College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
15063 LI, Zhaoge, Xueting WANG, Longzhi GUO, Tao YIN, Dongmei LIU, Shuang LIU, Xingmei YOU, and Xiaoming XIA. 2023 Risk of resistance and the metabolic resistance mechanism of Laodelphax striatellus (Fallén) to cyantraniliprole. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 197; 105685.
5560 Preetha, G., J. Stanley, S. Suresh, and R. Samiyappan. 2010 Risk assessment of insecticides used in rice on miridbug, Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter, the important predator of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal.). Chemosphere 80(5): 498–503. pdf
14029 WANG, Chun?Jing, Rong WANG, Chun?Mei YU, Xiao?Peng DANG, Wan?Gui SUN, Qiang?Feng LI, Xiao?Ting WANG, and Ji?Zhong WAN. 2021 Risk assessment of insect pest expansion in alpine ecosystems under climate change. Pest Management Science 77(7): 3165-3178. [Lycorma delicatula]
2161 Holt, J., T.C.B. Chancellor, D.R. Reynolds, and E.R. Tiongco. 1996 Risk assessment for rice planthopper and tungro disease outbreaks. Crop Protection 15: 359-368.
14449 ZHANG, Shuirong, Fuchuan GU, Ying DU, Xuyang LI, Changwei GONG, Jian PU, Xuemei LIU, and Xuegui WANG. 2022 Risk assessment and resistance inheritance of triflumezopyrim resistance in Laodelphax striatellus. Pest Management Science 78(7): 2851-2859.
7394 Wang, L.H., Y.H. Liu, and J.C. Fang. 2009 Risk assessment and inheritance mode to Chlorpyrifos in Laodelphax striatellus and (Fallén) cross-resistance to other insecticides. Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25(1): 73-78.
5651 Peng, Y.Q., C.F. Gao, C.Y. Ma, Y.X. Mao, and J.L. Shen. 2009 Risk assessment and genetic analysis of Fipronil resistance and insecticide susceptibility in the small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Chinese Journal of Rice Science 23(6): 645-652. pdf
8991 Nicoli-Aldini, R., M. Panini and E. Mazzoni. 2011 Rilevamenti sulle cicaline del pomodoro in appezzamenti dell’emilia con sintomi di stolbur. In: XXIII Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia Genova, 13-16 giugno 2011. P. 231. pdf
15038 JEEVANANDHAM, Niranjanadevi, Renuka RAMAN, Duraisingh RAMAIAH, Velprabakaran SENTHILVEL, Shanthi MOOKAIAH, and Ramalingam JEGADEESAN. 2023 Rice: Nilaparvata lugens Stal interaction - current status and future prospects of brown planthopper management. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 130(1): 125-141.
2022 Heinrichs, E.A. and A.T. Barrion. 2004 Rice-feeding insects and selected natural enemies in West Africa: biology, ecology, identification. Los Baños (Philippines). International Rice Research Institute and Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire), WARDA - The Africa Rice Center. vi+242 pp. pdf
3597 Palmer, L.T., Y. Soepriaman, and S. Kartaatmadja. 1978 Rice yield losses due to brown planthopper and rice grassy stunt disease in Java and Bali. Plant Disease Reporter 62(11): 962-965.
2931 Chen, C.C. and R.J. Chiu. 1981 Rice wilted stunt in Taiwan. International Rice Research Newsletter 6(1): 13. pdf
6294 Chen, C.C., W.H. Ko, and R.J. Chiu. 1978 Rice wilted stunt and its transmission by brown plant hopper. Plant Protection Bulletin (Taiwan) 20: 376.
5792 Cabauatan, P.Q., R.C. Cabunagan, and I.R.Choi. 2009 Rice viruses transmitted by the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens Stål. In: K.L. Heong and B. Hardy, (eds.). Planthoppers: new threats to the sustainability of intensive rice production systems in Asia. International Rice Research Institute, Los Baños, Philippines Pp. 357-368. pdf
4072 Shikata, E. 1979 Rice viruses and MLO’s, and leafhopper vectors. In: K. Maramorosch and K.F. Harris, (eds.). Leafhopper vectors and plant disease agents. Academic Press, New York. Pp. 515-527.
13104 XU, Chunling, Chengye LU, Jun PIAO, Yixiao WANG, Tong ZHOU, Yijun ZHOU, and Shuo LI. 2020 Rice virus release from the planthopper salivary gland is independent of plant tissue recognition by the stylet. Pest Management Science (2020): (Pre-Print 32pp.). [Laodelphax striatellus]
6187 Abo, M.E. and A.A. Sy. 1997 Rice virus diseases: epidemiology and management strategies. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 11(2/3): 113-134.
6957 Ling, K.C. 1972 Rice Virus Diseases. International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Philippines. - pdf
578 Chen, C.C. 1985 Rice virus diseases transmitted by brown planthopper in Taiwan with special reference to rice wilted stunt. Chinese Journal of Entomology 4(2): 83-91. pdf
6429 Kalode, M.B., S.A. Razvi, T.B. Gour, T.S. Krishna, and T.E. Srinivasab. 1977 Rice varieties resistant to brown planthopper. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 47: 130-132.
15036 LIU, Dandan, Yuqi ZHONG, Zhengxi LI, and Maolin HOU. 2024 Rice varietal resistance to the vector Sogatella furcifera hinders transmission of Southern rice black?streaked dwarf virus. Pest Management Science 80(7): 3684-3690.
8319 Chaiyawat, P., W. Sriratanasak, N. Chiengwatana, A.Lawanprasert, S. Tayapat, W. Chanlapa, C. Channu, and P. Pattawatang. 2010 Rice varietal manipulation to reduce brown planthopper outbreak. In: [Proceeding of Rice Conference on the Occasion of National Day of Rice Farmers and the No. 1 Year 2553]. Bangkok, Thailand. Pp. 109-133. pdf
6180 Hibino, H. and R.C. Cabunagan. 1986 Rice tungro-associated viruses and their relations to host plants and vector leafhoppers. In: International Symposium on Virus Diseases of Rice and Leguminous crops in the Tropics. Tropical Agricultural Research Series no. 19. Tropical Agricultural Research Center, Tsukuba, Japan, Pp. 173-182.
6770 Hsieh, S.P.Y., and R.J. Chiu. 1969 Rice stripe, a new virus disease in Taiwan. Plant Protection Bulletin 11: 75.(Abstract).[Chinese]
13923 XU, Yi, Shuai FU, Xiaorong TAO, and Xueping ZHOU. 2021 Rice stripe virus: Exploring molecular weapons in the arsenal of a negative-sense RNA virus. Annual Review of Phytopathology 59: 15.1-15.21. [Laodelphax striatellus]
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