology and Ecology Japan 17(1-2): 457-463.
3568 Ôtake, A. 1976 Trapping of Anagrus nr. flaveolus Waterhouse (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) by the eggs of Laodelphax striatellus (Fallen) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Physiology and Ecology Japan 17(1-2): 473-475.
2012 Heady, S.E. 1993 Factors affecting female sexual receptivity in the planthopper, Prokelisia dolus. Physiological Entomology 18(3): 263-270.
2914 Losel, P.M. and L.J. Goodman. 1993 Effects on the feeding behaviour of Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) of sublethal concentrations of the foliarly applied nitromethylene heterocycle 2-nitromethylene-1,3-thiazinan-3-yl-carbamaldehyde. Physiological Entomology 18(1): 67-74.
5927 Wilkinson, T.L. and H. Ishikawa. 2001 On the functional significance of symbiotic microorganisms in the Homoptera: a comparative study of Acyrthosiphon pisum and Nilaparvata lugens. Physiological Entomology 26(1): 86-93. pdf
13664 LIU, Yong-Kang, Wen-Xuan XU, Jing-Jing XU, Si-Rui ZHENG, Jia-Jie YAN, Yu-Tong DING, Bo SHEN, and Bin TANG. 2021. 2021 Brown planthopper infestations alter sugar metabolism in the rice plant as well as brown planthopper. Physiological Entomology 46(2): 167-178.
10958 Wang, Q., Z.J. Xin, J.C. Li, L.F. Hu, Y.G. Lou, and J. Lu. 2015 (E)-beta-caryophyllene functions as a host location signal for the rice white-backed planthopper Sogatella furcifera. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 90: 106-112. DOI: 10.1016/j.pmpp. 2015..07.002.
11284 Boby, T.E. and C. Mohankumar. 2007 Kerala wilt disease phytoplasma: Phylogenetic analysis and identification of a vector, Proutista moesta. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 71 (1–3): 41–47.
9864 Virtanen, A.I., P.K. Hietala, P. Karvonen, and P. Nuorteva. 1961 Inhibition of growth and panicle formation in oats induced with an extract of the leafhopper Calligypona pellucida (F.). Physiologia Plantarum 14(4): 683-696.
7745 Aversenq, P. 2003 What's your diagnosis? (Metcalfa pruinosa on ornamental shrubs and fruit trees). PHM Revue Horticole No. 452: 53-54.
763 Colwell, R. K. and J. A. Coddington. 1994 Estimating Terrestrial Biodiversity through Extrapolation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 345(1311): 101-118.
12285 Lu, Lina, Qi Wang, Deqing Huang, Qiufang Xu, Xueping Zhou and Jianxiang Wu. 2019 Rice black-streaked dwarf virus P10 suppresses protein kinase C in insect vector through changing the subcellular localization of LsRACK1. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences 374(1767).
12294 Wu, Wei, Lingzhi Huang, Qianzhuo Mao, Jing Wei, Jiajia Li, Yu Zhao, Qian Zhang, Dongsheng Jia and Taiyun Wei. 2019 Interaction of viral pathogen with porin channels on the outer membrane of insect bacterial symbionts mediates their joint transovarial transmission. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences 374: 20180320; 1-10. (ePub Article #20180320., 10 pp.)
11343 Xu, H.J. and C.X. Zhang. 2017 Insulin receptors and wing dimorphism in rice planthoppers. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 372: 20150489. pdf
8897 Gallego, V.C. 1989 Outbreak of Menosca sp. (Homoptera: Lophopidae) on coconuts in Valencia, Negros oriental. Phillipines Journal of Coconut Studies 14(1): 7-9.
12462 Joshi, R. C. 1999 Field guide on harmful and useful organisms in Philippine ricefields. Philippines Rice Research Institute, Maligaya, Muñoz City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines. 60 pp.
12884 Tiongco, E.R., U.G. Duque, H.X. Troung, M.L. Aragon, R.C. Joshi, PhD, and J.J. Tagubase. 2011 Field guide on Major Disorders of Rice Plants in the Philippines. Philippine Rice Research Institute, Science City of Muñoz, Philippines. 36 pp. pdf
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