Planthopper Bibliography Database
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15 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
10799 | Kontkanen, P. 1952 Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Zikadenfauna Finnlands VI. Annales Entomologica Fennica 18(1): 26–3 pdf |
10809 | Lallemand, V. and H. Synave. 1952 Nouvelles espèces d’Homoptères de Madagascar. Mémoires de l'Institut des Sciences de Madagascar (Series E) 1(1): 103–110. pdf |
10926 | Synave, H. 1952 Une nouvelle espece africaine du genre Oliarus Stal (Fam. Cixiidae) (Hemiptera-Homoptera). Bulletin et Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique 88(11–12): 313–316. pdf |
11314 | Servadei, A. 1952 Hemiptera Sardiniae (Heteroptera et Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha). Redia 37: 443–478. |
12331 | Shiraki, T. 1952 Catalogue of injurious insects in japan (exclusive of parasites). Systematic List of Injurious Insects, Volume III, no. 800-1599. Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. Natural Resources Section. Preliminary study no. 71. 3: 1–162. pdf |
12332 | Shiraki. T. 1952 Catalogue of injurious insects in japan (exclusive of parasites). Systematic List of Injurious Insects, Volume II, no. 1-799. Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. Natural Resources Section. Preliminary study no. 71. 2: 1–128. pdf |
13201 | Synave, H. 1952. 1952 Description de deux Cixiidae nouveaux appartenant au genre Achaemenes Stal, et note preliminaire sur un Cixiide troglobie. Bulletin, Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 73(60): 1-8. pdf |
429 | Box, H.E. 1953 List of sugar-can insects. Commonwealth Institute of Entomology, London. 100 pp. pdf |
840 | Cumber, R.A. 1953 Studies on Oliarus atkinsoni Myers (Hem.: Cixiidae), vector of the "Yellow- Leaf" disease of Phormium tenax Forst. III. - Resistance of nymphal forms to submergence- control by inundation. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology, Section B 34: 260–266. pdf |
2589 | Kontkanen, P. 1953 Studies in insect populations I. The number of generations of some leafhopper species in Finland and Germany. Societas Vanamo Archives 8: 150–156. |
2713 | Lallemand, V. and H. Synave. 1953 Homoptères de Sumba et Florès. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel 64(1): 229–254 pdf |
3010 | Marchand, H. 1953 Die Bedeutung der Heuschrecken und Schnabelkerfe als Indikatoren verschiedener Graslandtypen. Beiträge zur Entomologie 3: 116–162. |
3023 | Martorell, L.F. and J. Adsuar. 1953 Insects associated with Papaya virus diseases in the Antilles and Florida. Journal of Economic Entomology 45(5): 863–868. pdf |
3272 | Morcos, G. 1953 The biology of some Hemiptera-Homoptera. Bulletin de la Societe Fouad Ier d'Entomologie 37: 405–439. pdf |
3819 | Ribaut, H. 1953 Trois especes nouvelles du genre Callogypona (Homoptera-Araeopidae). Bulletin de la Societe d’Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse 88: 245–248. |
4205 | Strickland, E.H. 1953 An annotated list of the Hemiptera (s.l.) of Alberta. Canadian Entomologist 85(6): 193–214. pdf |
4255 | Synave, H. 1953 Cixiidae (Hemiptera, Homoptera). Institut des Parcs Nationaux du Congo, Exploration Parc National Albert 79(2): 9–34. pdf |
4256 | Synave, H. 1953 Cixiidae (Hemiptera, Homoptera). Institut des Parcs Nationaux du Congo, Exploration Parc National Upemba 23: 1–49. pdf |
4257 | Synave, H. 1953 Description d’une nouvelle espece Africaine appartenand au genre Oliarus Stal (Hemiptera – Homoptera). Bulletin de l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 29(33):1–4. pdf |
4258 | Synave, H. 1953 Flatidae (Hemiptera - Homptera). Institut des Parcs Nationaux du Congo, Exploration Parc National Upemba 32: 21–47. pdf |
4581 | Wagner, W. 1953 Eine neue Macropsis-Art (Hemiptera Homoptera) aus den Niederlanden. Entomologische Berichten 14: 232–234. |
5251 | Ishihara, T., M. Miyatake, S. Hisamatsu, T. Edashige, and K. Sasaki. 1953 The insect fauna of Mt. Ishizuchi and Omogo Valley, Iyo, Japan. Transactions of the Shikoku Entomological Society 3(supplenment): 5–137. |
9000 | Cumber, R.A. 1953 The New Zealand species of Oliarus (Hem. Cixiidae). Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand 81: 71–72. pdf |
5518 | Synave, H. 1953 Une cixiide troglobie découvert dans les galéries souterraines de Namoroka (Hemiptera - Homoptera). Le Naturaliste Malgache 5: 175–179. pdf |
6011 | Linnavuori, R.E. 1953 Hemipterological studies. Annales Entomologici Fennici 19(3): 107–118. pdf |