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Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
8020 Jeyarani, S. and R. Velusamy. 1994 Resistance to rice mealybug in whitebacked planthopper-resistant rice varieties. International Rice Research Notes 19(2): 13. pdf
11946 Han, Y.Q., C. Wu, L. Yang, D.Y. Zhang and Y.T. Xiao. 2018 Resistance to Nilaparvata lugens in rice lines introgressed with the resistance genes Bph14 and Bph15 and related resistance types. PLoS ONE 13(6). pdf
5912 Pathak, M.D., C.H. Cheng, and M.E. Furtono. 1969 Resistance to Nephotettix cincticeps and Nilaparvata lugens in varieties of rice. Nature 223: 502-504
9578 Kimura, Y. 1965 Resistance to malathion in the small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus Fallén. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology 9(4): 251-258. [Japanese with English summary] pdf
12766 Heinrichs, E.A. 1984 Resistance to leafhoppers and planthoppers in the world collection of rices. pp. 421-422 In: Fifth Auchenorrhyncha Meeting in Davos, Switzerland August 28-31, 1984. Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique Suisse 57(4): 393-452. pdf
9324 Pathak, M.D. 1971 Resistance to leafhoppers and planthoppers in rice varieties. Symposium on Rice Insects. July 1971, Tokyo, Japan. Tropical Agriculture Research Series 5: 179-194.
12674 BAN, Lanfeng, Congfen GAO, and HAOYAN Guo. 2015 Resistance to insecticides in the small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus (Homoptera : Delphacidae). Plant Protection 2015(1): 158-162.
9310 Nagata, T. and S. Moriya. 1969 Resistance to gamma-BHC in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål. Proceedings of the Association for Plant Protection of Kyushu 15: 113-115. [Japanese, English abstract]
1010 Dhileepan, K. and B.J. Croft. 2003 Resistance to Fiji disease in sugar cane: Role of cultivar preference by planthopper vector Perkinsiella saccharicida (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 96(1): 148-155. pdf
13226 Khan, R.R., T.H.A. Al-Ghafri, S.A.H. Al-Khatri, I.S.S. Al-Mazidi, and F.G. Al-Rawahi. 2020 Resistance to deltamethrin and fenitrothion in dubas bug, Ommatissus lybicus de Bergevin (Homoptera: Tropiduchidae) and possible biochemical mechanisms. Scientific Reports 10(1): 1-11. pdf
12029 Zhang, Yueliang, Yangchun Han, Qiong Yang, Lihua Wang, Peng He, Zewen Liu, Zhong Li, Huifang Guo and Jichao Fang. 2018 Resistance to cycloxaprid in Laodelphax striatellus is associated with altered expression of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits. Pest Management Science 74(4): 837–843. [ePub ahead of print 2017]
9241 Karim, A.N.M.R. 1975 Resistance to brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) in rice varieties. University of the Philippines at Los Baños, Philippines. Master’s Thesis.
8369 Rao, U.P., M.B. Kalode, T.E.Srinivasan, and D.V. Seshu, 1978 Resistance to brown planthopper in rice. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 37(3): 453-456. Nilaparvata lugens
9327 Prasada Rao, U., M.B. Kalode, T.E. Srinivasan, and D.V. Seshu. 1977 Resistance to brown planthopper in rice. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 37(3): 453-456.
7308 Zuo, S.M., P. Zhang, S.D. Zhu, Z.X. Chen, W.Z. Tian, Z. Zhu, and X.B. Pan. 2004 Resistance to brown planthopper in progenies of GNA transgenic rice. Acta Agronomica Sinica 30(4): 371–375. pdf
22 Alam, M.S. 1978 Resistance to biotype 3 of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) in rice varieties. Dissertation Abstracts International B Sciences and Engineering 39(1): 62.
9257 Kimura, Y., K. Nakazawa, and A. Hosoda. 1973 Resistance to BHC in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). Chugoku Agricultural Research 47: 150-151. [Japanese]
8444 Solikhin. 1993 Resistance test of ten rice varieties to brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.) in Tempuran, Trimurjo, Central Lampung (Indonesia). Jurnal Penelitian Pengembangan Wilayah Lahan Kering 12: 93-103.
7852 Djahab, N. and Nurlaila. 1997 Resistance test of rice varieties/strains of "lebak" local, tidal movement and upland rice to Nilaparvata lugens Stal. Kalimantan Scientiae 14(40): 42-52.
7649 Wu, B.Q., F.K. Huang, S.S. Huang, L.P. Long, and S.M. Wei. 2009 Resistance stability of rice varieties to different biotypes of brown planthopper. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 20(6): 1477-1482. pdf
5845 Chen, J.M., X.P. Yu, J.A. Cheng, Z.X. Ln, X.S. Zheng, and H.X. Xu. 2005 Resistance screening and evaluation,of newly bred rice varieties (lines) to the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Chinese Journal of Rice Science 19(6): 573-576. pdf
10304 Zeng, S.Y., H.B. Gong, C.A. Li, T.Z. Lin, D.D. Jing, and S.L. Sheng. 2013 Resistance rice Zhenxian232 to rice planthopper and its application. Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences 29(3): 676-678. pdf
6093 Sogawa, K., J. Hu, L.J. Zeng, Q. Qiang, and D.L. Zeng. 2005 Resistance performance to whitebacked planthopper in different phenotypes of japonica/indica doubled haploid rice lines. Rice Science 12(2): 133-136. pdf
7158 Sheng, X.Q., F.C. Zhang, H.X. Xu, X.S. Zhang, G.H. Chen, and Z.X. Lu. 2010 Resistance performance of rice varieties (combinations) to brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens, in paddy field. Chinese Journal of Rice Science (5): 535-538. Chinese Journal of Rice Science 24(5): 535-538. pdf
8077 Kassai, T. and K. Ozaki. 1984 Resistance patterns in the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal (Hemiptera : Delphacidae), after selection with carbaryl and propoxur. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology 28(1): 20-24.[Japanese] pdf
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