College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
9334 Sastry, M.V.S. and P.S. Prakasa Rao. 1976 Promising new multiple insect resistant rice varieties. Current Science 45(11): 424-425. pdf
13916 SASMITO, Edi Eko, Y. Andi TRISYONO, and Tri HARJAKA. 2017 Impact of abamectin on Anagrus nilaparvatae, an egg parasitoid of Nilaparvata lugens. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 21(2): 80-86.
8412 Sasmal, S., J.P. Kulshreshtha, and K.C. Mathur. 1985 Lymnaea auricularia (L) race Swinhoei (H. Adams), a predatory snail of rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal.). Oryza 22(1): 57.
3916 Sasaki, T., M. Kawamura, and H. Ishikawa. 1996 Nitrogen recycling in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens: involvement of yeast-like endosymbionts in uric acid metabolism. Journal of Insect Physiology 42(2): 125-129. pdf
12330 Saryglar, S. H. 2015 New data on the leafhoppers fauna (Homoptera, Cicadina) of Tuva. Euroasian Entomological Journal 14(3): 296–298. [in Russian] pdf
13223 Sarwar, M., N.A. Shad, and R. Batool. 2020 Integrated management of vectored viral diseases of plants. In: L.P. Awasthi (ed.). Applied Plant Virology, Academic Press, Elsevier, Cambridge, Massachusetts. pp. 707-724.
13505 Sarwar, M. 2020 Integrated pest management package for leafhoppers and planthoppers (Insecta: Hemiptera) in paddy fields. Journal of Agricultural Science and Engineering 6(3): 26-37. pdf
12542 Saruta, F, N. Yamada and K. Yamamoto. 2019 An omega‐class glutathione S‐transferase in the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens exhibits glutathione transferase and dehydroascorbate reductase activities. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 102: e21599; 1-9 pp. (ePub Article #e21599, 9 pp.)
5920 Sarupa, M., N.V. Krishnaiah, and D.D.R. Reddy. 1998 Assessment of insecticide resistance in field population of rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) in Godavari Delta, India. Indian Journal of Plant Protection 26(1): 80-82.
9775 Sarup, P., M.G. Jotwani, and S. Pradhan. 1960 Chemical control of sorghum shoot bug. Indian Journal of Entomology 23: 357-361.
8893 Sarup, P., D.S. Singh, S. Amarpuri, and Rattan Lal. 1971 Persistent and relative residual toxicity of some important pesticides to the adults of sugarcane leaf-hopper, Pyrilla perpusilla Walker (Lophopidae: Homoptera). Indian Journal of Entomology 32(3): 256-267.
3915 Saroja, R. 1981 Use of colored lights to attract rice insects. International Rice Research Newsletter 6(5): 17-18 pdf
3913 Sarma, P.V. and G.P. Channa-Basavanna. 1980 Population of predatory spiders on grass and rice during Kharif 1977. Bulletin of Entomology 19(1-2): 204-207.
3914 Sarma, P.V. and G.P. Channa-Basavanna. 1980 Studies of population growth of the brown plant-hopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) and the resultant yield loss. Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences 14(3): 345-348.
3912 Sarma, P.V. 1980 Studies on the ecology of the rice brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Thesis Abstracts Haryana Agricultural University 6(1): 29-30.
13774 Sarla, N., V.J. Lakshmi, M. Swamy, and G. Katti. 2019 RPBio4918-228S (IC0626001; INGR18002), rice (Oryza sativa) introgression line resistant to brown plant hopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens. Possesses high resistance in vegetative and reproductive stages. Present in background of popular commercial variety Swarna (MTU 7029). Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 32(3): 407-410.
10894 Sari, P., M. Yunus, and Hasriyanty. 2015 Resistance of several genotypeof local banggai rice toward brown plant hopper (Nilaparvata Lugens Stall) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Agrotekbis 3(4): 455-462. pdf
14143 SARAO, Preetinder Singh, and Jagadaish Sanmallappa BENTUR. 2016 Antixenosis and tolerance of rice genotypes against brown planthopper. Rice Science 23(2): 96-103.
13400 Sarao, P.S., G.K. Sahi, N. Kumari, G.S. Mangat, B.C. Patra, and K. Singh. 2016 Donors for resistance to brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) from wild rice species. Rice Science 23(4): 219-224.
5662 Sarao, P.S. and M.S. Mahal. 2007 Insect-pests and insecticide usage scenario on rice crop during kharif season of 2007 in Punjab. Pest Management and Economic Zoology 15(2): 205-207.
5663 Sarao, P.S. and M.S. Mahal. 2007 Greenhouse screening of rice germplasm for resistance against the white-backed plant-hopper, Sogatella furcifera (Horvàth), in Punjab. Pest Management and Economic Zoology 15(2): 209-211.
11916 Sarao, P.S. and Jagadish Bentur. 2018 Quantification of antibiosis levels in nine different rice genotypes against Nilaparvata lugens (Homoptera: Delphacidae). International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 38(4): 330-339. H
10893 Sarao, P. S and G. Katti. 2015 Insecticides against glasshouse population of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Indian Journal of Plant Protection 43(2): 237-240.
14958 Sarangi, S. 2024 Genomic study of insecticide resistance in rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Delphacidae: Hemiptera) in rice. Vigyan Varta 5(4): 242-244. pdf
12290 Santos, J.C.D.V., R.L. Ferreira, I. Millar and H. Hoch. 2019 Conservation status and complementary description of Confuga persephone (Cixiidae): should this species be considered threatened? New Zealand Journal of Zoology 46(1): 61–73.
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